dish network: what a nightmare!! had no choice went with direct tv.


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Oct 5, 2007
dish network: what a nightmare!! have no choice should i go with direct tv.

Hello satellite community, i will try to keep this short and to the point!
I have been waiting over 5 weeks weeks for an install with dish network and 2 waisted weekends! UNBELIEVABLE? we think so!
It all started when we had the good fortune to purchase a house in Belchertown, Ma. before we moved in we decided to go with Dish Network, as opposed to the money hungry cable company's, thats another post. We went with Dish because i have had it in the past and was happy with it. So we called and ordered, they gave us a install date, which was 2 weeks, i thought it was a little long but hey, we'll wait. My friends and family have ordered direct tv in the past and i know for a fact it was a 2-7 day install wait. So we wait 2 weeks, 2 weeks with snowy t.v. reception from my db4 antenna and every dvd i own, does anyone know how this is?
o.k. so the night before the Saturday install date, they called to confirm, everything good so far, Saturday install day is here, YES! they will be here between 8-12:00 this morning NOON comes and goes and no installer, so we called the contractor that dish "subbed" this out to, the same people who called and confirmed the night before, no answer so we left a message or 2. 3:00 rolls around and no return call from the install company so we called Dish, after 20 minutes of automated phone options i finally get a real live person that i can barely understand, so with my vast communication skills i interept what she is saying, oh i am terribly sorry sir but the install company that we hired does not service your area we can have someone out tomorrow between 8-12, ok i say, mistakes happen, whats another day? well sunday 8-12:00 comes and goes no installer to be seen, so once again we called Dish, 20 minutes and hey another real live person (i can understand this guy), ok sir let me pull up your account and take a look at your notes, hmmm... it says you had an install for yesterday. i had to explain the situation to this guy and 3 others that he passed me on to, well, bottom line we have to wait another 2 weeks for an install, they assured us that they would be here and they offered us 4 months of free service, after much debate with my wife and against my better judgement we agreed. what a mistake!!! we waited another 2 weeks and the exact i say exact thing happened again, we even called them the morning of the install date and they say yup they will be out thier before noon, you guessed it noon has come and gone.... we called and the first rep says- oh i am sorry- the installers truck broke down, i didn't believe her so i asked to talk to her supervisor, supervisor gets on yes sir the company we hired does not service your area, are you joking??? we can have someone out tomorrow at your convience, thanks but NO THANKS!!!! does anyone know the feeling of waiting around for an installer to come? you really can't do much, you have to wait, your day is basically gone and i had to do this for 2 weekends in the middle of the summer!! Am i the crazy one? my wife is calling the better business bureau first thing Monday and i must talk to someone at Dish above the phone rep pay grade just to see what happened, to vent a little and to make sure this never happens to anyone else, to make this story even crazier we live on a main street and i have counted 5 dish network satellite dishes within a mile radius. I will be calling Direct Tv, like i should have done, 5 weeks ago. I will post my Direct Tv experience soon, i sure hope it is nothing like the other satellite company, which will remain nameless, like they should be!!!
Thanks for reading and thank you for letting me vent.... Keith
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You should forward your story with the particular names of the people involved to ceo (at) echostar (dot) com just so that they are aware that Dish is not being served in your area.

Hope the same install company does not handle DirecTV as well.
Looks like you ran into a problem or two. When you noticed other E* systems in your area, did it occur to you to check for an authorized E* retailer that hanges up his shingle near by? I bet that with a little checking on your part, you would have been successful. Now that you have decided to ask D* to supply your TV programming, if your choice of hardware involves DVR, HD, or HD/DVR capability, you might look more closely at the hardware choices. Most agree that E* hardware is more advanced and offers features that have garnered national recognition. For instance....all models of E* HD receivers offer built in OTA tuners, no extra charge. E* DVR receivers have 2 room capability, D* single room....ETC. Hope you have done your homework. Good luck.

"When you noticed other E* systems in your area, did it occur to you to check for an authorized E* retailer that hanges up his shingle near by" <--- is this not why i called dish network? is this what i should have done?
i do believe E* is a better product than directv, thats why i had it in the past and why i wanted it again. and YES i have done my homework, thats why i called E* to begin with.
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I'm not suggesting that you take the time or effort necessary to contact a neighbor that may or may not know who did their particular install. All I'm trying to point out is there could be a local retailer. Local may mean 50 mile radius. Check the yellow pages. Call E* and without identifing your previous install problems, ask for a retailer referral. You could be faced with a no local retailer with D*. It all depends on how much you want the better engineered hardware vs time.
I am amazed how often people write these very long stories and don't state their location.

It seems you have a very real cause for complaint, but as long as you are spending the time to write it, if you give a location, you might find a Forum member who happens to live a few miles away and knows a good retailer or installer (and in some cases, the member IS the installer).
I will NEVER go through Dish for a DishNet install again. Unfortunately, once you do, you can't switch to a local installer for upgrades, etc.
So, if I ever move again, I will cancel DishNet and then go with a local installer for the new service. The local installers show up when they say they will.
This is one case that you get what you pay for.
Looks like he is in Belchertown, MA. Maybe he added that after the fact.

OP, that sucks. I know the feeling, My father in law sat on his porch all day waiting for the installer, and then called Dish. They told him the installer came by and said he was not home. I know for certain he was on that porch every moment during the 4 hour window and then some. He did not leave his house all day.
Yea it's Belchertown, Mass., I stated it at the beginning of my novel.... sorry it may have been a little confusing.
The thing no one mentions about a local retailer is that there's often a second contract with them, with a separate cancellation fee over and above the Dish contract and cancellation fee.

So unless you like being on the hook for $400, $500, or even possibly $600+ in cancellation fees, be very careful when going with a local retailer.
I will NEVER go through Dish for a DishNet install again. Unfortunately, once you do, you can't switch to a local installer for upgrades, etc.
So, if I ever move again, I will cancel DishNet and then go with a local installer for the new service. The local installers show up when they say they will.
This is one case that you get what you pay for.

The rules of the road are: If the account was built by E* Direct, the customer has no Retailer of Record. If that customer finds that a local retailer can serve their needs, whatever those needs may be, the customer can have the local retailer enter a service request asking to BECOME the ROR. E* will confirm the status of the account and will grant permission for the local retailer to perform all services that E* provides DIRECT. If this permission is not granted BEFORE services are performed, E* will not reimburse that work to the "NEW" dealer. :)
The thing no one mentions about a local retailer is that there's often a second contract with them, with a separate cancellation fee over and above the Dish contract and cancellation fee.

So unless you like being on the hook for $400, $500, or even possibly $600+ in cancellation fees, be very careful when going with a local retailer.

Good advice. Like ALL services performed under a legal contract, read before you sign.:)
Well, the good news is that with DirecTV, at least you'll get locals, and HD locals are coming in October. Dish Network still doesn't offer locals of any kind in our DMA.

If you need a local installed, PM me, and I'll send you the details on my guy. He's always done a great job for me, and anyone I've referred to him.
The thing no one mentions about a local retailer is that there's often a second contract with them, with a separate cancellation fee over and above the Dish contract and cancellation fee.

So unless you like being on the hook for $400, $500, or even possibly $600+ in cancellation fees, be very careful when going with a local retailer.

I install for a retailer and we do use a 3rd party contract. It is up to boss as to how much to enforce it, every situation is different. Sometimes he doesn't do anything depending on situation. Dish has given us no choice, we are responsible for equipment for 6 months. We don't have many charge backs, but most of the ones we do get come from people not paying their 1st bill and then a lot of times have a heck of time getting our equipment back. Without the 3rd party contract we are just SOL. I tell people when they ask about the contract that it only applies to dead beats, that is pretty much the truth.
D* on the other hand does NOT allow us to use a 3rd party agreement. Here is the kicker, we are only responsible for the equipment for 3 days.
We do our best to take care of customers and a lot of our business comes from people like the OP. For the most part we have happy customers. Charge backs can be upwards of $1000.00 for one customer, depending on what they have. If we feel like some one might be a problem from the get go, we just tell them they did not qualify and to call E* directly. E* isn't out a dime when we get charged back and the stock goes up. People need to see and hear both sides and shop around. There is good and bad both out there. Sales pitches and a bunch of hype is a red flag. We do not sale anything. We sign up customers and explain the details.
I install for a retailer and we do use a 3rd party contract. It is up to boss as to how much to enforce it, every situation is different. Sometimes he doesn't do anything depending on situation. Dish has given us no choice, we are responsible for equipment for 6 months.

I understand why a retailer would use a contract. I don't find fault with that. But as a new customer, that business relationship is something that is not often explained well enough.

I had a neighbor (before I moved into the neighborhood) that used a local retailer, and signed the standard (Dish) contract detailing a $10/month cancellation fee.

He decided after a month that Dish wasn't for him and calls Dish to cancel. Dish tells him to return all the equipment and that he'll have to pay $230 to cancel. He says 'fine'.

He calls the retailer to arrange to return the equipment and the retailer is livid! Complaining about how he cost him all this money, blah, blah. My neighbor knew nothing about it and felt bad...but still the retailer never mentioned it and never had him sign a contract. So in the end the retailer was SOL...

I'm just saying - for all parties involved - the relationships should be made clear...
Your DISHNET installer should've been out of Springfield, which is definitely in your area. That's where mine came from, on time and without incident, and you're less than 1/2 the distance from Springfield that I am.

As others have said, at least with DirecTV you can get locals. I get mine from Comcast in HD, for about $7.
I looked up Belchertown on You have 13 UHF stations within the 55 mile range of the DB4. The DB4 is a great multi-directional antenna. What is unclear is that you say you’re getting snow. WGBY PBS UHF 22 and WGGB ABC UHF 40 are only 13 miles from you. Are you using an older analogue TV? If so, you’ll need a converter box to pick up the digital broadcasts. But you still should be able to receive the analogue signals without it, snowy or not.

Antennas Direct, the company that designed and manufactures the DB4 has just released a new line of antennas called the ClearStream series. The C4 is an ultra long range antenna in ¼ the size. It’s great for viewers in poor signal areas that need a powerful and compact antenna. It has a range of up to 65 miles and a gain of 14.8 dBi. It would bring another 25 channels into play, but you would need a rotor to receive them all.

While Antennas can’t tell the difference between analog and digital signals, there are definitely certain models which have higher DTV batting averages than others. Not all antennas are equally suited for DTV. A percentage of viewers will require something a little more tailored for DTV reception, such as the ClearStream.

To check your present Off-Air setup, aim your DB4 on a heading of 243 degrees and see if you’re still having reception problems. Then tweak it west slowly and see if you pick up Hartford and Waterbury.

Cable and satellite program providers will continue to serve the great majority of homes as the primary signal source, missing HD local reception, compression issues, higher costs, billing add-ons, service outages, contact difficulties, in-home service waits and no shows have left many of these subscribers looking to OTA antennas as a good, alternative. And now you know why.
I have a hard time taking people seriously when they can't even write a coherent paragraph with a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence. It looks like the jibberish I read on a lot of music forums and some blogs. The English language is being butchered by all this im and text messaging. It drives me crazy. Everything is run together and you can barley understand what is being communicated.



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