Dish Network 5G Internet?

Read the details carefully. This is an international GSM version of the A22 from 2021 and may not work with your carrier or have the full band coverage for the US. It also may not have any warranty coverage...
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After T-Mobile dropped out for a few days due to an upgrade I bought the Netgear hotspot. It took a few days to get it activated, but it has been working pretty good since then. I get download speeds of 130 to 150 and upload speeds of 5 to 11. It has been working great for web surfing and playing slot machine games. I tried to stream Netflix and it would only do 1080i where my TMO would do 4K.

The hotspot gets faster downloads that TMO, but slower uploads. The rsrp and rsrq are about the same, but the sinr is about 10 with Dish and 20 with TMO. The hotspot is connecting to n71 for primary and n66 for secondary. Overall I am very happy with it, but hopefully it will get better to stream 4k.
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Does anyone know definitively what bands etc Dish is/will be using for their 5G? I've read two different articles, one claiming an agreement with T-Mobile and the other says AT&T to carry the Dish service until Dish has it's towers operational. Since the bands are not compatible between those two providers and apparently AT&T is not allowing phone mfgs to build phones with all band capability, what's really going on? Anyone firmly know?
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Does anyone know definitively what bands etc Dish is/will be using for their 5G? I've read two different articles, one claiming an agreement with T-Mobile and the other says AT&T to carry the Dish service until Dish has it's towers operational. Since the bands are not compatible between those two providers and apparently AT&T is not allowing phone mfgs to build phones with all band capability, what's really going on? Anyone firmly know?
Since I got the hotspot I have only been roaming a few short periods. At that time it was AT&T and LTE b12 which was super slow. I have Dish antennas less than a mile away where TMO & AT&T are twice that distance.
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I doubt AT&T has much say in what phone manufacturers make.
Oh contraire, they own the frequency and band and will not activate 5G unless it's their phone or a company they have reached an agreement with. Google it, the info is out there. 5G is being handled completely different that 4G LTE. AT&T does not want "universal" phones on their 5G network. If the phone isn't listed on AT&T's approved list it won't connect to 5G
ATT might refuse to activate the phone model, where allowed by law. But they cannot stop Apple, Samsung, et al, from making them. ATT can maybe make the phone deaf to certain frequencies. Maybe.

Phone makers known gosh darned well that making a near universal phone is what the public wants, so they can hop carriers and still use their own, not too old, phone.
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About a week ago my tower was either turned off or something went down. My speeds went from the 150+- range to the 15 to 20 mbps range. I took the hotspot to another tower and it had the the faster 150+- speeds. I then went to my tower and I could not get anything where before I was getting around 250+- speeds.
Does this mean an antenna would be needed to receive the signal from the tower? This would not be a problem for me being I have several already.
I saw a YouTube review where an RV owner had the T-Mobile 5G home internet box and attached a directional antenna to it pointed at the cell tower. He claimed a great speed increase.
You're replying based on what you think, research it before posting.

I have no doubt that telecom X can tell smartphone makers to not include certain frequencies on the phones sold by telecom X.

But I have bought "universal" iPhones direct from Apple that work with all telecoms and all frequencies.

After getting err, "nailed to the wall" by AT&T, I will never deal with them again. And I will only buy phones from the makers, with max frequency coverage to keep my options open.
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A few days ago my faster speeds came back along with a higher sinr number . Right now the dl speed is 154 with an ul speed of 11. The sinr is 29 where before it was less than 10. Yesterday I watched two hours of Seal Team on Paramount+ in 4K with no issues at all. This was using a Roku Ultra. I tried Disney+, but it would not work due to some type of error with the address.
I will try using my H3 with Netflix and Prime next.

Edit: I just checked Netflix and Prime using the H3 and they both worked great in 4K. What makes this even better is I got an email saying I will be getting three months of free service for reaching the Influencer level on the Project Genesis app.
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