Dish Network Celebrates 1,000,000th DVR sold!

Scott Greczkowski

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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
One of the big things down here at the Dish Network expo was the celebration of its 1,000,000th DVR/PVR unit!

They are the first company to reach this milestone.

More from Baltimore later.
Now if they would just buy up Tivo and incorporate their Tivo like software into Dish Dvrs we would have a winner combination. Especially when you consider Rupert might be doing away with Tivo when he gets Directv and using his own dvrs. :rolleyes:
Yeah that was the Rumor going around here that DirecTV was thinking of dumping Tivo.

I learned on thing you NEVER know whats going to happen in the satellite industry. :)
I hope Charlie is wise enough to take advantage of this opening. I doubt D* will go through with letting Tivo go. I mean they overpaid for NFL:ST just because it pulls in additional customers. They may realize that Tivo does the same and keep them exclusive.
What proof is there that Tivo helps pull in additional customers?

We all seem to forget that we do not represent anything close to the majority of customers. I believe, and I think E*'s success shows, that the typical Joe Customer wants nothing more than a Digital VCR.
From the Niemeyer Report: TiVo reported for their third quarter (ending July 31) that they added 90,000 net new subscribers - 34,000 with standalone boxes and 56,000 via DirecTV. This brought TiVo to 793,000 total subscribers - 467,000 standalone and 326,000 with DirecTV.

DirecTivo owners are only about 3% of DirecTV subscribers,a nd DirecTV is bringing in about 250K new subscribers per Q so DirecTivo is accounting for 20% of that new business. That looks good, but not that significant. How many new subscribers come on board for NFLST?

These numbers may be OK for Tivo growth, but it does not appear to be a substantial growth driver for DirecTV.

The entire report on PVR/DVR numbers is at:
Of all those DirecTV Tivo subs, how many of them bought the DVRs specifically because they are Tivos? I would bet that most of them would've bought them if they were DirecTV branded DVRs or Replay or UTV or anything else.


DVR-921 dimensions

Greetings from Baltimore!

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