Dish Network - a tale of sheer "DISGUST"

you know this all goes back to my constant standby statement.. spoiled people deserve nothing... this isnt a charity.. its a business.. bone up and pay and you wont have problems..the saying you get what you pay for... never more true .. you paid nothing and got nothing
as far as the dtv guys staying in the dtv forum.. do you blame them.. their customers are always comming to the E* side.. if D* cant keep the customers what makes you think that the D* forum can keeps its techs there?
I understand that you are upset. I also don't understand these problems that seam to show up here. I do hundreds of installs every year, plus plenty of upgrades. The most screwed up I will see a work order is they may not have the right equipment on it. Any tech should be able to fix this in 10 min. I just don't understand these crazy problems.

10 hours to do an install for four rooms? Was this the techs first install? Your account already active for 32 Days? These things just don't add up.
10 mins huh?..Try coming to work with me for a month. If you think this is easuy you are living (jokingly) in la la land. PLease let me know that your secret is. I will pass it along to our office.
10 hrs to do a 4 room install?...Um gotta question that one...I can see if the house is an unwired mega structure with multiple wall fishes and at least three stories. Or a really old home with a bunch of additions through the history of the home.
I avg about 3-4 hrs for a 4 room D-1000 plus install. Big ones take a bit longer. I am slow. But I am very neat and gove excellent customer service. I cover every detail I hate getting nailed with TC's becuase the cusdtomer dopesn't know how to use their TV or the receiver. Trust me customers will call dish for anything. So I take the time to cover everything that I view as the basics and cover my ass on the install, the oruting of cables and dish placement. I hate headaches. My goal is to NEVER have to return to that home again...So it takes more time. I consodwer a return trip to be a money wasteing effort.
As for this guy. Dish F'ed him. The CSR who did the activation didn't read the notes and/or made a decision on his/her own tat was beyiond their authority. The customer shpuld emaill and get this straightened out. Or cancel..His choice.
The question is did you do formers or DISH N It up?

Did you keep the same account number or did they give you a new one?
Claude...About a year ago I did a jnob where the cutomer had the super dish right there. They had int'l programming and canceled it.. They wanted coe programming. There it was in black and white "new connect . The cust said they canceled their int'l service a few days before my arrival. I called Disgh to make sure verrything was above board. They gave the ok to do the job..So I made notes and got the name and OP ID form the CSR giving the ok and did my thing.. No harm no foul...I t was very strange. And It sort of masde me mad. As a DIsh customer I would love to get a free upgrade of my ancient EQ like this guy did , but not happening..Well kudos to them for getting the new stuff. I wish Dish would treat every customer..rephrase.... every GOOD ontime paying customer the same.
Part of the reason that these problems exist are because people allow this to happen, which is unacceptable. While it does not happen too often it happens enough that we hear these nightmare install stories. While I agree Dish is a pretty good service once it is working right, they need to correct the system to avoid this. It is not the technical side of this, it is the business model. Treat your customers like crap because you can find more? Good model.
I met so many people that were ready to kill me before I rang the doorbell on TC's it was scary. I would say 90% of them were not technical, just incomplete and botched jobs. If I spent an hour going over thier system, really listened to their concerns, called CS and told the CSR what to do, and generally acted like I cared I had them eating out of the palm of my hand.

Too many people get burned here, most due to lack of giving a damn. There is no need to work this way. While overall Dish is a pretty good service, it could do so much better. While I never have a reason to call CS for help, the customers that are forced to I truly feel sorry for. Calling CS 10 times and getting 10 different answers is not very constructive. The fact that people allow this to be acceptable is part of why Dish keeps doing it.
I am a tech. I agree with you to a point. Yes I like to see if there's anything I can do to help a customer while I am on site . Especially those who seem to appreciate the assistance. But due to the constraints of time to fulfill a busy schedule there some things I just do not have time to do. There has to be a a balance between good customer service and completeing all jobs asigned that day. Which in and of itself is good customer service.
Webby might just be getting tired of the recently ongoing daily problems that are reported.

Don't know anything about being able to get a free install on a existing account, seems odd. I'd like to see how that workorder would have been built out, being active for 30 some days, something not adding up.

CH-Service Change

Replace Existing reciever
Replace Existing reciever
500+ Upgrade Plus install

That's what I can see of how it should have been, but I highly doubt that's what it reflected, I don't know.

I have seen plenty of the #A addresses on a totally existing install for NC with some fancy sales partner.
I see alot of that #1 or "A" addys myself. I get there and there's already a systejm in place. We have a an overwhelming influx of Latinos( mostly illegals) that wil have thier own system and move in wiht some one who has one already. They will do a dish mover and I swear teh CSR's are helping them get their jobs to go. I mean if you are Jose from Juarez how would you know to put an "A" on your address to get Dish installed?..Same applies ot others as well. I see a customer who has/had dish and they will put the new account in the spouses name and use a cell number and the famous "A". They get new EQ on a new connnect...

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