DISH wins a court battle (at least for now)

The state issues me a medical card prescribed by a doctor, and I purchase medical quality pot.
That's what I thought. However, the current system of issuing medicinal use cards is ripe for abuse.
Any Kind of Pain?
In addition, many of the state medical marijuana laws contain language that allows other conditions to be added to the list of approved conditions if the patient or the doctor determines that marijuana brings relief when no other medical treatment can.
This loophole in the law has also brought about opportunities for abuse of the system, especially in California, where lobby groups have successfully added so many diseases and conditions to the list to the point that almost anyone in any kind of pain whatsoever can get a medical marijuana card.

Closing the Loopholes
In Montana, where lawmakers say the abuse of the system has gotten "out of control," a subcommittee has been working to rewrite the medical marijuana law to try to plug some of the loopholes. Legislators are skeptical that 20,000 state residents suddenly have debilitating medical conditions.
"I guess everybody who gets sick moves to Missoula," said Rep. Penny Morgan, R-Billings. More than 25% of those with marijuana prescriptions in Montana are between the ages of 21 and 30.

"What I hear from the public is that they don't believe that many 20-year-olds have conditions that are so pressing they need a medical marijuana card. They just don't buy it," Morgan told the Independent Record.
There is always abusers. Just like the pill popper that goes to the hospital and "needs" some Vicodin. There are less health risks with pot then with pills or any other medicine, so I really feel it should be legalized
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Could you clarify this? Seems self contradictory.

"Pot" has been shown to have medical benefits.

The federal government has been lying to us on this topic for years. To the detriment of many, including children.

It is FAR less harmful than alcohol.

And I'm not a user. But when legal, I'll buy a cookie or a brownie or such. And I wait only because I have too much to lose.

3 issues

#1 The law is the law, meaning that if its legal in your state for you to smoke pot for whatever purpose, what you do when your off of work should not effect your job. As long as you don't smoke it on the job, or before you have to report to work then I have no issue.

#2 I do believe marijuana has healing abilities.

#3 I do not agree with system we have in place with the allowances for medical purposes. I drive by 6 of these places on my way to work in Detroit, yet none by my house in the suburbs. So the whole system with patients and care givers is pretty much one big scam. Out of 100 people receiving medical marijuana maybe 3 actually might need it to treat a medical condition.

It almost seems like it's easier to get medical marijuana than it is for prescription pain killers.
The state issues me a medical card prescribed by a doctor, and I purchase medical quality pot.
It seems odd that many of these "doctors" make a living prescribing medical marijuana and sometimes, without even seeing the patient. The big Portland (Oregon) newspaper did a story on the doctors who wrote prescriptions in the state and found that there were 37 doctors who wrote prescriptions for more than 450 patients. Nine of the doctors combined to write over 28,000 prescriptions and in doing so, claimed to be the patients Primary Care Physician and seeing as many as 80 patients per day.

It is also folly to suggest that marijuana can be declared as "medical quality".
#1 The law is the law, meaning that if its legal in your state for you to smoke pot for whatever purpose, what you do when your off of work should not effect your job. As long as you don't smoke it on the job, or before you have to report to work then I have no issue.

#2 I do believe marijuana has healing abilities.

#3 I do not agree with system we have in place with the allowances for medical purposes. I drive by 6 of these places on my way to work in Detroit, yet none by my house in the suburbs. So the whole system with patients and care givers is pretty much one big scam. Out of 100 people receiving medical marijuana maybe 3 actually might need it to treat a medical condition.
I take issue with some of your issues.

Getting intoxicated at home doesn't go away the instant you get to work.

I don't think it has been establish that marijuana "heals" but it does seem to have other medical benefits.

The system isn't broken outside of a failure to review itself. There should be considerably more oversight on the doctors that are writing these scripts.
There is more oversight on doctors that wrote the recommendations(they don't actually write prescriptions, they write recommendations and the state approves and sends out a medical card to go to the dispensary, where one has to show said valid card and purchase their product (AZ is up to 2 1/2 oz every 2 weeks) using cash. I was amazed in Colorado, they accept debit cards, but not credit cards. AZ only does cash. AZ also protects medical patients as if marijuana was the same as any other prescribed medicine, and one cannot be fired based on the way the law is currently written. We are the only state that has it set up that way so far. Whatever your personal beliefs may be, unless you are a doctor, you unfortunately do not get to tell a medical patient if it is or isn't helping them. Although mine is written for my leg(multiple surgeries and more metal than ankle) I use it before bed to help with my sleep(PTSD) that I received from combat in Iraq. The fact that I was on 7 different drugs, one of which just lost a lawsuit and are paying out for causing diabetes, and now I am on zero, and get better longer, sounder, more comfortable sleep with pot should really be an eye opener.
I'll add a little more input seeing this thread is receiving a ton of leeway.

Heroin related deaths have been climbing fast since the crackdown on prescription pain killers started. These pain killers are destroying lives. There is a safe and effective pain relief alternative that is kept illegal, mostly for political reasons. There are logistical issues, but they can likely be addressed.
I'll add a little more input seeing this thread is receiving a ton of leeway.

Heroin related deaths have been climbing fast since the crackdown on prescription pain killers started. These pain killers are destroying lives. There is a safe and effective pain relief alternative that is kept illegal, mostly for political reasons. There are logistical issues, but they can likely be addressed.

We lost a son to heroin, a wonderful and loving son. There are shootings every day in the Pittsburgh area over these turf wars. These dealers just think about making money. They are ruining lives and don't care. No mercy should be given to them when arrested.
I use it before bed to help with my sleep(PTSD) that I received from combat in Iraq ... and now I am on zero, and get better longer, sounder, more comfortable sleep with pot should really be an eye opener.

I am so sorry about your PTSD, but I'm glad that you have found a way to get some relief from it. I would thank you for your service, but when people thank me for mine (Vietnam era), I feel uncomfortable. I read an excellent response for when someone thanks us for our service: "You're welcome, but doing one's duty does not require a 'thank you'".

Best of luck to you, and I hope that you continue to improve.
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I am so sorry about your PTSD, but I'm glad that you have found a way to get some relief from it. I would thank you for your service, but when people thank me for mine (Vietnam era), I feel uncomfortable. I read an excellent response for when someone thanks us for our service: "You're welcome, but doing one's duty does not require a 'thank you'".

Best of luck to you, and I hope that you continue to improve.
I understand and agree completely. The marijuana does help quite a bit as long as taken as needed. I don't hate people that smoke it everyday, and abusingn it is as hard as abusing alcohol and cigarettes in my opinion. Me smoking pot before bed doesn't affect my daily life when I haven't smoked.
I read an excellent response for when someone thanks us for our service: "You're welcome, but doing one's duty does not require a 'thank you'".
In a self-righteous world, it is increasingly extraordinary to perform what was once expected.

Would "I appreciate the sacrifices you made" make you feel less uncomfortable?
I am so sorry about your PTSD, but I'm glad that you have found a way to get some relief from it. I would thank you for your service, but when people thank me for mine (Vietnam era), I feel uncomfortable. I read an excellent response for when someone thanks us for our service: "You're welcome, but doing one's duty does not require a 'thank you'".

Best of luck to you, and I hope that you continue to improve.

Times have changed with attitudes toward Vets. On the ride home from Nam, a friend warned me about what to expect upon arrival in California. It wasn't pretty. Luckily we landed 3 AM and the protesters were sleeping. I was drafted and wondered why someone would belittle me and I had no choice in the matter. Even though I didn't want to go, I was proud.

I now wear a hat on which is displayed my 101st Airborne patch, 1st Air Cavalry patch and my Combat Infantry Badge. I would never wear this hat years ago. When people say "Thank you for your service", I don't know how to respond. I have too many bad memories of years ago.

Even the VA got better. I almost lost a finger. When I went to them years ago, I was treated like s%#t. Totally different now, for the better.
Times have changed with attitudes toward Vets. On the ride home from Nam, a friend warned me about what to expect upon arrival in California. It wasn't pretty. Luckily we landed 3 AM and the protesters were sleeping. I was drafted and wondered why someone would belittle me and I had no choice in the matter. Even though I didn't want to go, I was proud.

I now wear a hat on which is displayed my 101st Airborne patch, 1st Air Cavalry patch and my Combat Infantry Badge. I would never wear this hat years ago. When people say "Thank you for your service", I don't know how to respond. I have too many bad memories of years ago.

Even the VA got better. I almost lost a finger. When I went to them years ago, I was treated like s%#t. Totally different now, for the better.
That is the part of the experience that is hard. I am proud of my service, but I do not need recognition for what I did. If you really wanna thank a vet, I usually buy them a beer and just shoot the ish with them.
The feds need to change pot from a schedule 1 drug on the same level as cocaine, to a lesser schedule level like alcohol and this whole issue goes away. Then the states, like Colorado and Washington , can legally sell pot and not run afoul of federal laws. Also imagine how many people could leave prison, who are in their now for nothing more than smoking pot and having some in their possession. They should of done this a few years back. There, I solved your problems America. Your welcome.:wave

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