Dish Network Tech Chat (Feb 21st)

We had 164 people in the chat room at the same time tonight! :D

The winners were as follows:

Dish 508 - Donated by SatelliteGuys Member Vinnyv07 - MM1
Dish 522 - Donated by DishStore.NET - kenny4269
TimeTrax Complete Sirius Setup - Donated by TimeTraxTech.COM - HomeTheaterMan

We also gave away a $50 DishStore.NET gift certificate to Briant73 for mentioning SatelliteGuys on the air!

We had a great time in the chat even though it appears that Charlie LIED to us again regarding the Name Based Recording Feature on the 50x series.

I found it funny that everytime they took a call and got a hardball question that Mark Jackson would start to look uncomfortable and turn all red, I also found it funny that after a few hardballs slipped past they decided to wimp out and only take pre screened email questions.

Thanks to everyone who joined us in chat today! :D
Al Noland has posted a chat at DBSTalk. (Al has quick fingers... good recap.) :D

Here is a copy for your viewing pleasure.

Welcome to Tech chat with Mark Jackson and Dan Minnick

Product update
iTV Update
Remote Control tips
Questions & Answers.

Video of DishPlayer 522.

New Feature added to 522 : Name-Based Recording.
With name based recording a:
Program can move to another day
Program can change length.
Includes new choices:
All Episodes – on that channel
New Episodes – On that channel – based on year.

Also added Dishpass. Will record a program based on search parameters.

Set a timer in name based recording and if the theme is "sports", it will add an hour to the timer.

Name based recordings have Priorities associated with them. The box will resolve conflicts based on these priorities.

How to get a 522 – If you are an existing Customer. Go to My Account on and see if you qualify for a special upgrade.

Spanish Menus are available on some boxes. Goto the Installation/Setup menu and choose Language.

Alternate audio option will allow you to select alternate audio and if the language is available you will here it instead of English.

A reminder box will be displayed on some boxes if you are late paying your bill.

Now talking about Card Swap stuff – Blue Cards are being replaced with Yellow cards.

Next: Dan Landreth. – Video from CES.

Prize Time. – 811 and HDTV.
Question – 3 Doors………. To complicated to type.


I've been trying to get my 811 DD output to work with my Sherwood receiver. Answer. Sofware fix in the future.

From Tom, Does Dishnetwork sell OTA antennas. No, call a local dealer.

Caller – Jack, 921 questions. HD outs look great, composite output look bad. Firewire outputs. Answer - Firewire, Copy protection preventing it. Composite output fix in Marchish.

Marca – DVR quits recording before the show is over. Create timer from guide, set the pads.

Brian – NBR for 50x series. 501,508,510 engineers should have NBR second have of this year.

Can dish receiver have ED-TV 480p. 811 does both, 921 has to be in safe mode and it will do 480i/480p.

James – DD output problems since June 04. Got the run around. Replaced receiver. Still broke. Going on and on. Answer – Dan says. They've fixed 1 of the 3 in August. Should be fixed next month. Problem with the device drivers.

510-522. Are they compatible with VOIP phone services. – No.

Robert – Portable dish media player. When will it be available. 1st one in June ( maybe). Designed to work with receivers with USB 2.0. May work with USB 1.1 devices in the future. Otherwise, would transfer real time through the video jacks instead of up to 10x speed.

Another Brian – Question about Mpeg4. Looking at 921. How will transition affect that receiver. Doesn't want to be out a receiver. Not software. Hardware Upgrade required. Will take years for it to happen. Plans to take care of existing customers.

Frank. 921 question. Fans and HD don't turn off in standby. No plans. Box is linux based and uses the HD all the time.

Dominic. 721 receiver – Noticing that he gets pressing the Dish interactive brings up the screen, but most apps aren't working. Apps are coming, no timeframe.

George. Use separate cables for satellite and OTA signals. Yes for best, but diplexers work with minimal loss.

Annie – Dish network remote doesn't work. Call local retailer or at and order a new one.
ITv Update.
TVG – Wagering available in certain states. (13).
The Sharper Image Shopping channel.
Sound Choice Karaoke.

Remote Control help with Leslie Harper. Limited Mode and Recover Mode. Long process I'm not going to type. Check your manual.

Answer to Question. From Jeff, Switch your answer will give you a 67% chance of being right.

Record and watch questions. Dual tuner boxes can record one show and watch one show and such….

John – 921 When will screen saver for it. All other boxes have it, but 921 doesn't have it. There is a plan, but not available yet.

Software updates for the 921. Early March.

Can record a program on one DVR and watch it on another one. Can do that with a 522 ( sort of).

Jeffery. Have model 6000. If I purchase a 942 will it work with the SW64. Yes. But you may want to upgrade to a new switch anyway (and LMB).

E-mail wants to know how to stop a recording in process. Says to press the stop button (which is incorrect for the 921). Also wants to know out to get guide data for OTA locals. Have to subscribe to dish LIL.

Grace – Can't hook up phone line to 522. Suggest getting wireless phone Jacks for 522.

When will I be able to view all channels from 1 Dish for locals and HD. 1 dish solution is for SD locals only, not sure on HD. Still working out Satellite planning.

921 question from William. Purchased a second HD out. Manual says DVI and component can't work together. Is it true. Yes. Suggest using Component video distribution amps. 942 will provide SD to remote TV's.

Closed Captioning problems. Content providers provide that service, they just pass that through.

Charlie Chat Monday March 14th 9pm Eastern.

Copyright: Allen Noland for
As was mentioned in the Chat, it should have been Flying Pigs...

Also, I was dissapointed that there wasn't a demo of the 942 (you'd think I'd learn by now...)
What utter BS about NBR on the 50x series.
Scott, I hope you get a chance to ask Charlie about this. How the BLEEP can 2-14 change into sometime (maybe) in the 2nd half of this year. It was supposed to be here 2nd half of 2004!!!
I guess you are not lying if you say you are "working" (wink, wink) on it.
I'm sure it will show up just after the last 50x series box hits the landfill.
They mentioned on the last two chats that we would see a demo of the 942 on tonights show.

They showed a demo on last weeks Retailer chat.

Guess the 942 is not ready for primetime yet... (although the 921 is not ready for prime time yet eaither)
Scott Greczkowski said:
They mentioned on the last two chats that we would see a demo of the 942 on tonights show.

They showed a demo on last weeks Retailer chat.

Guess the 942 is not ready for primetime yet... (although the 921 is not ready for prime time yet eaither)
Thats what they used to call the original SNL folks the not ready for primetime players...
psycaz said:
What utter BS about NBR on the 50x series.
Scott, I hope you get a chance to ask Charlie about this. How the BLEEP can 2-14 change into sometime (maybe) in the 2nd half of this year. It was supposed to be here 2nd half of 2004!!!
I guess you are not lying if you say you are "working" (wink, wink) on it.
I'm sure it will show up just after the last 50x series box hits the landfill.
This is E*. Lies R Us. Keep the customer thinking it's just around the corner so they don't jump ship.


My 721 is anxiously awaiting NBR as well, and will probably never see it :(
Scott, and others,

Are you all really suprised? I am not, (I don't know their names but) one of the host says "you will want to go to your TV to set up CC", then the other guest says, "thats not entirely true". Charlie says, "it will be here probally before the next chat on the 14th"! If they can't get their story straight when their talking about CC, then do you really think they will get it right when their talking about NBR?

And who the *%# hired that stupid English guy? He acted like he didn't know what he was talking about when he was answering questions, and everyone wonders why the 921 is a POS?

For now on, I won't believe anything anyone at Dish Network says, you shouldn't either. I just hope they don't suck to many people down their PR crapola!
As was mentioned in the Chat, it should have been Flying Pigs...

Someone mention "Flying Pigs" in here? From the sounds of things with yet another Dish Notwork outright lie, I'm history. There is nothing I can't stand more than being lied to short of being lied to and having my rates increased on top of it. See ya on the flip side Charley.... As for flying pigs.... as always see below.
Congradulations to SatGuys for being mentioned on the air. This should help member numbers to rise even more. Thats how I got to know about the message boards several years back.
psycaz said:
What utter BS about NBR on the 50x series.
Scott, I hope you get a chance to ask Charlie about this. How the BLEEP can 2-14 change into sometime (maybe) in the 2nd half of this year. It was supposed to be here 2nd half of 2004!!!
I guess you are not lying if you say you are "working" (wink, wink) on it.
I'm sure it will show up just after the last 50x series box hits the landfill.

Having worked in the computer (and satellite) industry for 25 years, I can tell you that any type of software or hardware development can (and usually will) run into a snag. Likely some assumption was made, but did not pan out, requirements changed, or something higher priority came up. Why is everyone so quick to say they were lied to? Developers are reluctant to give estimates for this very reason - things happen then they are called liars. Almost reminds me of the recent election - nobody could possibly ever simply be wrong or mininformed; if what they say does not pan out then obviously they lied.
bbtkd said:
Having worked in the computer (and satellite) industry for 25 years, I can tell you that any type of software or hardware development can (and usually will) run into a snag. Likely some assumption was made, but did not pan out, requirements changed, or something higher priority came up. Why is everyone so quick to say they were lied to? Developers are reluctant to give estimates for this very reason - things happen then they are called liars. Almost reminds me of the recent election - nobody could possibly ever simply be wrong or mininformed; if what they say does not pan out then obviously they lied.

If this was an isolated case I think folks would be more understanding. But E* has a bad track record of announcing that something would be available on such and such date and then missing it, and not by a few days or weeks but many months, if ever releasing it at all. They could also have started out the program by saying announcing on their own that NBR would be late without waiting for someone to call in and ask where the heck it was since their CEO announced it.
bbtkd said:
Having worked in the computer (and satellite) industry for 25 years, I can tell you that any type of software or hardware development can (and usually will) run into a snag. Likely some assumption was made, but did not pan out, requirements changed, or something higher priority came up. Why is everyone so quick to say they were lied to? Developers are reluctant to give estimates for this very reason - things happen then they are called liars. Almost reminds me of the recent election - nobody could possibly ever simply be wrong or mininformed; if what they say does not pan out then obviously they lied.

Folks have issues because they were originally told that this would be on all receivers by the end of last year. Once Charlie was called out on what was promised, he tried to say it was never said/promised. We were told that it will not be coming to any of the older 50x series or the 721/921. The members of this community has to come up with proof for Charlie that NBR was promised to all. Once Charlie finally admits that it was promised, he states on the Jan Charlie Chat that it will be out the Feb Technical Chat (2-14). We see were that has goten us.

The original timeframe that was laid out for NBR to come to the receivers I beleive was made in the summer of last year.
I see a big difference between a delay and saying it will never happen.
Then going from 2-14 to hopefully 2nd half of 2005.
To me that says they have no plans to do it and are stringing folks along.
rad said:
If this was an isolated case I think folks would be more understanding. But E* has a bad track record of announcing that something would be available on such and such date and then missing it, and not by a few days or weeks but many months, if ever releasing it at all. They could also have started out the program by saying announcing on their own that NBR would be late without waiting for someone to call in and ask where the heck it was since their CEO announced it.

Yes - they should make proactive announcements - and avoid being pinned down to the month. Seems like they would be safe giving estimates by quarters. Unfortunately every time there is an opportunity - someone tries to pin them down to a date - they need to avoid giving in to that pressure...
Its called poor management.

If you remember name based recording was supposed to be available for all DVRS (although the 921 was never mentioned) by the second quarter of 2004, that came and went.

It was Charlie himself who went on the last chat and said it would be available on the 50x series by February 14th. And his tech guys backed him up.

I think Charlie needs new tech guys, because once again he looks like a horses ass. Way to go Charlie.
Heck yeah he needs new Tech Guys, he certainly doesn't need their help looking like a horses ass. He does a fantastic job on his own.
psycaz said:
To me that says they have no plans to do it and are stringing folks along.

I have thought his from the point MPEG4 was announced. Why spend money on new features for receivers you will be leaving behind in a short time?

I guess I'd rather have them focusing on the new receivers than on the old ones. Also in my idyllic world, this would allow the new receivers to be bulletproof.

Help with re-directing dish.

TV Bulgaria on AMC-2 / 105°?

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