Dish Network: Distant Networks

Originally Posted by waltinvt
How can it be any worse? As I understand it, Dish didn't provide records to prove any subs were legal so the court assumed they were all illegal - thus the "willful abuse" citing. I don't think the court could have done any worse to them.

Greg Bimson said:
I had to reread the ruling. It is much worse. Ready <snip>......???

Although I didn't word it well, that's what I was getting at. Based on the court decision, it couldn't look much worse for Dish.
Sure. The only thing worse for Dish Network is if the courts can impose some kind of dollar amount in damages. I'd suspect another court case would be in order to accomplish that feat.
:confused: Sent mine too! Got a call back from my senators staff member (North Carolina) who said his office had received 10 emails about this :eek: Problem is they wanted me to explain what the issue was and I'm not real clear as I don't subscribe to distant locals. How can I articulate the problem to them as I'm suppose to get a call back on Friday. Can I refer them to a link on the internet?

Thanks, Chris
bigblock468 said:
:confused: Sent mine too! Got a call back from my senators staff member (North Carolina) who said his office had received 10 emails about this :eek: Problem is they wanted me to explain what the issue was and I'm not real clear as I don't subscribe to distant locals. How can I articulate the problem to them as I'm suppose to get a call back on Friday. Can I refer them to a link on the internet?

Thanks, Chris

Man, that figures.:mad:

Oh well, I'm sure Greg will post his phone number and then you can just call forward it to him:D
Give him Scott's number..... Maybe Scott will get subpoenaed to go to DC to explain the consumer's side of this...

Well, a man can hope.......
Does anyone know the earliest Dish would be forced to remove distant networks?

This is all very strange to me because as of a couple weeks/days ago they are still letting people request and get waivers to receive the distant networks.
The earliest believed date is 11 September. A Congressman has asked the parties try to come to an agreement by then. It is assumed the judge that must issue the injunction, as well as the parties involved, have decided to wait the 45 day request out.

For bigblock468:
The real issue is that a court will be forced to issue an injuction to terminate Dish Network's ability to retransmit distant networks to their entire customer base. Because Dish Network did not follow the rules and procedures for qualifying customers, it is believed that about half of Dish Network's distant network subscribers on are ineligible.

Keep in mind that Dish Network (nor DirecTV) have a contract to rebroadcast the distant network service. The only reason distant network service is available today is because the government granted a copyright license that allows Dish Network and DirecTV to copy any network station and retransmit it to the unserved, completely without a contract.

Congress passed a law on 29 November, 1999. The SHVIA describes the remedies for abuse. The court is only doing exactly what the law stated: cut everyone off when the abuse is that bad.

The problem is the half of Dish Network's subscriber base which is legally entitled to distant network service. Legitimate, qualified customers are being punished because of Dish Network's abuse.

And no, walt, I will not post my number. :)
Greg Bimson said:
Congress passed a law on 29 November, 1999. The SHVIA describes the remedies for abuse. The court is only doing exactly what the law stated: cut everyone off when the abuse is that bad.
I wonder who we have to thank for this clause in SHVIA?
Greg Bimson said:
And no, walt, I will not post my number. :)
What a sport:D
Speaking of sport...
Greg Bimson said:
Congress passed a law on 29 November, 1999.
You know, you'd think I'd remember from Schoolhouse Rock...

Congress passed a bill which President Clinton Signed into law on 29, November, 1999.
waltinvt said:
I wonder who we have to thank for this clause in SHVIA?
The same people that are suing right now: the members of the affiliate boards, which are also members of the NAB.
So gee, let me see if I have this straight.

Congress created the law that mandates the punishment Dish is facing right now but now congress is asking the parties to resolve the situation so the punishment doesn't need to take effect.

Maybe congress needs to take another look at that law but without the help of the NAB.

The purpose of a law is to punish the guilty, not the innocent and I don't believe that kind of a mandatory sentence would have ever been written into the law unless it came from the NAB.
If any of the deciding judges have or have had Dish Network service and have experienced the negative service from CSR's as many have, their objectiveness may be tainted. Oh, my bad such things can not influence a judges decision.
Please publish the names of the small group of broadcasters who are the culprits here. Perhaps letters and emails to them might do some good also.
I contacted both of my senators and my congressman regarding the lost of my distant network stations. Senator Robert Burr's (R-NC) office called back saying they had been contacted by tons of people and were looking into what might be done to keep this from happening. Let your repersentatives know your concerns. It might help.
I received this today:

Dear XXX:

Thank you for bringing your concerns to my attention. I appreciate the time you took to contact my office on this important issue and welcome the opportunity to respond.

Several companies, including Dish Networks, offer their customers the choice of subscribing to distant network channels. By doing this, someone like a retiree in Florida can still get the local news from where they used to live. However, many local network providers want to block such subscriptions and have gone to court to do so. Because it is an ongoing court case, I would like to see the outcome of the case before pursuing any legislative action, but should any legislation come before me on the House floor barring access to distant network channels, I will keep your concerns in mind.

Throughout my tenure in public service, I have always kept an open door and an open dialogue with my constituents. As the 109th Congress addresses the many challenges facing our nation, I hope you will continue to share your thoughts and views with me. Accordingly, I encourage you to visit my website at to email me and find useful information about our 5th Congressional District.

It is my honor and privilege to serve the people of Florida 's 5th Congressional District and my offices and staff are here to provide you with any assistance you may need.


Ginny Brown-Waite
Member of Congress
At least it looks like this one GETS the issue.

The worry I have is that something will go down while they are in summer recess. The idea of several hundred thousand ticked off subscribers blasting their email boxes may cause them to work on a more pro-consumer solution....
mixz1 said:
By doing this, someone like a retiree in Florida can still get the local news from where they used to live.

She doesn't completely get it. You can only watch news from where you lived if you lived in NY, LA, CHI or DEN. The argument of watching news from your old stomping grounds will not hold water.
It wasn't the intent to allow distant signals so that you could "live" where ever you wished and watch network programming out of any city. A nice concept, but it would completely destroy the economics of local television. Many folks talk about how crappy their local affiliates are - insert rant - During monsoon season, Tucson locals break into every primetime show to let us know that there is a thunderstorm happening...the sound of thunder isn't enough for us to know, nor the fact that monsoons occur every year between June and August - end insert rant- Everybody has a similar story as to why their locals suck and how they enjoy timeshifting...None of those complaints are covered by SHIVERA

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