Maybe they could bring back weather plus and call it weather channel local or something like that. As soon as nbc bought the weather channel and kicked weather plus to the curb 6 months later the weather channel became the mtv of weather.
my local station airs something similar to the WeatherPlus they had been running. It's almost like NBC told the affiliates they could keep the WeatherPlus equipment and the datafeed used for the maps/forecasts.
The local weather channel is just missing the "WeatherPlus" wording and missing the national anchor drop-ins (of which I'll miss the tropical/hurricane daily roundup during the hurricane season because it was cool to see the various lows, depressions, storms and hurricanes in both the Atlantic and Pacific and commentary on them).
what remains is the L-bar, the local/state/regional radar, loca, regional and statewide forecasts and current conditions and other maps and the local weather talent drop-ins.