T-Mobile's Legere Calls Dish a Spectrum Hoarder | Light Reading
T-Mobile's Legere Calls Dish a Spectrum Hoarder

T-Mobile's Legere Calls Dish a Spectrum Hoarder

Charlie & the FCC has more to do with politics, Charlie is a big time donor to the Democrat's, He has donated very little to tbe Republicans, if anything, yet he expects the Republican's to favor him some 5G licenses. How stupid can you be to support one political organization or another and expect favors from both parties?
Sent from my SM-N950U using the SatelliteGuys app!
Yeah, some of the older civilians used to use steeple training just to scare the young troops (Air Force FF here), gotta haze the kids. I always thought it was pretty stupid as you would never do a crossover like that in real life.During training on my certification for FF, we were doing ladders...had a young guy (just had graduated HS and turned 19) who was TERRIFIED of heights..but he pushed himself to try and overcome it. We were doing a ladder steeple (I assume you know the term)..
This guy was climbing a ladder that was extended to about 52'... He made it to the top just fine...but on the way down, he got such a bad anxiety attack that he fainted briefly and let go...from 42' he fell on a concrete pad.
tib/fib through the skin, crushed heel, wrist broken, l5 hairline fracture....
We didn't steeple anymore after that...
As a telephone technician I fell off a pole once from about 15 feet. I landed flat on my back and it knocked the wind out of me. There was a boy in the yard watching me, he asked if I was all right. I nodded yes because I couldn't talk. After regaining breath I got up and climbed right back up that pole even though my work was done. I belted in, laid back, took a big breath, and descended back to the ground. I was lucky....My sister was training as a telephone line technician and fell off the pole. She broke her leg, but 6 months later she went back and went up the pole to finish her training.
T-Mobile's Legere Calls Dish a Spectrum Hoarder | Light Reading
T-Mobile's Legere Calls Dish a Spectrum Hoarder
During training on my certification for FF, we were doing ladders...had a young guy (just had graduated HS and turned 19) who was TERRIFIED of heights..but he pushed himself to try and overcome it. We were doing a ladder steeple (I assume you know the term)..
This guy was climbing a ladder that was extended to about 52'... He made it to the top just fine...but on the way down, he got such a bad anxiety attack that he fainted briefly and let go...from 42' he fell on a concrete pad.
tib/fib through the skin, crushed heel, wrist broken, l5 hairline fracture....
We didn't steeple anymore after that...
As a telephone technician I fell off a pole once from about 15 feet. I landed flat on my back and it knocked the wind out of me. There was a boy in the yard watching me, he asked if I was all right. I nodded yes because I couldn't talk. After regaining breath I got up and climbed right back up that pole even though my work was done. I belted in, laid back, took a big breath, and descended back to the ground. I was lucky....
I know it is. We started doing MVDDS Site Surveys today, which means test site installs are coming soon. If the technology is used to it's fullest extent that we imagine from the test builds, it'll be pretty special
Also, 5 of us in my office were picked to start training on NB-IoT
Participating in the MVDDS project as well. Cautiously optimistic for now.
Yeah, some of the older civilians used to use steeple training just to scare the young troops (Air Force FF here), gotta haze the kids. I always thought it was pretty stupid as you would never do a crossover like that in real life.
After falling I don't think I could even think about doing it again, and nope got the tingle just typing this.