rad said:Please tell me why people shouldn't bash E*??? If they had shown that they could actually get a product out that worked, on time and had all the advertised features up and running I might agree with you. But based on their past track record bashing is mild compared to what really should happen to them.
bsic said:You are right. NONE of thier products work. Sorry to interject- please keep bashing them based on your experiences and dont give them a chance to recover. After all, they are one of the few companies world wide that have had "issues". Go get em!
beejaycee said:Dish has a definite, established pattern. It probably is kind of negative to expect bad results but if I were betting my hard-earned cash, I would not be betting on them having a flawless roll-out. Personally, I hope I'm wrong. The more pressure Charlie keeps on, the lower consumer prices will be. But there have been some HUGE missteps recently, IMO. And better to bash them based on experience as opposed to what my cousin's sister's roommate's hairdresser said!