I have a 4 digit dealer number with Echosphere. I have received "the letter" . Been dealing with them from the beginning. Replaced over 5,000 Houston Tracker ( C-band ) power supplies!! and repaired several hundred more. I have supported this company and have made my lively hood with them. With the thousands of Dish customer I have sold, I would really hope to get like $10,000-$15,000. With the promiss of "life time commisions" I could of easily retired if they were still paying that type of commision structure today. I do believe he has cheated his loyal dealers,but what's a small company like me to do? I think the class action law suite was justified and applaued the dealers that have brought this on. Guss I will just have to be satasified with the little "bump" in my commisions I hope to receive in the next few months. $1500 is better then nothing!