$100 is my self imposed monthly limit for TV. This increase puts me at $103, and that's with the 1/2 price promo for BB@Home. Haven't decided what I'm getting rid of yet but it's either 1 receiver, BB@Home, or down to AT200 from 250.
I found that I didn't watch many of the top 250 channels , so I dropped down to top 200 about 4 or 5 year ago. As for Blockbuster@home, I watched some of the Epix channels ,but rarely watched anything else in the pack , so it was a no brainer to me to drop it in order to save another $10.00 a month. Besides if I really wanted Epix , I can pay just $7.00 a month and get all three Epix channels + the Epix drive in channel in sd too.
The BB@Home package has a lot more HD channels than just the difference between AT200 and AT250, which is why I have considered dropping AT250 for BB@Home.
Yeah, remember back when only the big 3 (at that time, before Fox local) had commercials? Now not only do cable networks have commercials, but we get to see commercials for other networks on the network we're watching! It's more commercials promos, than program. So much for "Pay TV".
Not if you have a DVR. I'm sure they are causing price increases. If you could have the old prices but have to watch commercials, would you do it? Not me! Think about the hours you save.
True BB@ home does have more channels ,but none that I found I had to watch ,other than the Epix channels. IF it means paying $10.00 more a month and I need to cut my bill down ,then BB@ home was the first to go . Top 250 has nothing that I had to have either , so it went too. I already saved $20.00 a month right there,before even looking at cutting one of my Joeys on my account. Funny, I did all that and I still have a bill that is close to $100.00 a month. So my bill is now :The BB@Home package has a lot more HD channels than just the difference between AT200 and AT250, which is why I have considered dropping AT250 for BB@Home.
True BB@ home does have more channels ,but none that I found I had to watch ,other than the Epix channels. IF it means paying $10.00 more a month and I need to cut my bill down ,then BB@ home was the first to go . Top 250 has nothing that I had to have either , so it went too. I already saved $20.00 a month right there,before even looking at cutting one of my Joeys on my account. Funny, I did all that and I still have a bill that is close to $100.00 a month. So my bill is now :
64.99 top 200
14.00 extra hopper & joey
10.00 dvr fee
09.00 1/2 price Hbo
$97.99 before TAX and Tx surcharge
Was at 108 with 722 & 612 in the fall, upgraded to 2 Hoppers 3 Joeys, dropped Superstations and now at $130. Seems like a lot.