I was bored, so I decided to help put to rest the debate about the state in which this scape takes place, by timing the night scene. The sky gets totally dark around 38 minutes past the hour. Then, the sky gets light again around 50 minutes past the hour. So, that is only about 12 minutes of total darkness, or one-fifth of the sixty-minute "day." Making that proportional to a 24-hour day, one-fifth of a day would be only 4.8 hours of total darkness. Also, keep in mind that this scape supposedly takes place after July 4th, so it is not even the shortest night of the year, although still pretty close to it. Therefore, for the night to be that short, this scape must take place pretty far north. My guess would be that this farm is somewhere in the southern part of Alaska, which is not exactly where most people think of when they think "Heartland." Perhaps someone here who lives in one of the northern contiguous states (such as Minnesota, North Dakota, or Montana) can weigh in on whether a night in July lasting only 4.8 hours is fairly accurate for their area, though.