Dish Network 5G Internet?

Did you expect to see towers springing up instantly? There's a lot of behind the scenes planning, engineering, and testing that goes into a project of this scope before the first subscriber can sign up. It looks like Dish is pretty much on track at this point.
Well, after 8 years yes....I would expect something....All we heard was excuses!....Now sure take 2 covid years away, that leaves 6 years of excuses and extensions!....Remember they won that bid and was talk selling it off......
Dish Network recently won the bidding for wireless broadband frequencies in all 176 U.S. markets auctioned by the Federal Communications Commission. Dish bid exactly the $1.56 billion it promised the FCC that it would spend in exchange for more flexibility in how it uses other wireless broadband frequencies.Mar 5, 2014
Founders: Charlie Ergen
Rollout must start significantly. Not tower by tower. And no need to tip off competitors where you are going.
Since they are on shared towers, the competition knows where they are going. :)

As I said I know they ordered 100 ten gigabit fiber connections from Verizon. So i would expect at least 100 locations soon. :)
Why would, without physically looking, company A know company B is leasing space on a tower they are using from company C?

Any idea how many locations/towers ATT or V are using nationwide?
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Since they are on shared towers, the competition knows where they are going. :)

As I said I know they ordered 100 ten gigabit fiber connections from Verizon. So i would expect at least 100 locations soon. :)
Is 10 Gbps enough for a single location? That seems "small" for 5G's range.
They will.

Never bet against Charlie.
Dish's future pretty much is leveraged on this shift to Terrestrial 5G. So yeah, Charlie is pretty much all-in with this, so doubting it wouldn't be wise. But, he needs the tech to be Hopper 3-esque to compete. From reviews, their current phone is more SlingTV quality than Hopper 3 quality.
The great part of this is over the time the technology has improved greatly. While other companies are still offering 2G, 3G, 4G and now 5G as well in about the same spectrum DISH has, DISH's network out of the gate will be ALL 5G.
Again we are just over a week away from Team Summit, and SatelliteGuys will be there covering things. Be sure to pop in often for our live updates right from the show floor. :)
Could you explain what Team Summit is?
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Could you explain what Team Summit is?

It is Dish Network's big event for retailers and partners.

It's where they announce new things and show off new equipment and ideas for the future with all the Dish executives.

My understanding is they will be officially launching Genesis there in Las Vegas at Team Summit.

Do a search for Team Summit and you can see our coverage from over the years.