Dish Pointing help needed- Western Arc plus wing dish


Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jan 26, 2004
I'm sure it has been covered, but I cannot find what I need to know.

We have a 1000.2 pointed to western arc 110, 119, and 129, and can't get 129 because of trees. We also have a Dish 500 pointed to 61.5. We get Kansas City locals. We are missing some of our hd channels including HGTV and Food Network and would like to get them. Is 61.5 the right east sat to point at, or should we be looking at another east coast sat?

Any help would be appreciated.
I'm no expert, but what I've gleaned from other posts in this forum is that in order to get all HD channels in a mixed arc setup, you need 110/119 and 61.5/72.7. Since your Kansas City HD locals are on both arcs, perhaps it would be best to switch over to a full Eastern Arc setup (61.5/72.7/77).
I'm sure it has been covered, but I cannot find what I need to know.

We have a 1000.2 pointed to western arc 110, 119, and 129, and can't get 129 because of trees. We also have a Dish 500 pointed to 61.5. We get Kansas City locals. We are missing some of our hd channels including HGTV and Food Network and would like to get them. Is 61.5 the right east sat to point at, or should we be looking at another east coast sat?

Any help would be appreciated.

Kansas City locals are simulcast (available on either arc), so we should be able to set you up on a full eastern arc install, therefore returning all of your channels.

Send me a PM with your phone number or account number and I'll get you taken care of
Just to update. I spotted a place a few feet over to the east that had a better view of 129, so moved the wing dish over. Never really considered that I could use it for 129 instead of 61.5. Anyway, got it going on 129 now, and getting channels we didn't know we could get.

Thanks for everyone's help.
Just to update. I spotted a place a few feet over to the east that had a better view of 129, so moved the wing dish over. Never really considered that I could use it for 129 instead of 61.5. Anyway, got it going on 129 now, and getting channels we didn't know we could get.

Thanks for everyone's help.

It's great to hear you're up and running! If you ever need anything please let us know :D

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