dish support really blows


Original poster
Oct 30, 2022
chicago land area
well i am new here, after all the trouble with dish support, overseas screen readers. i have 8 months left on contract. i want to know ways to cut ties with dish network.
i have had 4 hoppers replaced, they send out newbies to try to fix issues. told best signal possible, 1 time advanced tech on phone and he said i have terrible signal looking at box on his end. sent newbie tech out and claimed he adjusted dish and when looking in Diagnostic window, it showed same signal. out of the 4 hoppers replaced i was unable to save recordings to external hard drive. why do they put cheap hard drives in there units also.
I AM JUST DONE WITH DISH, there service is worst i have ever dealt with out of all my years watching any tv service. i could go on and on about the service i received.
how do i cut ties with dish and not have to pay for remainder of contract ?
anybody help me out with this ?
thanks and have a good day
i'm just done, can't get the taste out of my mouth, its that bad
how do i cut ties with dish and not have to pay for remainder of contract ?

1. Ask them. Given your documented failure rate with them and what it might cost them in the future, they might just let you go.

2. Get new service from another provider. I think I saw where Spectrum will pay off your contract. Maybe others will also.

3. Just quit paying your bill. Send equipment back. Face the credit consequences.
If you can't figure out a way to check your dish alignment, I can't help you with that, but I'm curious about you saying you went through 4 receivers. Are they all just getting poor signal, or are they dying in some other way? If they're dying, I'd be a little worried that maybe your house wiring has a bad neutral and all the current is going through the ground connection, or something of that nature.
I agree there may be something else in play with this problem. I've had two Hoppers in service since 2013, including one that's traveled extensively in our motorhome, without a single failure. I've had cables fail and an LNB fail, but not the Hoppers. In the 14 years total I've had Dish, I've never called CS for anything more serious than changing our service address before that feature was added to the MyDish app. Why is my Dish experience so good while a few others seem to have terrible experiences? Granted I do my own installations, dish alignments, etc, but there has to be more to it than that.
I agree there may be something else in play with this problem. I've had two Hoppers in service since 2013, including one that's traveled extensively in our motorhome, without a single failure. I've had cables fail and an LNB fail, but not the Hoppers. In the 14 years total I've had Dish, I've never called CS for anything more serious than changing our service address before that feature was added to the MyDish app. Why is my Dish experience so good while a few others seem to have terrible experiences? Granted I do my own installations, dish alignments, etc, but there has to be more to it than that.
Same for me. I think static electricity might be another issue causing problems.
Just pay the cancellation fee. That will get rid of the taste in your mouth. Or, it may just change the flavor!

All kidding aside, pay the approx $160 cancellation fee and go with something like youtubetv and you've basically got your money back in 3-4 months and no longer have a commitment for any service.
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If you can't figure out a way to check your dish alignment, I can't help you with that, but I'm curious about you saying you went through 4 receivers. Are they all just getting poor signal, or are they dying in some other way? If they're dying, I'd be a little worried that maybe your house wiring has a bad neutral and all the current is going through the ground connection, or something of that nature.
hi, house wiring is fine, i have TING thru insurance company and it monitors my electrical continuously. i even put unit on other leg of power coming into house. all the boxes failed and was told hard drives have died. 1 contractor told me they have a bad batch of hard drives and give them out with knowing there bad. you have a problem fix it, don't make your customers go thru hell cause your cheap. 1 contractor can't figure out why so many hard drives also. he did find that the original wire from dish and splitter was wrong and fixed that.
go to whisker labs and check out TING and you will see how it monitors the electric system.
i think my biggest complaint is every time something goes north i have to call in and get the idiots over seas who read screens and don't understand the equipment. its like they talk down to you. i always do restarts, button or turning power off to restart before calling in and they can't understand that i know how how this system works. been reading way before i decided to get dish.
here is a good 1, called in early 1 morning and can't remember why but was sent to advanced tech, he said signal was very bad from looking at system, he sent out same install company, dish van and they claimed dish was misaligned, well it was 1 of 2 guys who installed it. found out later 1 was there for only 3 months and training the other guy. week later had same issues i think and called in again, told signal issues again and sent out same kids again. he said someone forgot to tighten the dish down, know get you he was the one training the other. now out of unit replaced, 1 shipped and others where of truck. so the truck had the bad units,.
why you get treated like crap and you know when the system is going out, you tell them you have a day before it goes out and then they say well you have tv so we will send tech out in week or two and then next day it dies. no your on phone and they say you have an appointment in a week. they don't understand the service is out. screen readers with knowledge of system there supporting. when you have such bad luck as i have had, you just give up. so far i was able to stop 2 peeps from getting dish over my troubles.
anyway you all have a good day
If you can't figure out a way to check your dish alignment, I can't help you with that, but I'm curious about you saying you went through 4 receivers. Are they all just getting poor signal, or are they dying in some other way? If they're dying, I'd be a little worried that maybe your house wiring has a bad neutral and all the current is going through the ground connection, or something of that nature.
they all died with in 2 days of noticing system started acting up. read below on power for house, i have ting and contacted them and they said no issues with power.
don't know what to say. read my reply to other post
Same for me. I think static electricity might be another issue causing problems.
I have TING and they claim power is doing good, i asked them how power service is and they monitor all aspects of the power coming in and around the house lines and claim no issues with power. while others think there may be. 1 contractor told me they have bad batch of hard drives. i kinda feel its the way it is installed. they hooked it up, new techs training another tech. but the customer service, that is just unacceptable.
Same for me. I think static electricity might be another issue causing problems.
hi, i have TING and they claim there are no issues with power in house, they monitor everything in the electric system. go to whisker labs and read about ting. i even contacted them after second hard drive died. they done a watch for a week if you ask them. i have noticed since you said static, i went and looked at the dish set up out side and notice the dish is not grounded. i feel its they way its hooked up. new tech training a new tech.
hi, house wiring is fine, i have TING thru insurance company and it monitors my electrical continuously. i even put unit on other leg of power coming into house. all the boxes failed and was told hard drives have died. 1 contractor told me they have a bad batch of hard drives and give them out with knowing there bad. you have a problem fix it, don't make your customers go thru hell cause your cheap. 1 contractor can't figure out why so many hard drives also. he did find that the original wire from dish and splitter was wrong and fixed that.
go to whisker labs and check out TING and you will see how it monitors the electric system.

i think my biggest complaint is every time something goes north i have to call in and get the idiots over seas who read screens and don't understand the equipment. its like they talk down to you. i always do restarts, button or turning power off to restart before calling in and they can't understand that i know how how this system works. been reading way before i decided to get dish.
This is because most problems are ridiculously stupid fixes. Kind of like going to a doctor... they don't just assume off the bat you have a rare Caribbean disease caused by a tainted piece of fruit. They play the numbers.
here is a good 1, called in early 1 morning and can't remember why but was sent to advanced tech, he said signal was very bad from looking at system, he sent out same install company, dish van and they claimed dish was misaligned, well it was 1 of 2 guys who installed it. found out later 1 was there for only 3 months and training the other guy. week later had same issues i think and called in again, told signal issues again and sent out same kids again. he said someone forgot to tighten the dish down, know get you he was the one training the other. now out of unit replaced, 1 shipped and others where of truck. so the truck had the bad units,.
I'm not getting how you can both have bad signal and failing Hoppers. If the signal is bad, I'm uncertain how the Hoppers can be known to be bad. Also, do you live at Swamp Castle? I have a hard time thinking you are getting bad signals developing every week or so after multiple installs without either lots of trees, lots of peat, or grossfully unprofessional installers.
all the boxes failed and was told hard drives have died. 1 contractor told me they have a bad batch of hard drives and give them out with knowing there bad.
I can actually believe you about a batch of bad boxes getting out. I had one with a failing hard drive a few years ago and the replacement didn't work right from the beginning. I don't think it was the hard drive, but I'm not sure. The symptom was that channels would continuously break up as if the signal was bad, but the signal was fine. It took two tech visits to get that nonsense replaced, the first one just checked the dish.
That is weird, I have a hopper 3 that I bought in 2016, that is still hooked up to the satellite and it works for ota recordings since I no longer sub to DISH. That makes my hopper3 six years old and still going. It has never had an loss of recordings etc. I think the Hopper 3 was built better & more reliable than the Hopper with Sling.
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Schedule future programs

All my recordings on my hopper disappeared
