Hi guys! Long term lurker, rare poster. I just wanted to give people an update on my experience with Dish Network which can save *many* of you *TONS* of money! I have been a Dish Network customer for 2.5 years now. Once my 2 year contract ended 6 months ago I immediately called to cancel given that Cablevision was offering a much better deal with their Triple Play offer. Dish immediately lowered my bill by $35 for 6 months, upgraded my Joey to a Super Joey for FREE (I now have 1 HWS, 1 Super Joey, and 2 regular Joeys), and upgraded me to the Hindi Elite package from just two Hindi channels. I have America's Top 200 package as my base. This was all done WITH NO NEW CONTRACT. My 6 month promo was scheduled to end next week so I called recently to renegotiate my terms. I once again said I wanted to cancel and was quickly offered $60 off my bill for *another* 10 months WITH NO NEW CONTRACT. They also threw in Starz, Encore, Cinemax, and the Dish Movie pack for free for 3 months. I mentioned that I was a loyal customer but concerned about the $5 price increase. I continued to state that I enjoyed my Dish Network service and would like to keep it, although the Triple Play offered to me by Cablevision would be saving me over $18 per month for similar service.
*Including* the $5 price increase to go in effect on January 14th, I will be paying a total of $76 (including taxes and fees) for my entire Dish Network service, which is a MUCH better deal than that given to new Dish customers and even cheaper than Cablevision's Triple Play. I fully intend to call back in 6-10 months to renew this deal. A 30 minute phone call to Dish can easily save you nearly $1000 over the course of the year. FYI, I have my bill on autopay, have never missed a payment, and have excellent credit. I just thought I would share my experience so others can do the same. Dish truly does care about its loyal customers if you just call in and ask!