Dish... Subcontract installs have got to Go!!!

My installer did an awesome job and went above and beyond a "basic" install. I gave him a tip at the very end and thanked him for his work and pride in what he does. Nice guy too, glad I got him. That was over a year ago, and had no problems at all except for a bad tuner in the reciever which is not his fault, dish sent a new one out.
A wall fish is not part of a standard installation, and is deffinitly not FREE.

There are several occasions where I will do a wall fish for Free and thats only in situations where its more convient to do a wall fish, such as coming down from an attic, or repulling cable through an existing outlet on a wall.

As always a plate on an exterior wall is not considered a wall fish, its a fancy way of bringing in the cable which should not be an issue if a customer requests a plate.

I have done plenty of wall fishes and they are not all easy,some can be a true pain in the ass!
Well another installer came, while i was @ work and the wife let him in.
He went on the roof and mounted the 2 dished. Wife sys he was there 3 hours to mount 2 dishes. Single drop to one box.

Got home and the 622 was set up , i went into the installation menu and checked the signal strength...... 61.5 is @ 61% on a fairly clear day.

yesterday it got a bit cloudy and the 61.5 was lost.....

Guess i'll call for a service call:(
Even my Local Cable company that advertises everything is local is using out sourced contract workers now for installers.

Out sourced contracts is now common for ALL TV distro systems, Cable and Sat. Direct TV and Dish.
Claude Greiner said:
A wall fish is not part of a standard installation, and is deffinitly not FREE.

There are several occasions where I will do a wall fish for Free and thats only in situations where its more convient to do a wall fish, such as coming down from an attic, or repulling cable through an existing outlet on a wall.

As always a plate on an exterior wall is not considered a wall fish, its a fancy way of bringing in the cable which should not be an issue if a customer requests a plate.

I have done plenty of wall fishes and they are not all easy,some can be a true pain in the ass!
Are you saying that if you go through Dish directly, wll fishing is not free or your company charges for wall fishing?
miguelaqui said:
Are you saying that if you go through Dish directly, wll fishing is not free or your company charges for wall fishing?

Irregardless with who you go thru, I would consider wallfishing custom work. If a CSR says otherwise, that person is grossly mistaken. A sales rep is willing to say just about anything to make the sale go thru. The way things are set up now, if the install falls afterwards, the point of blame is directed at the installer generally.
I got fired today because I asked if they had another guy who was closer who could take care of one of Marketing Guru's abortions. I had 2 jobs today. A Helena service call, and a "Marianna" new connect. Well, when I called the new connect for directions, he starts telling me to go way the hell up and get on the interstate. I'm like "WTF?", and it turns out that the guy is in Marion. So I called the big bad boss man. Woke him up (at 11AM), he gets all pissed about it, ends up calling me a little bitch (LOL!), and telling me to come unload my truck.

On his best day (he doesn't have many of those), he wouldn't even dream about routing a Helena Service call with a Marion install. No way, no how. I worked for this company for 18 months, and I never had a route that F'd up. At most, you are looking at a half an hour between jobsites.

Anyway, I never said I wouldn't go do it, but he was being lazy and didn't want to fool with finding someone closer, and he got pissed when I pointed out that it was "a BS route, and you know it." It is BS. How am I supposed to make money on a route like that?

That guys an idiot. A huge gorrilla was lifted off my back today. Huge.

Then I come home to find another contract in my inbox, so I skim through it. Yada yada connectivity charge to customer......So I skipped to the end, where it talks about money. $70/$20. Figures. Delete.

Then I remembered another guy was supposed to call about a contract (he pays less than the one above, I think---he actually told me the pay "sucks", LOL!), so I email him and tell him if he's requiring phone connectivity for free, just don't even bother......

Here is that route. hee hee. That guy in Marion is pissed, I bet. You should not call your workers bitches, though. Might put yourself in a bind. BTW, I live in tunica. Somebody explain to me how Marion is on my way home from helena. That's what my boss' boss was trying to pitch to me.

Oh, and the SS8 form is ready to go to the IRS with a copy of my "employee handbook". I'ma get me some unemployment. :D

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chadzx11 said:
I got fired today because I asked if they had another guy who was closer who could take care of one of Marketing Guru's abortions. I had 2 jobs today. A Helena service call, and a "Marianna" new connect. Well, when I called the new connect for directions, he starts telling me to go way the hell up and get on the interstate. I'm like "WTF?", and it turns out that the guy is in Marion. So I called the big bad boss man. Woke him up (at 11AM), he gets all pissed about it, ends up calling me a little bitch (LOL!), and telling me to come unload my truck.

On his best day (he doesn't have many of those), he wouldn't even dream about routing a Helena Service call with a Marion install. No way, no how. I worked for this company for 18 months, and I never had a route that F'd up. At most, you are looking at a half an hour between jobsites.

Anyway, I never said I wouldn't go do it, but he was being lazy and didn't want to fool with finding someone closer, and he got pissed when I pointed out that it was "a BS route, and you know it." It is BS. How am I supposed to make money on a route like that?

That guys an idiot. A huge gorrilla was lifted off my back today. Huge.

Then I come home to find another contract in my inbox, so I skim through it. Yada yada connectivity charge to customer......So I skipped to the end, where it talks about money. $70/$20. Figures. Delete.

Then I remembered another guy was supposed to call about a contract (he pays less than the one above, I think---he actually told me the pay "sucks", LOL!), so I email him and tell him if he's requiring phone connectivity for free, just don't even bother......

Here is that route. hee hee. That guy in Marion is pissed, I bet. You should not call your workers bitches, though. Might put yourself in a bind. BTW, I live in tunica. Somebody explain to me how Marion is on my way home from helena. That's what my boss' boss was trying to pitch to me.

Oh, and the SS8 form is ready to go to the IRS with a copy of my "employee handbook". I'ma get me some unemployment. :D


Sorry to hear you got fired, but for every door that closes, a window of opportunity opens.</corney but sincere>

Good luck.
webbydude said:
Irregardless with who you go thru, I would consider wallfishing custom work. If a CSR says otherwise, that person is grossly mistaken. A sales rep is willing to say just about anything to make the sale go thru. The way things are set up now, if the install falls afterwards, the point of blame is directed at the installer generally.

NO , if you call and ask the CSR to read what is included in a standard installation, you will find out that it is indeed included, along with an attic crawl and pole mount.

If you do not believe me, then call tech support and get them to read the script to you. That is why I was able to make that contractor do the wall fishing; he knew I was correct.
Actually, I'm reading the back of all the Dish service agreements. Guess I'm kind of funny about that sort of thing when it comes to dealing with either cable or satellite companies. I only believe what I see...*in writing*. LOL At any rate, there is NOTHING stated about wallfishes.

I completely agree with Claude. The few times I have done free wallfishes is when it was convenient for me. Good example of that would be dealing with a finished basement ceiling. Lot easier to fish across that than wrapping the outside of the home. Especially if it's brick. Ugh!!
webbydude said:
Actually, I'm reading the back of all the Dish service agreements. Guess I'm kind of funny about that sort of thing when it comes to dealing with either cable or satellite companies. I only believe what I see...*in writing*. LOL At any rate, there is NOTHING stated about wallfishes.

I completely agree with Claude. The few times I have done free wallfishes is when it was convenient for me. Good example of that would be dealing with a finished basement ceiling. Lot easier to fish across that than wrapping the outside of the home. Especially if it's brick. Ugh!!
I guess it would have to be settled by someone from Soraya's office, AKA Ceo's office, explaining it to you, if a customer were to complain. Again, just call and ask if it's included. As I pointed out to the tech at my friend's house, if it is included in the script, Dish has to provide that service.
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chadzx11 said:
I got fired today because I asked if they had another guy who was closer who could take care of one of Marketing Guru's abortions. I had 2 jobs today. A Helena service call, and a "Marianna" new connect. Well, when I called the new connect for directions, he starts telling me to go way the hell up and get on the interstate. I'm like "WTF?", and it turns out that the guy is in Marion. So I called the big bad boss man. Woke him up (at 11AM), he gets all pissed about it, ends up calling me a little bitch (LOL!), and telling me to come unload my truck.

On his best day (he doesn't have many of those), he wouldn't even dream about routing a Helena Service call with a Marion install. No way, no how. I worked for this company for 18 months, and I never had a route that F'd up. At most, you are looking at a half an hour between jobsites.

Anyway, I never said I wouldn't go do it, but he was being lazy and didn't want to fool with finding someone closer, and he got pissed when I pointed out that it was "a BS route, and you know it." It is BS. How am I supposed to make money on a route like that?

That guys an idiot. A huge gorrilla was lifted off my back today. Huge.

Then I come home to find another contract in my inbox, so I skim through it. Yada yada connectivity charge to customer......So I skipped to the end, where it talks about money. $70/$20. Figures. Delete.

Then I remembered another guy was supposed to call about a contract (he pays less than the one above, I think---he actually told me the pay "sucks", LOL!), so I email him and tell him if he's requiring phone connectivity for free, just don't even bother......

Here is that route. hee hee. That guy in Marion is pissed, I bet. You should not call your workers bitches, though. Might put yourself in a bind. BTW, I live in tunica. Somebody explain to me how Marion is on my way home from helena. That's what my boss' boss was trying to pitch to me.

Oh, and the SS8 form is ready to go to the IRS with a copy of my "employee handbook". I'ma get me some unemployment. :D


And you see, that's total BS! Just because this guy can't route worth a damn. And isn't willing to admit his f*'up.

If it wasn't today, it was bound to happen some other day. I'm sure other independent installers will back me up on this when I say....find yourself a local retailer. Impress him with all that dazzle and flash. Ya know the routine. "I'm up to speed on NEC...know what Dish wants on an install....etc"
SimpleSimon said:

I only asked b/c , after talking to just one Dish installer, I do not think that Sub-contracting would be a very good job, considering you are paid by the job and have to supply your own materials!!!

At least with cable they supply you!!

I knew one guy, back in 1996, who made A LOT OF MONEY contracting for cable....he worked all the time. ...even on the weekends....He has a very nice house now!

I do know it can be tough doing rebuilds in the summer, but, when you get paid by the drop, it's not bad.

I feel sorry for those sub-contractors who have to supply their own stuff!!! Especially those jobs that take about 300 feet of cable, about 20 connectors, and a pole mount with 30 feet of trenching.
Ok, here is a copy of the "Standard Installation" and "Non-Standard Installation" guidelines downloaded off of the retailer site... about 6 months ago. If any of this has changed in the last few months I am unaware of that (thats my disclaimer) :) I printed a bunch of these off about 6 months ago and started having all of my installers carry them in their clipboards.... that way they can show the customer what is included and whats not....
I have never posted photos on here before, so here we go.... if it doesn't work you can just copy and paste the url

Still, I do not know where to look for the info, but if you call, they will tell you that the wall-fishing and pole mounts are included, when you go through Dish directly.

That's one of the little perks of Dish over cable around here, they will wall-fish.
miguelaqui said:
Wouldn't an independent installer make more working in cable?

I've contracted for both Dish and cable. The ONLY time I've made more $$ working with cable was during the winter time; i.e, slow periods. And yes, most cable contractors will pay for all supplies. Even with that "perk", I still manage to get more $$ per week. Not to mention the hours per day are a LOT less. Time Warner and least in this region....seem to have this notion that 6PM - 8PM installs are a good idea; especially in the winter. Ugh!!
miguelaqui said:
I guess it would have to be settled by someone from Soraya's office, AKA Ceo's office, explaining it to you, if a customer were to complain. Again, just call and ask if it's included. As I pointed out to the tech at my friend's house, if it is included in the script, Dish has to provide that service.
I just spoke to Dish and wall fishing is NOT on the scripts. And Soraya has been gone from the company for a long long time.

Wall Fishing is extra for those who want such an install.

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