My gut says feed me.
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But I'm cautiously optimistic that we're going to get to an agreement with them before the next conference call.
Ok so the next conference call is when? Man I hope they hurry up and finish this deal so I can get my ESPNU in HD!!!
Ergen essentially said there'd been no forward progress to report. Cautiously optimistic simply means I hope. I wouldn't get too excited. I'd bet even if things had moved forward, he wouldn't say anything about it. I'm not sure he could say anything about it. The worse part is after spending all this time trying to predict the future, they'll still end up bickering down the road over something. I'm also not optimistic given they are still beating up one another in the NY courts. If they really were close to an agreement, I don't think they would be wasting time and money slinging mud at one another in court and possibly alienating the other side. Be afraid if they do reach an agreement because they will be back in your wallet.
Wasn't it Espn that looked over the last contract and found a loophole to take down HD channels. Maybe Dish is being extra carefull to not be shafted again.
When have they ever NOT been in our wallet? Ergen didn't have to say anything and he has been at this too long to throw words around without there being some merit to what he is putting out there. This is the most positive and direct he has been about this agreement; that is significant. I have to agree, though - why in the world are they still fighting over the AutoHop? If that part of the deal is settled (as has been hinted/reported/teased), what are they still taking about it for? That is one part of this I can't figure. Could be that the contract for renewal has nothing to do with AutoHop. Could be that both parties want a settled and definitive ruling. Could be that Dish wants the door shut on any of the other networks exploring appeals and hence figures it might as well be ABC to wear out that trail. Or it could all mean this thing is near to falling apart and starting over. He puzzled and puzzed till his puzzler was sore.
Everything points to exactly that.It just the final wording of the contract is still being worked on.
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I'm starting to get a feeling in my gut too ... perhaps the end of this saga is near.