dish net vs direct antenna question


New Member
Original poster
Oct 18, 2004
New to forum, and DUMB,; I have direct tv now and live surrounded by tall trees, very lucky to have found a line "barely" over the trees--my quetion, if I try to dish net, are they using the same birds, or different--The direct signal is 100% on all of their birds.

advice please.
depends on if you have a single LNB dish or Phase III

DirectTv uses 3 birds
101 has most of the programming
110 has HD
119 has some locals

Dish uses 110 & 119

So if your dish is a Phase III, then yes it should work. If you have a single LNB dish (the 18" model), then probably not
I have an old directv system that I want to use to tune the dish birds. It is a dual LNB 18". So will my setup work or do I have to get a special dish. I am having trouble tuning the 119 sat and thinking maybe it's i've got the wrong hardware? Is that true? Thanks in advance for any help.
If you are barely clearing the trees you may have a problem picking up dishnet.I am in South Carolina and the DTV dish(phase 3) is set @ 40deg. elevation and Dishnet is @ 37deg. I know 3 deg. doesn't sound like much but if it is that close you may want to have an installer check first.Also they do not share the satellite,just the location 110 and 119.

OTA, Satellite acquiring problem

New User and Dish's answer to self install

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