While I know we don't talk about this here, honestly, all these ridiculous price increases are doing is making more & more customers go to account stacking, which I see all the time. (this applies to BOTH satellite providers, as well as Comcast, since they went all-digital here & do all the activation/deactivation in the set-top boxes, which makes it VERY simple now) People are to the point that if they're going to pay these ridiculous prices for TV, they may as well split it w/family & friends & then can at least justify by sharing a (lower-cost per household) pain...not really any different than sharing cell phones on family plans. They know it will be almost impossible to get caught, so it's worth the risk.
The guy that bought my previous house is using a Comcast box for TV, that his brother gave him; his brother has every channel, so the guy gets everything as well & it's only costing him $10. (the guy in my old house is paying for internet-only, though)
I've got a friend that has DVR's at BOTH his son's homes; this latest increase just made the justification for him even stronger now. In both instances, the homes the son's just bought already had current, working dishes on the homes, so it was (very) simple plug-&-play for them; since they are both very young (in early 20's) & have other expenses, they would NOT even consider paying "full-price" for a pay-TV service.