Dish Network McKeesport office, with 600 jobs, to close

Not suprising. Allegheny County and the state of Pennsylvania have reputations for not being business friendly. They have pushed many big companies out of the city and state over the last 3 decades. Remember when Pittsburgh received that sweet deal from a private company to build a dual use private/public building with ice rink and the city/county would not have to pay a dime - and they said no. Pens lost big on that deal. As I remember it would have held nearly 40,000 fans! Hello cheap tickets and large crowds. And they said no.
local news reports E never did get all the workers they needed, and 1/2 failed drug testing.... futher reports stated E was busng in workers from out of area.......

all very sad
If you can only get half of your workers to pass drug testing, the ones who do pass do you really want taking your credit card number over the phone?

Sometimes it makes more sense to consolidate!

The really need to close doen the foreign call centers, and then advertise the heck out of it!
I hope & pray that you are wrong.

Unfortunately, all plans in place point to a much deeper recession. The dollar is declining, FAST. Markets that have relied on the dollar are now divesting from the dollar. Do not be surprised if by this time next year a gallon of gas costs $5 because the dollar will be so weak. Taxes are going up. Fees are going up. Small businesses can not get loans to survive through the downturn. If you starve small business of cash while increasing their taxes and fees, you will kill small business.

Just today, the administration floated the idea of using recouped TARP money to pay down the debt. That is like paying off your Visa bill with your MasterCard. Sure it may stave off bankruptcy for a couple of months, but the MasterCard bill will come due.
How about using the visa card to pay off the mastercard then use the mastercard again to pay off the visa and keep doing that over and over? Do people do this all the time?
the only thing holding down gas prices is the economic dump, no doubt partially at least caused by high fuel prices.

economy has no where to go but down.........:(
american companies should close the foreign call centers, but as with everything about our economy foreign workers are dirt cheap
Unfortunately, all plans in place point to a much deeper recession. The dollar is declining, FAST. Markets that have relied on the dollar are now divesting from the dollar. Do not be surprised if by this time next year a gallon of gas costs $5 because the dollar will be so weak. Taxes are going up. Fees are going up. Small businesses can not get loans to survive through the downturn. If you starve small business of cash while increasing their taxes and fees, you will kill small business.

Just today, the administration floated the idea of using recouped TARP money to pay down the debt. That is like paying off your Visa bill with your MasterCard. Sure it may stave off bankruptcy for a couple of months, but the MasterCard bill will come due.

.Small business employs 60% of the workforce. Think about that!!!!!
BTW Sen Harry Reid(D Nev) has floated the idea of another slate of taxes. Actually a surcharge on income tax.
Think of it this way. The government has run out of things to tax, so they now want to tax tax..
They do it here in NC. Just passed was a tax on income tax. Unbelieveable.
At one time it was taboo to raise taxes during economic downturns. But politicians in their insatiable desire to continue spending far more than the government collects, increase taxes.
the only thing holding down gas prices is the economic dump, no doubt partially at least caused by high fuel prices.

economy has no where to go but down.........:(
Ahh yes...commodities markets.
What a bunch of crap. The laws of supply and demand mean nothing to speculators.
Here's the rub. 10 years ago there was roughly 15 billion dollars tied up in the oil and gasoline markets. Over the last ten years investment banks, hedge funds and large volume traders have leapt into these markets. The ampount invested (wagered) is now over $300 billion
Remeber when gas prices rose and fell a few cents in weeks. Now they rise and fall that amount in less than a day.
There really is nothing to stop it.
Just today while watching CNBC, an oil trader on the NYMEX floor when askjed about market fundamentals, explained that the oil and gas markets have not been folwoing fundamenatls for quite some time.
In other words these markets were not attached to the laws of supply and demand.
Hence the reason why we see 10-15 even 20 cent moves in the pump price in a matter of days.
That said, there is one thing consumers guage their economic well being upon it is the price of gasoline.
it was on the local tv news, kdka, or wpxi. Not sure which.

more accurately 1/2 of all job applicants failed drug testing.

a former employee reported many applicants were job core people
amazing..HIstorically when unemployment is high even lower paid entry level positions are staffed by higher quality workers.
That story is unprecendented. Not only the fact that apps were failing drug testsat a 50% rate but E* was actually accepting apps from Job Corps people..
Yes, the economic conditions and the current administration mortgaging our collective futures is the primary reason. On the bright side, the real estate incentives for 1st time homebuyers has helped to boost sales nationwide. The economy will return when home sales get back to some sense of normality.

We all will just have to be patient till that becomes a constant.
the one thing we really need, coal to gasoline plants, with a end to crude imports.

all we do is export our wealth, or whats left of it.

$ for crude to countries who hate us for meddling.

$ for cheap imports for consumer goods.

we are bankrupting our economy buy buying everything from others:(
the one thing we really need, coal to gasoline plants, with a end to crude imports.

all we do is export our wealth, or whats left of it.

$ for crude to countries who hate us for meddling.

$ for cheap imports for consumer goods.

we are bankrupting our economy buy buying everything from others:(
You have an unusual viewof commerce and economy.
The following is NOT opinion. It is factual..

We have untapped off our shores and in our western areas more oil reserves than all OPEC nations combined. We don't harvest it due to environmentalist pressures and nimbyism....

We do not "meddle"...if we pulled out of every installation located in an OPEC nation, the screams of protest would resonate around the globe.
We refuse to respond ot trouble and see how fast we get blamed for the result.
I think we should tell the Euros and any other ingrate country that bitches about how we do things to find a way to defend themsleves because we just left..
I would like nothing better than to see the dasy where our President or whomever calls a meeting of all the OPEC minsters and tells them, "Boys, you're on your own. We will no longer be purchasing your oil. You are free to try as you may to sell it to someone else"....

Ok imports are not "cheap".In fatc most of what is (GASP!!!!) imported is of high quality..Please do not start this American protectionism nonsense because at the end of the day nobody wins.
And the Gulf of Mexico has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia. The US can not drill there, but Cuba leased space about 70 miles from Key West to China for drilling. And China has gone on record to say they will be drilling to within 50 miles of the US.

HD Output decision- local antenna only?

Quiz - signal loss/channel bleed-in

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