Dish stock

The market is up largely because of good news concerning Greek default and increaed hopes for European prosperity. That really does not help DISH much since their business is in the US .

there a
If you watch the stock market too closely and try to understand what is going on, you'll only go crazy.
The answer "That is how the Stock Market Works" actually is a very correct answer. Why isn't the question asked why does a stock go up when the rest of the market is down?
Time Warner missed their earnings numbers...many companies in the TV industry therefore were punished along with TWC, whether rightly so or not. Dish, Comcast, Cablevision, Lodgenet, all were down today. If you follow stocks and earning seasons at all you would know that companies are rewarded or penalized when similar stocks report earnings in many cases. Dish is up 30.93% in the past year.
Dish is going to report 3rd quarter earnings on Nov. 7. If their earnings meet or beat Wall St's expectations, the stock will go up on that day. In the meantime, just know that the stock market is like a never ending roller coaster. It's either up, down, or flat.
Dish is going to report 3rd quarter earnings on Nov. 7. If their earnings meet or beat Wall St's expectations, the stock will go up on that day. In the meantime, just know that the stock market is like a never ending roller coaster. It's either up, down, or flat.
Or, in the case of our 401Ks, throws you for a loop.
Coach Knight said:
Time Warner missed their earnings numbers...many companies in the TV industry therefore were punished along with TWC, whether rightly so or not. Dish, Comcast, Cablevision, Lodgenet, all were down today. If you follow stocks and earning seasons at all you would know that companies are rewarded or penalized when similar stocks report earnings in many cases. Dish is up 30.93% in the past year.

Thanks for the info!

No Dish Network for me.............

Using external drive with no sat signal

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