I have had the hoppers since inception, and a few years back was a Beta tester for them even. I have yet to have a failed receiver, but I still keep the EHD connected for the purpose of "what if". Even though I have been lucky with all the subscribed equipment with Dish, I have seen others have failures. With TWC, they had failures while I was with them. I had a computer HDD crash, and an external in Iraq. Computer electronics are bound to go at sometime, so security is always good to have. Advantage to Dish... I am now a sub to Netflix and can catch a lot of my shows, plus the kids marathon I have right now(since the gf won't let me play my shows in the living room while the kids are in there) to add to the value. Also, I watch OITNB effortlessly, where it required a second remote for my AVR inputs.