And the black helicopters are flying over your house too, right? 
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Sent from my Surface with Windows 8 Pro using Tapatalk
In fact you did agree by signing the commitment contract when you began your service.Turner Classic Movies is what I miss. Shouldn't they be OBLIGED to give us a rebate since a NUMBER of channels are off now? I mean it's NOT what I signed up for so I'm NOT getting what I agreed to nor what I'm paying for. Contrct violation between Dish and me? YES!
No it ain't. They wanted to make a special on Hilary. They like to point out Republicans as "sexist, racist, and having a war on women". They showed Marco Rubio taking a drink of water like several times. Candy Crowley interceded for Obama in the 2nd debate, even though moderators are supposed to remain neutral. (Even though after the debate she retracted that statement. Don't believe me? Look up the youtube video "Candy Crowley Admits She Was Wrong to Correct Romney." All the mainstream media gives the Democrat more time in the debates, even ones where the GOP wins like the 1st 2012 presidential debates. They are hostile towards the GOP in the GOP debates. At least Fox News at least TRIES to portray both sides. There are liberals on Fox News like Allan Colmes, Juan Williams, Bob Beckel, and Kirsten Powers. They hardly have any conservatives on the other networks. And when they do, the conservative is often cut short when talking. May I add that that ABC moderator in the VP 2012 debate let Biden be rude and interrupt and laugh at Paul Ryan the whole debate? She even interrupted Ryan a few times. Stop excusing this disrespect. Liberals ARE NOT about free speech like they say. They are about free speech when you agree with them.
Turner Classic Movies is what I miss. Shouldn't they be OBLIGED to give us a rebate since a NUMBER of channels are off now? I mean it's NOT what I signed up for so I'm NOT getting what I agreed to nor what I'm paying for. Contrct violation between Dish and me? YES!
Drop-em.. I say. Who watches CNN these days anyways. There are alternative channels out there.
What is incredible is that such language is actually legal. Of course, when I first signed on, there were fewer channels, and not nearly as much HD.No it's not.
Sample agreement:
Page 1, part of the big bold part, and underlined:
***You acknowledge and agree that DISH shall have the right to change : (I skipped A, look if you're curious)
(B)packages, programming, programming suppliers, services offered by programming suppliers, features and functionality at any time and from time to time, including, without limitation, during any term commitment to which you have agreed;
The problem with CNN is same as The Weather Channel. More often than not, when I tune to CNN, I get cooking/travelogue shows instead of news. When I tune to TWC, I get guys traipsing around the Alaskan wilderness, instead of the weather. As a result, I rarely ever go to them anymore. They brought these cable/satellite confrontations on all by themselves.
those black helicopter squadrons exist, without giving away to much I was assigned to a special projects aviation unit for my first tour of duty in the navy. where everything was secret squirrel stuff, I ended up divorced because of that squadron. because you couldnt talk about what you did where your going what you did when your coming back or even contact home when deployed. we was basically flat out told lie to your spouse and family if you dont want to end up with a court martial or in Ft Leavenworth.And the black helicopters are flying over your house too, right?
Sent from my Surface with Windows 8 Pro using Tapatalk
If it was ONLY CNN that Turner pulled from Dish, then I would agree with you.Drop-em.. I say. Who watches CNN these days anyways. There are alternative channels out there.
Only on Charlie's end. We will see no discount in price. They have never had a price drop that I can remember in 18 years with DISH.
There was one time when they did have a price drop.
It was a $49.99 bundle that included Top200, HBO/Cinemax and the DVR Fees.
Then before that there was a discount when the everything pack came out.
The dvr Bundel was around for a year, but it was a price drop before Dish broke the Bundel and jacked the rates up
The problem with CNN is same as The Weather Channel. More often than not, when I tune to CNN, I get cooking/travelogue shows instead of news. When I tune to TWC, I get guys traipsing around the Alaskan wilderness, instead of the weather. As a result, I rarely ever go to them anymore. They brought these cable/satellite confrontations on all by themselves.
You don't say. I mean I wouldn't have thought it unless you hadn't repeated it for 100th time.Well Claude,after you were a retailer for them , I believe you. But to me ,it has been price hike,year and year since 2000 . When it wasn't a price hike , there was an equipment or miscellaneous Fee hike. Even their "price freezes" were nothing more than a huge price hike the year before the freeze and then another price hike at the end of their price freeze. Simple shifting of the increases on paper to make it look like there was no increase in the middle year. The first few years I had DISH , there were few price hikes and a lot of channel additions. IN 2000, I paid only $69.99 for AEP and now it would cost you over $126.99.