Charlie claimed over a year ago that when/if Cablevision carried the Yanks in the Metro NY area that he would make a move. Well, a judge ordered CV to carry YES last season without an official deal which was Charlie's 'out'. That decreed/arbitrated carriage is about to expire. E* lost many subs to D* and CV over this issue. It'll be interesting to see what happens next month when the season starts, whether CV and Yes strike a deal, and Charlie's reaction to it. My bet is that he'll excercise his selective memory and lie as usual, leaving Yankee fans in the lurch.
You Yankee bashers crack me up. You sound like a bunch of cry babies. Go ahead and cry and dream, the season is yet to start. Enjoy it while you can before the Yanks crush your teams like flies.
BTW, you Sox fans, I'm looking forward to what should be an interesting season. On paper, your team is imposing and impressive. A definite threat. Good luck, let the games begin and let the best team win!!
Go Yanks!!!