Dish Network claims I leased my receiver

Plus they're tired of receiving phone calls on legacy receivers that run as well as a Yugo.

What a crock.

Other than my 501 being DOA in 2005, there has never been a phone call related to it. Nor my 4700/4900 which is easily 7 years old.

Nothing wrong with legacy receivers.

I'm still trying to figure out how Dish has come to this.
Anyone else remember the JD Power customer service awards Dish used to win?
I finally won the fight about 2 leased receivers. I had been fighting this war with Dish for about 2 years off and on. I got real serious the last 2 months. I was about 5 seconds from terminating my service and then the customer service rep said they would need me to return the leased receivers. I was ready to tell her to try to come and get them. BUT I thought better of it and Faxed all of the supporting documentation for the last 8 years of receiver purchases. Again the info sat around at Dish for another month and finally got someone in the the Executive dept. that really cared that I was going to leave. I was on the phone for about 45 minutes BUT he said everything was resolved. I checked my account on line about 2 hours later and sure enough it was.

Hopefully it will stay resolved. Good luck

Rich Dunklee
I have my dish network VIP722 receiver, which I bought from EBAY, saved the receipt on word document, also saved my paypal money transaction receipt on word document in 4 different hard drives plus 2 flash drives :-) I know they're bunch of a$$ about it if I ever decide to get rid of DN. Should this be fine?
BTW, how do I check to make sure they dont' have this as "lease"? They said that it's listed under as "Customer puchased" but I dont' trust them!
There ought to be a law against surreptitious conversion of owned receivers to leased receivers.
BTW, how do I check to make sure they dont' have this as "lease"? They said that it's listed under as "Customer puchased" but I dont' trust them!

Don't trust them. I have seen many cases where "purchased" turns into "leased" after 6-9 months without warning. Since the additional outlet fee is about the same as the lease fee, the customer doesn't see a change in rates and won't notice unless they are looking carefully.

The CSRs will never admit that last month's bill shows a purchased receiver, and everyone I have discussed this with has been forced to play the game of producing receipts, and escalating to CEO.
Don't trust them. I have seen many cases where "purchased" turns into "leased" after 6-9 months without warning. Since the additional outlet fee is about the same as the lease fee, the customer doesn't see a change in rates and won't notice unless they are looking carefully.

The CSRs will never admit that last month's bill shows a purchased receiver, and everyone I have discussed this with has been forced to play the game of producing receipts, and escalating to CEO.

.....and if it comes to that, then I will have to show them. I have my e-bay item page saved which shows the item and be being the owner and also have paypal reciept which shows that I paid the guy with the exact amount on the e-bay listing. Should be ok. But I'll also keep my monthly statements incase it changes in the future. Should that work out?
It's funny you post about this. Everyone keep your paperwork! I haven't had dish for 2 years. I just got a notice from a credit reporting company that they hit my credit reports this month for $800. Dish claims that my old 6000 receiver that I used years ago was leased and never returned to them when I cancelled. The funny thing is that I bought all of my receivers outright when I had Dish and they never even leased that model. I'm disputing it with the credit reporting companies. There should be a law against what they are doing.
Why cant you sue them?
Do you have proof???

Because customers and retailers don't have direct access to the systems... That should kind of be self-explanatory, being able to plug in a random number and get back a lease/purchase tag on it. D* would have a field day.

At any rate, there's a cause behind this that CSRs can't fix, aren't even aware of and very little effort is being put into repairing. You can call Retail Services all day, but they won't intervene in issues involving customers, just retailers.

As for Claude not receiving residuals, very quickly you'll see that DISH is becoming less and less willing to discuss the state of a customer's account (billing, how many receivers, etc) with anyone except the customer.
Things are only going to get worse and Dish Network is going to be harder and harder to deal with. You would think that they would have learned their lesson with all the other crap they have been doing and it already has started to catch up with them.
I have had this happen to several customers. Its not intentional, but an issue due to some idiot CSR keying in the activation wrong.

Its an easy problem to resolve, we just have to fax in an invoice!

The REAL issue is how many customers do you see buying receivers outright? Very few!
It's funny you post about this. Everyone keep your paperwork! I haven't had dish for 2 years. I just got a notice from a credit reporting company that they hit my credit reports this month for $800. Dish claims that my old 6000 receiver that I used years ago was leased and never returned to them when I cancelled. The funny thing is that I bought all of my receivers outright when I had Dish and they never even leased that model. I'm disputing it with the credit reporting companies. There should be a law against what they are doing.

I have seen this one also happen with one of my customers! I finally won on behalf of the customer since a 6000 was never a leased receiver model!

DishOnline won't stay online (VIP622)

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