For this being such a huge of a deal trying to be made between Disney/dish...I'm very surprised nothing has really gotten out rumors or truth
And I'm not even sure we know for sure what the hold up on an agreement is all about...... some media outlets indicate it's over "Future Digital Rights"..... and some say it's over the "Hopper Auto Skip for commercials on PTAT".... I don't think anyone really knows for sure...... but I could be wrong.
Maybe the year after
I thought Dish Soon was Patent Pending.
I'm feeling like Linus in the pumpkin patch, another college football season has come and gone without ESPN-U in HD. It's been 8 years since this network was launched and 4 since Dish has had it and we still don't have it in HD. Maybe in time for the conference basketball tournaments, but at this point I'm not holding my breathe.
I'm feeling like Linus in the pumpkin patch, another college football season has come and gone without ESPN-U in HD. It's been 8 years since this network was launched and 4 since Dish has had it and we still don't have it in HD. Maybe in time for the conference basketball tournaments, but at this point I'm not holding my breathe.
It is some BS for sure, they need to release some official news on this or give us ESPN U in HD finally once and for all!
It is some BS for sure, they need to release some official news on this or give us ESPN U in HD finally once and for all!
Well at least you stayed away from "soon"You wont get it until the new contract is signed and in effect. Could be many more months before that happens unfortunately.