Well since HBO has been gone from Dish, I haven't missed it much, As I never sub'd to Netflix, I was a steadfast hold out with them as I was already paying too much for Dish, and already have AZ Prime, So basically I made a choice of what to do with that extra money, that i'm no longer paying Dish for HBO/CMax , should I continue with HBO online or go to Netflix? Well Netflix has won for now, but I've binged watched so much TV lately, I can't wait for spring to come and stop watching TV.
And I don't think Charlie's intention is to promote Piracy of HBO shows, It doesn't take much these days for people to know that there are alternatives to getting TV content from the internet.
And yes I think it would be a damn fine day that all the TV providers and take a stand to ABC/ESPN and say ESPN channels must be in a separate package.