OK, whoever the clown is that likes to put a barking dog into these things needs to look for another line of work. The Casa one is nice though, with the possible exception of the slightly distorted music.
With the folks on here and the FB group complaining about the barking dogs from the Irish one a couple years ago to the Christmas one of 2020 to this Fall's one and on and on, don't they pay attention? Believe me I understand what goes into creating one, I'm retired from the software/hardware creating, building, writing, troubleshooting, etc computer field. One hard and fast rule is: "Don't do something just because you can, have a legitimate reason for doing it. Make certain it enhances the user's (in this case viewer's) experience." That begs the question, in what way does a barking dog enhance the viewer's experience? Quite the opposite, in fact.I like the fall scape except for the dog barking as my dogs keep barking at the dog.
Too much bitching about what people don't like about these scapes especially on their Facebook group.
I'm checking out Gallery on my Wally. Since Wally also does not have the Gallery app, I went to On Demand > Browse By Channel > See More > On Demand Subscriptions > Gallery > Dish ScapesMyDISH
I noticed that the Dishscapes info page has been updated to what you get on 199, 198, and the Gallery App. It says "Access nearly all the previous DISH scapes" - it used to say all the previous Dish Scapes. I don't have a Hopper to view the app, so I am wondering why it says nearly all the previous. What is missing?
Perhaps by process of elimination, we can figure out what's missing.
In addition to all of the ones from the list in post number 1030, the Dish Scapes shelf in the Gallery app actually adds the following:I'll check the Gallery app on my Hopper 3, to see if there are any differences from the list above.
You're right, the Hollywood one seems to be the only one missing.Thanks for posting that. Doing a quick scan, I don't see the Hollywood one on your list, unless it is called something else. That one was Feb 2022 and was in between the Wild West and the Unexplained.
The robot is very lame. Not needed at all.Well, it looks like Bigfoot shows up riding a bicycle through the town square... And the robot is dumb!
Charlie has to plug his stupid cell phone co. somehow I guess. I agree the robot is lame.The robot is very lame. Not needed at all.
Well, somebody needed to break the fourth wall, uh I mean, laser burn an ad into the fourth wall. Bringing back Mechagodzilla would have been a nice callback.The robot is very lame. Not needed at all.
He has five channels in the guide for that! They even moved from a single channel on channel 800 down to multiple channels in the 80's - 90's shopping block, to make them more prominent. If that channel placement is not noticeable enough, just duplicate them (or move them again) somewhere else in the channel lineup near popular channels.Charlie has to plug his stupid cell phone co. somehow I guess.
Wait, if there are no people left, then who is driving the vehicles? Are they driverless cars, relying on Dish's super-cool 5G network?Now that they removed the barking dogs I was watching it for awhile. And after a while it came to me, this is a color Twilight Zone. The one where the guy goes round and round in the train. An empty town void of people but with a soundtrack. Where are the people? Did the robot eat them? Did the dogs eat them then move on? Strange.