Dish Network: Distant Networks

riffjim4069 said:
Sorry Charlie, but I'm not buying the patriotic rhetoric. The fact is your company, and ONLY your company, refused to play by the rules for many years and now Dish Network (and unfortunately your customers) are going to have the suffer the consequence. It's just that simple. I do hope the laws are eventually changed to allow those who abide by the law (DirecTV and others) to purchase out of market locals in the future.

Your absolutely right! The courts have given Charlie 8 years to comply with the law and he has disregarded there orders. Now a federal court has confirmed this and given him (E*) the most severe penalty of no more distant networks period! Of course this is being sent up to the complete federal district court for review but that looks like it will be no more than a formality in upholding the current ruling. Charlie didn't follow the courts order for 8 years and now we all get to pay for it with no DNS. THANKS ALOT CHARLIE!:(
oggusfoo said:
So, how is DirectTV allowed to have Distant Networks and not Dish? If its an access fee that Charlie just doesn't want to pay, then yea he should whine about something else. p.s. sent my 3 anyway.

D* still has dns because they have followed the rules and are not giving them to subs who don't qualify. As a matter of fact D* subs who are getting dns now will lose them as their LIL HD's are available via D*. Charlie screwed up and now we're going to pay for it!:mad:
The newspaper analogy is completely absurd, however, I've not seen anything published, said, or mentioned in any of this about the fact that Canadian cable companies can carry Detroit and Seattle network feeds without a problem.

The NAB doesn't complain about it. The government lets it happen.

While Charlie has had 8 yrs to comply, fair is fair. If they're going to shut E down, then close down Canada also.
micklewhite said:
The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Echostar had engaged in a "pattern and practice" of violating U.S. copyright law on a "substantially nationwide scale" and thus is subject to a mandatory, permanent injunction against providing DNS signals to any customer. The case number is 03-13671, if you want to read the grisly details.
ArtWIS said:
Your absolutely right! The courts have given Charlie 8 years to comply with the law and he has disregarded there orders. Now a federal court has confirmed this and given him (E*) the most severe penalty of no more distant networks period! Of course this is being sent up to the complete federal district court for review but that looks like it will be no more than a formality in upholding the current ruling. Charlie didn't follow the courts order for 8 years and now we all get to pay for it with no DNS. THANKS ALOT CHARLIE!:(

Instead of going and read Case # 03-13671, but reading through the 9 pages of non-court opinions, it appears that....

Dish/E* provided DNS to those who should not have had it. Although it did not bother some broadcasters, for one reason or another, there were some that would not compromise and wanted Dish/E* to stop. The court gave Dish time to correct, but after many years has not corrected it, because they believe everyone should be able to get DNS. And now the court has spoken resulting in DNS being turned off for everyone. ????

If the above is (fairly) accurate then:
(1) We all are not (yet) paying for it, just those that deserve DNS and won't get it.
(2) But guess other fees will go up to keep the profit margins the same; then we will all pay for it, but not get it.
(3) However, I don't think the most severe penalty was issued, could have possibly been a suspension of communication licenses.

I wish DNS was available to anyone who wanted it.

However, there's a lot of balancing the FCC does in granting television station licenses, to ensure they are beneficial to the public as a whole. I suspect it's possible for TV stations in small DMA to lose a lot of advertising revenue if the few local residents quit watching the local stations to watch a DNS.

Although majority (and money) often rules, we do have the federal government trying to balance for the good of all, and the courts should ensure it is constitutional and enforce laws, rules and regulations.

Another opinion.
micklewhite said:
What makes you think you have a legal entitlement to DNS from E*? On what grounds would you sue the government? Even though I am an E* customer of long standing and a Charlie admirer, I cannot support his misleading and mealymouthed plea for assistance. This is a simple situation. Charlie did bad. The law states a punishment. The court has imposed the punishment. Will E* subs suffer? To some degree but you can always sign up with D* or put pressure on Charlie to deliver your locals. This is not and never has been about "censorship," cable or NAB corruption. Charlie knew the rules. Charlie broke the rules. All the posters decrying the inability to "get whatever you pay for," either don't understand how the system works or are so self-centered (I want it and I want it NOW!) they appear to have the maturity of a spoiled child.
I get my networks as DNS it is the only way I can get my networks, I really don't give a damm if they're local or from NY. Not enough space on the satellite shut down the HD and put all sd locals on first.
Distant DNS

My question is this
some cable companies carry one or more sets of locals, comcast carries both baltimore and wa. dc. in the Baltimore and d.c. dma's. Charter of Eastern tenn. carries both Knoxville and Tri Cities locals, Dish and Directv can carry one or the Either...

If I lose my Distant DNS I will cancel Dish and Get something Else. i have had Distant DNS for 10 years and when something stupid happens the break out of my show and show crap... So then I switch over ny or la and dont miss a thing.

If I lose my Distant nets E* will lose $110 plus customer a month.
yooper.mi said:
I get my networks as DNS it is the only way I can get my networks, I really don't give a damm if they're local or from NY. Not enough space on the satellite shut down the HD and put all sd locals on first.

Your the prime example of why dns was allowed in the first place. The ONLY way you can get "local" stations is dns. When E* let others not in your circumstance receive locals via satellite they (E*) broke the law and allowed some of their subs to do the same. Now it's folks like you who are legal who are going to lose because of the actions of E* and greedy "I want it even if I'm not supposed to have it" E* subs. I feel for the folks who are legal and going to lose dns but you do have at least 1 other provider who will be able to provide you with dns legally.
micklewhite said:
1. People have choices - go without networks, switch to D*, subscribe to cable, get a better OTA antenna - not all are possible but you cannot find a person for whom one of these is an option.

2. Nobody is telling anybody they have to watch a station. This is like saying you have to drink V8 because the corner store carries Pepsi and not Coke.

I agree we have choices. We should help the population and stay in bed longer, maybe we can cancel Daylight Savings Time and go to Nighttime Savings Time.
I just got a note from Charlie himself he says the website is down until Monday or Tuesday.

I will update you as I know more.
My Distants go, Dish loses my $100 a month. Hope it's worth it to them, I get them 100% legally. That is straight Bullsh!t if they cut off people with WAIVERS, if there are cutoffs it better to be to truly questionable subs and not legit ones.
I don't understand why everyones complaining
If someone whats the NYC,L.A. and Florida Stations
All you need are 3 addresses one in NYC and one in L.A. and one in Florida.
And 3 receivers and 10.99 a month per station.......
I don't mind paying the $10.99 a month and did not mind buying a extra receiver.........JT
Scott Greczkowski said:
I just got a note from Charlie himself he says the website is down until Monday or Tuesday.

I will update you as I know more.

Scott, if Charlie changed the word DISH customer to satellite customer he might get more non DISH customers to help out. I told people I know about going there and filling it out and a couple of D* customers were reluctant to do so, because the email says you are a DISH customer. Even if E* wanted to leave that email the way it is, they could create a second one for non-DISH customers, that want to help. Just a thought after hearing back from a couple of people, that I sent to the page.

We all need to give support so we can to beat it, because if they can get away with it for E*, they will try ti with D*.
I changed the wording of the e-mail to match my circumstance. If they all say the same thing, they will be ignored. Mix it up a bit.

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