According to Dish, the Wally alone uses 69 KWH, which is probably about $11 worth of electricity per year at .16 per KWH
I don't know what the other stuff costs, but I bet your likely looking at $50/year to run everything.
If you have to provide a climate controlled room, it's not worth it.
I think your being ripped off at the rate they are offering, and you really need to look at it as $50/mo as you said.
I wouldn't offer to be their tech or anything for that price.
If they call or email you and need something rebooted, or reset I would say sorry it's not on the agreement and charge them.
You can likely get them for $100 each time, because nobody will go out for less than that.
Consider this, I can tell you any dish equipment I ever used, occasionally needs to be rebooted.
And think about it, after they pay you the $2000 who really cares if they come pull their equipment because you wouldn't reset a receiver.