Dish Network Defies COURT ORDERS ....

I've generated 1336 views so far..... if I can save just 1 of them from being ripped off by companies like this ..... I think it as a positive impact.

Ripped off? They attempted to collect a cancellation fee that was owed to them as a result of cancelling your service before the end of your agreement term. They attempted to collect this by the means stated in your residential customer agreement that you agree to by accepting their services. The troubles you went through are unfortunate, however were completely blown out of proportion. The lawyers are the ones ripping people off in my opinion. Just saying there seems to be a lot of wasted time, effort, and money that ultimately will come out of everyone else's pocket.

Oh and I am not here to bash anyone or attack anyone, but seriously post traumatic stress? Over this? Sad state of affairs.
steve4810 said:
Heck, what a waste of skin.

I resent that. Please share your profession so that I can make blanket statements about those in it.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Ripped off? They attempted to collect a cancellation fee that was owed to them as a result of cancelling your service before the end of your agreement term.

Generally speaking, customers are supposed to have to directly authorize payments. A company just grabbing money unannounced because they have a routing number for a banking account or a credit/debit card number on file from a prior transaction is very possibly illegal, or at the least highly consumer unfriendly. The way it's supposed to work is that they send you a bill for what they think you owe, and then you pay it. If you don't pay it, but legitimately owe it, they can take you to court and try to get a judgement against you where they can garnish money from a pay check or a bank account. They can't just one day randomly say "Our money, we'll take it now".

It's like, if you owe someone $20 and have $20 in your wallet on your dresser, they can't break into your home, open your wallet, and take out the $20. They instead have to talk to you and ask for the $20. And if you don't give it to them, they may eventually take you to small claims court over it, or count it as a loss and never deal with you again, but they still can't break into your home and take it. Only law enforcement officers or officers of a court can actually take the money against the will of person who owes it.

People are supposed to be able to have some level of control over when and how they pay bills so that the TV company doesn't take their grocery money and leave them starving to death, or the Internet company doesn't take their heat money and leave them dying in the cold. You may owe money, but you're supposed to be able to figure out when and how you pay to a certain degree. I actually don't think a customer service contract necessarily overrides that, at least not from an ethical perspective (Not sure how the law works). These things are all legalese and not always understandable to the average person. Plus, there are some rights you can't contract away- for example if you sign a contract that sells yourself into slavery, that contract is not considered legally binding because slavery is illegal.

It's bad enough that Dish charges these excessive ETF fees, but just withdrawing them from people's accounts unannounced without authorization is unacceptable behavior. You need to send people bills so they can determine when and how to pay it, and so it doesn't cause overdrafts and leave people unable to eat and do other things they need to do, and would do if they paid their bills in the order they wanted to.

Plus, there's always the possibility that a company is charging you more than you actually owe, or charging you something you don't owe at all. That's another reason they aren't allowed to just directly grab money. Customers are supposed to be able to look at a bill and contest it if it's wrong- either by calling customer service and resolving the issue, or withholding payment and letting the courts arbitrate.
I resent that. Please share your profession so that I can make blanket statements about those in it.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Resent all you like. The perception of those in the legal profession is well earned.
Used car dealers, home improvement contractors....These groups also have less than stellar reputations.
It is what it is.
You'll just have to grow a thicker skin and above that, be the best attorney( assuming you are or have a relative who is) you can be.
dishcomm said:
Resent all you like. The perception of those in the legal profession is well earned.
Used car dealers, home improvement contractors....These groups also have less than stellar reputations.
It is what it is.
You'll just have to grow a thicker skin and above that, be the best attorney( assuming you are or have a relative who is) you can be.

Sorry, I'm going to disagree here. I ignored the general attacks on attorneys and the profession; but when someone says "waste of skin" with the clear implication being that somehow the value of my life approaches zero (being that I am an attorney) that's crossing a line.

As for the perception being well earned, give me a break. There are bad apples in every profession, their existence doesn't make broad generalizations any more excusable.

If anyone wants to discuss the nature of the legal system and the mandate that an attorney jealously represent his or her client, PM me. I'd be more than happy to address some of those stereotypes, but that's rather off topic.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Generally speaking, customers are supposed to have to directly authorize payments. A company just grabbing money unannounced because they have a routing number for a banking account or a credit/debit card number on file from a prior transaction is very possibly illegal, or at the least highly consumer unfriendly. The way it's supposed to work is that they send you a bill for what they think you owe, and then you pay it. If you don't pay it, but legitimately owe it, they can take you to court and try to get a judgement against you where they can garnish money from a pay check or a bank account. They can't just one day randomly say "Our money, we'll take it now".

I am not a "Fanboy", and do not want anyone making assumptions based on my post. I am merely stating the fact that clearly stated in the Residential Customer Agreement that this will happen. Right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical it is (or at least was at the time) how the agreement went. Agree with it or don't, that's how it is and the fact that everything that happened in this case the way it did is completely absurd and speaks volumes to the state we are in. Cheers
I am not a "Fanboy", and do not want anyone making assumptions based on my post. I am merely stating the fact that clearly stated in the Residential Customer Agreement that this will happen. Right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical it is (or at least was at the time) how the agreement went. Agree with it or don't, that's how it is and the fact that everything that happened in this case the way it did is completely absurd and speaks volumes to the state we are in. Cheers

That may be true, but in this case they kept withdrawing money over and over and he had to call and get it credited back over and over. If Dish is going to the trouble of crediting back the money, they must indeed think it is a billing error and not an ETF! This is not a simple one time withdrawal of an ETF. This was an ongoing issue that even Dish admits to doing. If you read Dish's brief in this case they admit to "billing issues" but claim that they indeed returned all the errors, but say the claimant disagrees. In fact Dish admits that they really did not stop the billing issues until a lawyer finally contacted them. I would assume that someone in Dish management realized that there was something seriously wrong when getting served with a lawsuit and finally tracked down the problem and got the drafting of the account stopped.

He would have gotten 0 and probably not even a trial if it was a simple drafting of an early termination fee from his account based on a signed contract.
Generally speaking, customers are supposed to have to directly authorize payments. A company just grabbing money unannounced because they have a routing number for a banking account or a credit/debit card number on file from a prior transaction is very possibly illegal, or at the least highly consumer unfriendly. The way it's supposed to work is that they send you a bill for what they think you owe, and then you pay it. If you don't pay it, but legitimately owe it, they can take you to court and try to get a judgement against you where they can garnish money from a pay check or a bank account. They can't just one day randomly say "Our money, we'll take it now".

I am not a "Fanboy", and do not want anyone making assumptions based on my post. I am merely stating the fact that clearly stated in the Residential Customer Agreement that this will happen. Right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical it is (or at least was at the time) how the agreement went. Agree with it or don't, that's how it is and the fact that everything that happened in this case the way it did is completely absurd and speaks volumes to the state we are in. Cheers

Right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical? Don't we base our lives and the way we live them based on right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical? Isn't that the way we teach and raise our children? Isn't that the way we were raised by our parents? When you do something wrong and you know it that should be a problem for all of us. It's not a grey area it's black and white. In this country most of us do not tolerate this kind of behavior. If this was happening to you I expect you'd be screaming from the roof top, as well you should.
I've generated 1336 views so far..... if I can save just 1 of them from being ripped off by companies like this ..... I think it as a positive impact.

Ripped off? They attempted to collect a cancellation fee that was owed to them as a result of cancelling your service before the end of your agreement term. They attempted to collect this by the means stated in your residential customer agreement that you agree to by accepting their services. The troubles you went through are unfortunate, however were completely blown out of proportion. The lawyers are the ones ripping people off in my opinion. Just saying there seems to be a lot of wasted time, effort, and money that ultimately will come out of everyone else's pocket.

Oh and I am not here to bash anyone or attack anyone, but seriously post traumatic stress? Over this? Sad state of affairs.

As I have stated, that was the attorney on the PHSY crap .... I was very upset over the whole thing... I had to sit with 2 different Dr's for 2 days each .... for evaluation .....

My contract was for 1 year ..... I had canceled the service after 3 years .... they were WRONG .... and or, playing games in the courts as they did frequently.

The facts are.... Dish did this maliciously .... I have documents from a CREDIT REPORTING company showing $2 transactions ..... daily, until they found I had something there .... they then complete MULTIPLE transactions until all the money was ALL gone.....

It was NOT over the early termination, before any court issues, that was proven and supposedly resolved .... Dish then took money stating the equipment was not returned..... well, it wasn't theirs that I had to return.... I had documented receipts that showed I purchased ALL equipment from Sears ... spent over $300.00 ..... Until this was proven wrong, they again, went into my account and took what they wanted .... THEY NEVER were given the right for ANY direct access to my bank.

Yes, the entire process got completely out of control .... BUT, it should be noted, research all the records, we wanted settlement.... While Dish filed court actions, which REQUIRED response ..... EACH and EVERY action attempt by the Dish Attorney was ruled against Dish .... THEY were the ones who pushed this to the level it became ....

The actions WERE in the civil courts, which I was happy with .... but after the numerous actions taken by Dish, the venue changed had to happen .... Dish attempted 37 different motions, they did NOT win 1 ...... The right and easy way this should have been handled was after the documented proof offered directly to them..... instead of the BIG CORP attitude, the wise move would have been to just resolve the issue ......

Dish was unable to produce 1 of 15 individuals, I had noted (had contact), involved in the initial problem .... all had either been Fired or resigned .... NO ONE HAD FIRST HAND INFORMATION .... Dish sent their VP in charge of the Billing department ..... .In the trial transcripts, she was almost in tears as they went through my ENTIRE audit of my account.... she was honest and ADMITTED over 10 times of errors made and not being able to explain SEVERAL of those errors .... They also claimed to have repaid unauthorized transaction, they did not ... and COULD NOT produce ANY evidence to support this ..... where's the check?? or bank transaction????????

There is a lot more than all can understand without going completely through the trial transcripts and records before TRIAL .... I have or gained NO personal satisfaction out of this process, I just want it over.... and it STILL ISN'T....

Just an FYI ... hopefully to help others understand all the facts ....
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Right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical? Don't we base our lives and the way we live them based on right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical? Isn't that the way we teach and raise our children? Isn't that the way we were raised by our parents? When you do something wrong and you know it that should be a problem for all of us. It's not a grey area it's black and white. In this country most of us do not tolerate this kind of behavior. If this was happening to you I expect you'd be screaming from the roof top, as well you should.
Unfortunately, corporations do not behave like normal human beings, even if they are considered "people" by SCOTUS and a presidential candidate.
Dish was unable to produce 1 of 15 individuals involved in the initial problem .... all had either been Fired or resigned .... NO ONE HAD FIRST HAND INFORMATION .... Dish sent their VP in charge of the Billing department ..... .In the trial transcripts, she was almost in tears as they went through my ENTIRE account of my account.... she was honest and ADMITTED over 10 times of errors made and not being able to explain SEVERAL of those errors ....
I'll bet a dollar that number of terminations/resignations has increased to 16. Not because of the errors her dept made. But, because she was honest and admitted the mistakes.
This is a real shame and it is the only one who has brought it to light. Ever wonder how many others have had the same or worse happen that could not get any thing done?
Right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical? Don't we base our lives and the way we live them based on right or wrong, ethical or non-ethical? Isn't that the way we teach and raise our children? Isn't that the way we were raised by our parents? When you do something wrong and you know it that should be a problem for all of us. It's not a grey area it's black and white. In this country most of us do not tolerate this kind of behavior. If this was happening to you I expect you'd be screaming from the roof top, as well you should.

That is NOT LAW ..... there is a process ... IN FACT I have a letter from a COLLECTION AGENCY dated before SEVERAL OF THE TRANSACTION made by DISH on the account .... They violated consumer law in many ways... AND back at the beginning of DISH when all this started.... Even DISH admitted under oath, they made many mistakes and have improved and CHANGED those problems....


Sorry, this response was meant for Watchel ....
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This is a real shame and it is the only one who has brought it to light. Ever wonder how many others have had the same or worse happen that could not get any thing done?

I have frequently wondered that myself .... I can't believe what happen to me is isolated to just me???? Very unlikely!!!

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