LOL... uhh... just about any of the folks here that know about the coupon program could have answered the big fat no on that one.
Someone, please ask about Sci-Fi HD and USA HD.
Give up already, I have. This company is worthless. I did the math and by the time hockey season is over it'll only be $100 to cancel my contract.. just in time for the Yankees.
Maybe we can get a several satguy to throw in $1 to help pay your disconnect fee so you switch and we can stop reading your posts about switching.
If thats they case, how will they add 67 NEW markets by Q2?
You can and I would gladly acceptYou could always block me. But I would like to point out that i've been fairly quiet about my unhappiness with Dish as of late. However, there doesn't seem to be any lack of criticism on here. Would you pay for others' disconnect fee as well?
Oh ok when are they going to turn that feature on for the 211's??
The other thread mentioned a "price freeze."
They are raising the prices now, then "freezing" them for a year until they raise them again next February?
Did they really say something like this?
We will ask about SciFi and USA HD on the show floor, but I am expecting everyone to be tight lipped about any future programming deals/agreements until they are actually finalized.
It does appear that we will see spots on 61.5 sometime soon to serve the new HD local markets. Again, most of this we already knew.
Spotbeams on 61.5 have had some tweaking lately, so the consensus seems to be they can add more HD LiL's with their existing spotbeam capacity at 61.5.
Means another dish for me...
We will ask about SciFi and USA HD on the show floor, but I am expecting everyone to be tight lipped about any future programming deals/agreements until they are actually finalized.
It does appear that we will see spots on 61.5 sometime soon to serve the new HD local markets. Again, most of this we already knew.
We will ask about SciFi and USA HD on the show floor, but I am expecting everyone to be tight lipped about any future programming deals/agreements until they are actually finalized.
It does appear that we will see spots on 61.5 sometime soon to serve the new HD local markets. Again, most of this we already knew.