Dish-Well, no new HD, see ya

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LOL. You guys are brutal. Bottom line is, do whatever makes you happy. To be honest, if I had a cable option worth a crap, I would have it, guaranteed. But since I don't, *E is the next best thing and for now. I'm happy. Seriously, if you've dumped E* and are happy, more power to ya. Some of us just don't have the opportunity. Still, if I left, I don't think I would bash *E. They are doing the best they can and I believe overall, doing a good job. Take care.
Well, after everything, Comcast did not show up ( install was set up 12pm-2pm), I am pretty pissed, I own my own business and after 20 years that is the biggest thing, do not piss off the customer, no call, no show, a*****es in my book.
bruce said:
Well, after everything, Comcast did not show up ( install was set up 12pm-2pm), I am pretty pissed, I own my own business and after 20 years that is the biggest thing, do not piss off the customer, no call, no show, a*****es in my book.
Find a Comcast forum and flame them now.
bruce said:
Well, after everything, Comcast did not show up ( install was set up 12pm-2pm), I am pretty pissed, I own my own business and after 20 years that is the biggest thing, do not piss off the customer, no call, no show, a*****es in my book.

LMAO! Guy here had the same issue with Comcast. Install was supposed to be between 2 and 5pm. They finally got there at 7pm after about 5 calls to them and their management.

I had the same trouble with *D (3 no shows), that's why I ended up going with *E.
Well, after getting a hold of my sales rep, I found out they changed my time from today to monday without calling me, after bitching at him he said he would get in touch with his boss, he called me back and said, get this, "good news I pulled some strings and got it set up for Thursday", I , of course, freaked out and said I have to work tomorrow, that is why it was set up for today, my day off, he then goes sorry about that but it is no problem for tomorrow again like that would make me happy, I said no way in hell that was going to happen, I WORK THURSDAY, to him, I then said this install would take all of five min. to do, just bring the boxes, I'll do the rest, he then goes " we can do that, we will bring them out thursday for you, I just could not take it anymore and hung up.
Well, after b*t*hing at the rep, saying to him forget it, I am sticking with E*, next thing I know 6pm comes and two techs are at my door, and for saying sorry, they upgraded the regular HD box to another 6412 HD-DVR at no extra charge.
Now for Comcast vs. E*
Analog sucks, but the analog channels are now being moved over to digital here, they are to be done by 3-1-05 ( some channels are there already.)
Digital Cable vs. E*, sorry, C* wins by a big margin, a lot sharper.
HD on C* vs. E*-looks the same, Ken H at AVS also lives in the Metro Detroit Area and he said that Comcast here does not down-convert the picture.
On-Demand on C* rocks, just checking it out and there are tons of free stuff on, DBS has a lot of catching up to do to match this.
E* was awful to cancel with, on hold forever, explain way I wished to cancel to 3 diff. persons, they then said if I don't cancel they will upgrade my 501 to the 508 and they will forget about the $100.00 charge, wow, then at the end they brought up the $25.00 charge to come back, yep, that's a good way of getting people to come back.

I know cable is different every where else, but here where it is newly built out it is a lot different then when I left them 7 years ago, I have to thank DBS for that, for pushing cable to become better.
Hope you Dish dumpers get good PQ, it's a crap shoot with cable, even Commiecast varies from neighborhood to neighborhood in the same city. At least Dish has the best HD PQ of any provider out there, and that's why I will keep the HD pack. Well, plus there is no way in Hell I am going to give up HDNET.
DarrellP said:
Well, plus there is no way in Hell I am going to give up HDNET.

Amen to that brother. HDNet blows me away everytime I turn to it. Litereally. sometimes I think my Sony LCD conspires with my 921 to view that channel on it's own when I'm not looking.
I saw a little of K2 on HDNET this morning before work, and all I can say is WOW!!!
I'd seen it before, but not in HD on my big screen, what a difference!!
You're smoking crack

To say Dish has the best HD PQ is really funny!!!

First of all, of the three flavors I've tried (at the same time)
OTA was the best
Adelphia cable was the second best
Dish was slightly worse than Adelphia.

However, you also need to add to that the fact that Dish has crap for HD content. Adelphia - on top of better PQ - gives me all my networks except temporarily Fox, locally in HD, HDNet, InHD, etc. About twice as much content.

It really does vary by location. But, every location is gradually getting better. Dish is getting, well, worse.

DarrellP said:
Hope you Dish dumpers get good PQ, it's a crap shoot with cable, even Commiecast varies from neighborhood to neighborhood in the same city. At least Dish has the best HD PQ of any provider out there, and that's why I will keep the HD pack. Well, plus there is no way in Hell I am going to give up HDNET.
wmhjr said:
To say Dish has the best HD PQ is really funny!!!

First of all, of the three flavors I've tried (at the same time)
OTA was the best
Adelphia cable was the second best
Dish was slightly worse than Adelphia.

However, you also need to add to that the fact that Dish has crap for HD content. Adelphia - on top of better PQ - gives me all my networks except temporarily Fox, locally in HD, HDNet, InHD, etc. About twice as much content.

It really does vary by location. But, every location is gradually getting better. Dish is getting, well, worse.

Speaking of crack, why don't you put that pipe down for a minute. ;) You can't apply your individual situation to anyone else. Of the satellite providers E* has the best HD PQ. DarrellP has both V* and E* so he is in a very good position to compare (D* continues to provide HD-Lite). OTA will always vary widely, even within the same general location. As far a cable, the POS provider where Darrell lives is the same Podunk company as mine. They offer NO HD. :(

Wel too bad that they showed up. You could have said "OK" to Thursday, then went to work. When they call asking where you are, say you moved the appointment to Monday, but didn't call them.
wmhjr said:
To say Dish has the best HD PQ is really funny!!!

First of all, of the three flavors I've tried (at the same time)
OTA was the best
Adelphia cable was the second best
Dish was slightly worse than Adelphia.

However, you also need to add to that the fact that Dish has crap for HD content. Adelphia - on top of better PQ - gives me all my networks except temporarily Fox, locally in HD, HDNet, InHD, etc. About twice as much content.

It really does vary by location. But, every location is gradually getting better. Dish is getting, well, worse.

Hey dude, why do you still hang out in the dish forums? Isn't there a cable forum you can go hang out in to bash *E?
Maybe to show some unbiased information????

Maybe you ought to read the last part of my post? You know, the part where it says "It really does vary by location."
Did you READ my post?

The part where it says it varies by location?

One thing I've noticed around here is that apparently it's not OK to criticize Dish for anything. Slam cable all you want - but NO - don't upset the Dish fanatics!

Look, I've given Dish credit where credit is due. Examples? I've consistently said the UI for the 5xx series units is great - for what it is. I've said that if you don't need OTA or network HD, the 921 works great. I've given clear examples of data driven comparisons. I've consistently said that while Dish is consistent wherever you are, cable quality varies greatly.

Apparently, that's not good enough for some of you. Too bad.

NightRyder said:
Speaking of crack, why don't you put that pipe down for a minute. ;) You can't apply your individual situation to anyone else. Of the satellite providers E* has the best HD PQ. DarrellP has both V* and E* so he is in a very good position to compare (D* continues to provide HD-Lite). OTA will always vary widely, even within the same general location. As far a cable, the POS provider where Darrell lives is the same Podunk company as mine. They offer NO HD. :(

I have a question, does anyone know exactly (monthly date if possible) when E* will add more HD. Charlie has got to have ABC and NBC by the end of the year at least. I mean, cmon SBC/2wire has released specs on the media portal for dish (which will probably work and work well! unlike E's equipment), but I still see no dates. I mean E's got the wagon mention now from 2wire ( and an awesome wagon it is!), but still no damn horse. What's the deal?
wmhjr said:
Maybe you ought to read the last part of my post? You know, the part where it says "It really does vary by location."

You attack a previous poster, use your own unique circumstance to try to rebut his statement, then try to squirm away from that rebuttal by throwing in that crap at the end? Complete BS.

BTW - I have no positive or negative emotional attachment to any service provider. Everyone needs to choose what works best for them. I hope you get over your severance issues with Dish and enjoy your new superior HD provider.

Why can't some people be happy with their choice and just move on?

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