dish referral problem

I take all referrals that customers give me. I honestly don't care as long as we are getting a new activation. As a retailer that does sales and service we try to make sure we are giving the customer what they want and not what we want. I don't want that customer coming back and chewing my butt.
I take all referrals that customers give me. I honestly don't care as long as we are getting a new activation. As a retailer that does sales and service we try to make sure we are giving the customer what they want and not what we want. I don't want that customer coming back and chewing my butt.

I never had an issue with a true referral, where a friend actually refers a friend. I won't tell a customer no if they want to use one either.

The problem is that most of the referrals are done after the fact.

I had one where I was just finishing a job, and a neighbor comes over and right before in ready to activate gives my customer a club dish code. I had to then go back to the office and re-do all the paperwork and waste an hour of my time to loose $50.

The customer got their $50 club Dish credit, but I made sure to use my personal club dish code instead.
The customer got their $50 club Dish credit, but I made sure to use my personal club dish code instead.

You are a sleaze bag. You may not realize it. But, you are.

How many times have we seen people post on here with problems in not having their credits going to their account following a referral?
I take all referrals that customers give me. I honestly don't care as long as we are getting a new activation. As a retailer that does sales and service we try to make sure we are giving the customer what they want and not what we want. I don't want that customer coming back and chewing my butt.

What reason would a dealer not want to allow for the use of a referral code? It isn't any money out of your pocket is it?

The local retailer I use is pro-active about referrals and always asks a customer if they have a referral code or friend that already has the service they are wanting. And he keep some of his current customer's codes in house to use for those that don't.
What reason would a dealer not want to allow for the use of a referral code? It isn't any money out of your pocket is it?

The local retailer I use is pro-active about referrals and always asks a customer if they have a referral code or friend that already has the service they are wanting. And he keep some of his current customer's codes in house to use for those that don't.

It is a shared cost between dealer/provider & is a business expense.
You are a sleaze bag. You may not realize it. But, you are. How many times have we seen people post on here with problems in not having their credits going to their account following a referral?

That's not a referral when your installing a Dish for a customer and the neighbor runs over with a club dish card in their hand trying to get credit for a referral for their neighbor they had absolutely nothing to do with referring to Dish.

The only sleaze bag here is the neighbor for trying to run a scam at the very last minute.

Also I don't appreciate being called a sleaze bag, I have done a lot for the members on this board over the years. Show some respect.
Btw, it's a $50 hit to the dealer on Club Dish and a $75 hit to the dealer for Directv refer a friend.

I never had an issue honoring a true referral, and have even gotten a customer a referral credit when they did refer a friend and was not aware if the program

My feeling is that if you want credit for a refer a friend or club dish, call all your friends and sell them on the benefits of dish or Directv, instead of trying to be in the right place at the right time to give a club dish card or your directv account number to someone who is ready to setup anyways.
That's not a referral when your installing a Dish for a customer and the neighbor runs over with a club dish card in their hand trying to get credit for a referral for their neighbor they had absolutely nothing to do with referring to Dish.

The only sleaze bag here is the neighbor for trying to run a scam at the very last minute.

Also I don't appreciate being called a sleaze bag, I have done a lot for the members on this board over the years. Show some respect.

What is the code of ethics for diverting a reward from someone and taking the compensation yourself? You can justify to yourself, but the lack of ethics in the situation remain. Thanks for supporting the forum.
We have run into this a lot as well. The customer comes in originally on their own inquiring about Dish. We do our jobs selling it to the customer and process the paperwork. The day of the install or even days before, the customer will call us up and say that one of their friends or family members told them to use one of their referral numbers. This use to be a huge pain because we would have to redo all the paperwork but we would still try it to keep the customer happy.

Retailers hate it because it's not only more work but we get paid less from Dish. The reason we get paid less is because we supposedly didn't have to do the work of making the sale. It makes sense if a customer actually comes in with a referral and knows exactly what they want because of their friend or family member sold them.

The new system Dish has for entering in work orders is a lot better now Claude. Even if you have generated a claim and printed the paperwork you can go back in and modify it and print a new work order. It's very simple but we still lose that $50.

I'm going to have to agree with gpflepsen? on this one. What you did was very sleazebag-like and very poor business ethics there. I understand and agree with you about customers coming in at the last minute with referrals but instead of deceiving them just tell them you can't do it. All you have to do is explain to them how the referrals work. If the customer threatens to cancel the install then you can just run the referral. It's better than what you were doing.
I've always believed this....

"Don't judge me until you walk a mile in my shoes or live a day in my life"
Let me make this clear, the customer I installed got their club Dish referal.

My whole issue is that the neighbor just came over and almost cost me an entire sale, because after explaining everything that the sale was done, I was then threatened to cancel the order and they would call the number on the club Dish card. I had no choice but to end up getting robbed for $50. I had to stop what I was going, get back in my truck, go to my office and re-generate all the paperwork to add the club Dish referal code, and then drive back out to the customers house to get the proper signature.

The Neighbor puts another 2 hours of un-necessary drive time to my install, almost cost me an entire sale, Robs me of $50 and expects to be rewarded with a credit? SCREW THEM.

If the neighbor had given my customer their club Dish number before I went out, I would have used their number.
Let me make this clear, the customer I installed got their club Dish referal.

My whole issue is that the neighbor just came over and almost cost me an entire sale, because after explaining everything that the sale was done, I was then threatened to cancel the order and they would call the number on the club Dish card. I had no choice but to end up getting robbed for $50. I had to stop what I was going, get back in my truck, go to my office and re-generate all the paperwork to add the club Dish referal code, and then drive back out to the customers house to get the proper signature.

The Neighbor puts another 2 hours of un-necessary drive time to my install, almost cost me an entire sale, Robs me of $50 and expects to be rewarded with a credit? SCREW THEM.

If the neighbor had given my customer their club Dish number before I went out, I would have used their number.

I know what you're saying and it sucks. I don't think it's the right thing to do but I understand why you did it. The customer doesn't understand how the system works and they do not care as long as they get their discounts.
I will say this 1 last thing. Right or wrong & never have been to Detroit, feel pretty confident to say that it's quite different from the hills of E TN or corn fields in IA.
I will say this 1 last thing. Right or wrong & never have been to Detroit, feel pretty confident to say that it's quite different from the hills of E TN or corn fields in IA.

We have some rolling hills here in Eastern Iowa. It's quite beautiful here actually, well, not so much now with the snow we just got and the below zero temp. ;)
I got a Referral Question? I have not posted here in sometime. About two years when I was getting ready to sign up with direct I made a few post in the direct section asking for a referral number and my post were deleted almost as fast as made them and a moderator told me that was strictly forbidden. So I walked down my street and found a neighbor with a direct dish on his roof and got one from him. I now see quite a few people with signatures offering referral numbers whats up with that? Seems like a complete 180 in policy or did I just catch a moderator in a bad mood two years ago.
No it was policy here for everybody until earlier this year when Scott decided to allow this for Pub Members only. Kind of like only Pub Members get to post in the Classifieds section (as well as the Pup itself, and the Pit).

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