It's not a matter of offense. It's just a matter of facts.The fact that I don't care for AMC since the day it turned into just another commercial channel is irrelevant in this conversation. This the the hardest point to get across when talking about putting pressure of program providers to keep costs in check. I don't want anyone's channels to be removed either, but I also don't want to be forced to pay for others' favorite programs which reside on the "one-trick-pony channel".
They do have more than one show that's good. I know you probably could care less about awards but some people do. AMC cleans up. OK so it's not quantity but it's quality. I could care less about MTV and their programming. I bet you even of the AMC thing wouldn't have got worked out they still would have raised prices. Plus the whole AMC thing was about the law suite. I think we all should know that by now.
Look it's only TV. I don' t want to pay more either but again I pay for lots and lots of channels that I never watch. We all do that. Just because say MTV gets better ratings then this or that channel doesn't make it more fair. Really why should I have to pay for MTV? Why should I have to pay for Lifetime? That's the way it is.
I don't look at it as being forced to pay. IF and when it gets to expensive I'll drop TV. We all just subsidize each others favorite channels. For me AEP is way over priced and when my promo is over I will drop it. It is to bad we can't do that for other channels too.