Dish won't even answer their phones now / pissed football fans?

A lot!

If nobody called, there would be less presser on Dish to come to a resolution and the channels would stay off.

Calling to complain, threatening to cancel your service helps Dish come to a resolution.

If you don't call, Dish thinks it's ok and will hold out longer.

The only Thing Dish really cares about is when you pay your bill

And Comcrap and Deceased TV really "care" about their customers and not the money. You contract with two of the greediest companies in the country yet you call Dish greedy.
Great post...I feel the same
Dish uses the excuse for these disputes as a means to keep prices lower, yet they increase every year for less channels
Are they going to issue customers credit during these disputes....of course not

What are message boards for if not to vent.....freedom of speech.....remember
If you can find a lower price elsewhere that doesn't have an asterisk, why are you still with Dish?
When you have no more channels to offer what will your excuses be then?

Dish is nothing but a tv provider and this BS has gone on for years.

I have spent a ton of bucks and the general idea is a happy viewer.
Instead it's endless take off my channels.
Some years back I lost CBS for 1 year.
NO NCAA March Madness. I really want to thank DISH for that wonderful experience of not seeing any of it at home.

I don't care one bit about any large company.
Directv, Dish, Cable, Apple, etc. I just want to view tv.

Internet TV will mature quickly and then Dish and Directv will both have nothing to offer over the competition.

You might think you're doing a favor but I'm not happy about losing my Fox Sports Nets, FS1, FS2, HBO, Big 10, Fox Deportes.....

My patience with Dish is pretty much gone.

I've heard the arguments for Dish for years but nothing changes.

And this includes my bill going up EVERY YEAR.

Tried calling Dish a few minutes ago AGAIN and got the same block.
Only an automated. No humans to help. Gotta wonder if football fans finally had enough and you just locked your phones down??

To those who always are like broken record in blind support for dish.
Couldn't care less about your spin on things.

All I want are the channels I want.
And at the moment the choices are limited.
Directv sucks these days massively.

I am waiting for Internet choices to overtake satllite and cable.
It will happen sooner than most of us expect.

Why don't you cry? Dish did not TAKE those channels down. The CHANNELS blocked Dish from broadcasting them because their contracts expired and they want an exorbitant raise in fees to PROVIDE thier content to Dish to rebroadcast to it's subscribers. You complain about your bill going up, what the do YOU think would happen if Dish gave in and paid them, and then every OTHER contract that came up. How do you think YOUR bill would look?? My bill goes up, I call Dish, I speak reasonably and nicely and I get my bill lowered. In May they lowered it $38.00 and gave me a $40.00 credit for my trouble!

You throwing a temper tantrum on a public forum in a section for Dish subscribers and installers to talk about Dish is NOT bringing your channels back. So quit!!! Go to DTV - who are ALSO in disputes with broadcasters and missing channel. Who many people complain raise their bill every few months. Who have invested nothing in new technology in years. There's your spin! So lighten up, Francis!
I've Accelerated my research to enter the cord cutting club. Too many red flags...DI$H TV points the finger at the other guy, again, for not being able to negotiate a deal.
Good luck! Let me know when you find the best arrangement of apps to get everything
If you can find a lower price elsewhere that doesn't have an asterisk, why are you still with Dish?
Because I don't want people in my house that do a jack leg job. The dish installers were bad enough taking every short cut they could, leaving cable laying on the ground in the crawl space, scratching up the walls. Things that maybe wouldn't bother you.
And Comcrap and Deceased TV really "care" about their customers and not the money. You contract with two of the greediest companies in the country yet you call Dish greedy.

The greed from Dish comes from a single man who owns 51% of the company.

If Dish wasn't greedy, I would still have my residuals and be working with them today.

DeathStar and Comcast are a board of directors.

AT&T never has a problem paying me. When AT&T screws up and over pays us, they take it back over several months, or sometimes they don't at all.

Dish on the other hand wants their money back immediately after discovering the over payment.

Thank god I don't have to play by Dish Networks dumb rules anymore or be under their control.
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The greed from Dish comes from a single man who owns 51% of the company.

If Dish wasn't greedy, I would still have my residuals and be working with them today.

DeathStar and Comcast are a board of directors.

AT&T never has a problem paying me. When AT&T screws up and over pays us, they take it back over several months, or sometimes they don't at all.

Dish on the other hand wants their money back immediately after discovering the over payment.

Thank god I don't have to play by Dish Networks dumb rules anymore or be under their control.

AT&T may not have that issue, as it may not be contract time. According to AT&T, they going to be renewing a lot of contracts in 2020, so expect a lot of disputes.
Why don't you cry? Dish did not TAKE those channels down. The CHANNELS blocked Dish from broadcasting them because their contracts expired and they want an exorbitant raise in fees to PROVIDE thier content to Dish to rebroadcast to it's subscribers. You complain about your bill going up, what the do YOU think would happen if Dish gave in and paid them, and then every OTHER contract that came up. How do you think YOUR bill would look?? My bill goes up, I call Dish, I speak reasonably and nicely and I get my bill lowered. In May they lowered it $38.00 and gave me a $40.00 credit for my trouble!

You throwing a temper tantrum on a public forum in a section for Dish subscribers and installers to talk about Dish is NOT bringing your channels back. So quit!!! Go to DTV - who are ALSO in disputes with broadcasters and missing channel. Who many people complain raise their bill every few months. Who have invested nothing in new technology in years. There's your spin! So lighten up, Francis!

Totally agree. AT&T has stated a lot of contracts are coming up and they refuse to pay big increases. Expect a lot more of it.
Good luck! Let me know when you find the best arrangement of apps to get everything
These whiners are part of the online "Outrage Brigade". They sit around on their cans looking
for reasons to be outraged and let it fly until the next reason comes along.

All under the guise of freedom of speech.

Then there is Claude...
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The greed from Dish comes from a single man who owns 51% of the company.

If Dish wasn't greedy, I would still have my residuals and be working with them today.

DeathStar and Comcast are a board of directors.

AT&T never has a problem paying me. When AT&T screws up and over pays us, they take it back over several months, or sometimes they don't at all.

Dish on the other hand wants their money back immediately after discovering the over payment.

Thank god I don't have to play by Dish Networks dumb rules anymore or be under their control.
Yes, because Comcast and AT&T/DTV are not greedy. Noooooo. They just raise the bill to exorbitant rates because of their constant reinventing of their technology - which they don't do and the growing list of services they provide - which is not growing. Dish still has the lowest rates, the best equipment and technology and steadily adds features to their receivers. And there are TWO sides to EVERY story and Claude, I think you're leaving out a lot of details to make your story look better. You're like a jilted lover that screwed up and can't get over it
Dish is horrible with sports channels especially, I'm in NY and I haven't had SNY (Mets) for many years (I'd guess 7-8) because they said SNY wanted an unfair amount and then recently we lost YES (Yankees) for a similar reasons. If it wasn't for the fact that my roommate is the one who pays for TV so he chooses what provider we get, i would have switched years ago.. I will say that I haven't been affected by a dispute that removed channels in several years. That being said it happens on all providers cable, satellite, fiber TV.

DISH never had YES so they didn't drop it. Just as Directv and DISH never added the newer LA Dodgers RSN for the same reasons. The three RSN's in NY were at the time expensive to the extreme let alone now. I was happy when DISH did not put that cost on us. Second your own post illustrates what DISH said. They looked over how many subs they had there, how many would likely leave and figured out the best thing was to not carry those RSN's - and here we are your roommate has DISH.
As I recall YES wanted to be on the lowest level and be paid for every single sub DISH had, kind of like ESPN. While there are many Yankees fans out there all over the country there aren't enough of them outside the NY area to even think about that being fair to the vast majority of the subs. They wouldn't back down on that demand and DISH said no thank you as did most of the DISH subs...
They just raise the bill to exorbitant rates
OK, so I got curious what the price difference was between Dish & Direct. I just went to their websites (because these companies always present ALL the facts to the public, right) and here's what I found...

Dish Top 120: $60/month
Direct Select (155+): $60

Dish Top 120+: $70
Direct Entertainment (160+): $65

Dish Top 200: $80
Direct Choice (185+): $70

Dish Top 250: $90
Direct Xtra (235+): $80

Direct Ultimate (250+): $85
Direct Premier: (330+): $135

I did not look through each package to see what channels match up. So it's possible if there's a specific channel you want to see, it could be available in a lower package on one or the other. I also know that Dish's prices are two year locks and Directs are one year. But I'll be honest, it doesn't really look like Dish (at the least the customers) are really benefiting from all this "hard ball" negotiation that's been going on for years.
Why don't you cry? Dish did not TAKE those channels down. The CHANNELS blocked Dish from broadcasting them because their contracts expired and they want an exorbitant raise in fees to PROVIDE thier content to Dish to rebroadcast to it's subscribers. You complain about your bill going up, what the do YOU think would happen if Dish gave in and paid them, and then every OTHER contract that came up. How do you think YOUR bill would look?? My bill goes up, I call Dish, I speak reasonably and nicely and I get my bill lowered. In May they lowered it $38.00 and gave me a $40.00 credit for my trouble!

You throwing a temper tantrum on a public forum in a section for Dish subscribers and installers to talk about Dish is NOT bringing your channels back. So quit!!! Go to DTV - who are ALSO in disputes with broadcasters and missing channel. Who many people complain raise their bill every few months. Who have invested nothing in new technology in years. There's your spin! So lighten up, Francis!
Ummm.. reality check... ultimately it's up to the "provider" to provide the channels. You're so sensitive that you call others "ignorant" and wishing them to cry... bwaa ha ha..
Lost in the fact of trying to keep costs down that if they don't provide channels that people want.. they'll look elsewhere.

When long time customers leave ... channels leave.. little will be left.
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OK, so I got curious what the price difference was between Dish & Direct. I just went to their websites (because these companies always present ALL the facts to the public, right) and here's what I found...

Dish Top 120: $60/month
Direct Select (155+): $60

Dish Top 120+: $70
Direct Entertainment (160+): $65

Dish Top 200: $80
Direct Choice (185+): $70

Dish Top 250: $90
Direct Xtra (235+): $80

Direct Ultimate (250+): $85
Direct Premier: (330+): $135

I did not look through each package to see what channels match up. So it's possible if there's a specific channel you want to see, it could be available in a lower package on one or the other. I also know that Dish's prices are two year locks and Directs are one year. But I'll be honest, it doesn't really look like Dish (at the least the customers) are really benefiting from all this "hard ball" negotiation that's been going on for years.

That second year price for DirecTV is a big jump, plus I believe they have a RSN fee and Dish does not ( things could change once they settle with Sinclair's Fox Sports), also Box Fees could be different between the two and can really add to the monthly charge.
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Yes, because Comcast and AT&T/DTV are not greedy. Noooooo. They just raise the bill to exorbitant rates because of their constant reinventing of their technology - which they don't do and the growing list of services they provide - which is not growing. Dish still has the lowest rates, the best equipment and technology and steadily adds features to their receivers. And there are TWO sides to EVERY story and Claude, I think you're leaving out a lot of details to make your story look better. You're like a jilted lover that screwed up and can't get over it

Yeah lowest rates because they don't carry half the channels your supposed to get. If all you want is Tv, the price might be lower, but most people have this service called INTERNET, which last time I checked DISH does not offer.

So in most cases, after you buy your internet from a 3rd party provider such as Comcast, AT&T, Spectrum or Cox and combine it with Dish Tv service, the price is actually more money than if you got everything from the cable company.

I can do Comcast right now for about $115/mo including (2) televisions, DVR, 125 channels, 200 meg internet (including regional sports) after taxes and a rental modem for $115/mo.

If you have your own modem it's $102

Can Dish do that?

When the 2 years expire, they will let you do another 2 year agreement.

Will Dish do that? Or do they want to play their existing customer higher prices game?

No HBO, No Fox Sports, No Big Ten... Too many channels to try to list.

When I started selling Dish back in 1997, it was truly an amazing company. $19.99 was the every day low price, and people where lining up at my door to sign up.

Over the past 22 years, what once was a young boy from Tennessee who wanted to own a satellite company, turned into a corporate multi billion dollar greedy millionaire.

You may think your getting a low price, but the fees will suffocate you to death.

I never heard of customers paying $5 for not having a receiver connected to a phone line, or better yet a $5 fee if you don't have a DVR.

The turning point for me was when they simplified receiver fees and charged $17 for a 722. My bill went up $50 since I had 6 on my account.

The best Dish could do for me was suggest they downgrade me to 612's

Quit trying to defend them... you know they screwed up this time. It's no longer the great company it was 10 years ago.
I'd have paid whatever for Mav.. for Boston sports.. for whatever channel is dumped next. Make it al la carte... I'll pay for whatever you wanna charge. No issue at all. Make it not available, I'll look elsewhere.. even after investing in the "best hardware". The dish defenders are blind.
I'd have paid whatever for Mav.. for Boston sports.. for whatever channel is dumped next. Make it al la carte... I'll pay for whatever you wanna charge. No issue at all. Make it not available, I'll look elsewhere.. even after investing in the "best hardware". The dish defenders are blind.

What good is having what you may consider the best hardware, if you can't get the channels you want.

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