Amazingly enough Dish was able to ....
* find enough space at 129 and 61.5
* resolve all the legal/licensing issues
* hold down prices by hard ball price negotiations
* solve all the uplink feed issues
* solve the other "technical issues"
....for 19 new HD Channels just in time to announce them as a group on a Sunday evening before the week containing Tech Chat, and Team Summit. Obviously the reason we have had to wait for new National HD this long was not so that Dish could have a Big Bang announcement.
Talon Dancer
* find enough space at 129 and 61.5
* resolve all the legal/licensing issues
* hold down prices by hard ball price negotiations
* solve all the uplink feed issues
* solve the other "technical issues"
....for 19 new HD Channels just in time to announce them as a group on a Sunday evening before the week containing Tech Chat, and Team Summit. Obviously the reason we have had to wait for new National HD this long was not so that Dish could have a Big Bang announcement.

Talon Dancer