When I got Dish Network in 2005, it was before they had the hopper-joey and the original dish was on a 2” pole, then when they came to put the hopper-joey dish the size changed to 1-5/8, so I had an adapter made to fit on the 2” pole for the new dish, you can see the adapter in the picture, now after all these years I am going to Direct TV and it looks like they are going to need a 2” for that, In 1987 I purchase a BUD and had it until 2005, that is where I wanted to put the new dish network dish, on top of the old 6” pole from the BUD.
I should just be able to remove the adapter and the Direct TV dish should fit on there OK.
I measured the pole without the adapter and the OD looks like it is 2”, so I should be OK with direct TV dish, that’s why I asked if anyone could remember the size of the mast needed for the original dish network dish in 2005, because I couldn’t remember what the original size was that was needed.
What you see in the picture is a 6” to 2” adapter I had made up.
It was a fiasco back then when the installer tried to put the new dish from Dish Network, 5 minutes after the installer left, it tilted so much that it was practically pointing at the ground, I had to chase the guy down the road to show him what happened, and it took a couple weeks to get the adapter made, I don’t want to go through that again, I couldn’t get anyone from direct tv to tell me the size of the post that would be needed for the new dish from DTV.
When talking to DTV, they don’t speak good English, and there is allot lost in the translation, I told them I would like to talk to the installer to make sure I have the right size, so when they show up on 12/05/21 that everything would go smooth, but they said they can’t do that, they said the installer would contact me a day or so before the install and I could find out what size was needed, but that would not be enough time to get something made up if I had to, If I did need some sort of an adapter.
I can’t make it on sight, and it could take possibly a couple of weeks to have something made up if it was needed, but it looks like I won’t need it.
When I switched to Dish from the local cable co back in 2005 the Company that installed it didn’t want to come until the day of the install and I had to pay them $100 to do a site survey a couple weeks before to make sure they could install the dish where I wanted.
This is a little long winded, but it is hard to explain in a couple words, but thank you all for the quick response.