This could very well be correct. If the channels are actually in MPEG2 HDLite, there is nothing to prevent E* to relent and let everyone receive them for several months until there are enough MPEG4 receivers to generate revenue for E*. Charlie did not get E* where it is now by being stupid. Several weeks ago, one of the guys that is quite knowledgeable posted that the new channels would be MPEG2 HDLite for the first several months and would then switch to MPEG4 after E* gets their MPEG4 decoders working efficiently and their MPEG4 receivers deployed. The other possibility is that Charlie would be loyal to us old time 6000 users and update our software so that we could receive the new MPEG2 pseudo MPEG4 channels. Since this would produce much rage and anger from many 811, 921, and 942 owners, the smart choice is to allow all of us HD users to upgrade to the new $20.00 HD pak, generate much needed revenue for E*, and make many of us happy, and switch over to MPEG4 in the summer when we have had a chance to upgrade to the new MPEG4 receivers. I am pleased with the $299 lease offer and will upgrade as soon as E* will let me, which will probably be in the spring or later based on the late releases of the recent E* receivers.