dfergie said:Nice Mount... I need to move my 10' fiberglass out of the yard as a tree behind it has grown to where in the summer months the middle to east part of the arc is hidden and also a tree in front of. The Pole will make a perfect start to a picnic table after I trim a little off the height...
dfergie said:Only non Pine/ Shade tree I have( I live in the desert too ) perfect place for a table...
Lynskyn said:Hey is that dish in the picture steel? It looks just like one of the old steel ones from back when I was first in the biz in 1988.
WyrTwister said:The damaged 8' dish was aluninum framing w/ aluminun mesh .
The 10' Zenith dish is perferated sheet metal , aluminun , I think .
WyrTwister said:Poor picture ( taken at night ) of the 10' Zenith dish on the pipe and mount my cousin built for me .
I was getting very good analog video with the damaged 8' dish .
Getting fantastic video in this 10' dish .
WyrTwister said:The damaged 8' dish was aluninum framing w/ aluminun mesh .
The 10' Zenith dish is perferated sheet metal , aluminun , I think .
gizzer777 said:Hi Wyr:
Just had to run out and take a night shot of my perf Alum Winegard 8 footer. Bought it new in the late 70's and moved it from an old house to this one! Still excellent!
WyrTwister said:Nice looking dish . Did all of these have button hook mounts for the feed horn ?
Might even be tempted to do some painting on the flat plate and pole .
Likvid said:It's a reason they called the old Winegard Pinnacles antennas the "Rolls Royce" of antennas.
I had the 10ft Pinnacle model back in the 80's, best mesh dish ever made.
Lynskyn said:Yes, those were very good and very deep with heavy duty mounts and the panels were perforated, not really mesh, so the surface was smoother like a solid dish.
The ones I still see (8-10 ft Winegards) around here have buttonhooks. I have only seen a few at houses, but alot of bars and restaurants have Winegard 10 footers here...all perforated Aluminum from their looks
When I bought it new, I had no idea there was anything else. It worked and I was happy...I AM STILL HAPPY!!!
I have a little rust to remove this spring and will be doing a little touch up myself! I think the orig finish was powder coated and that may be why it has held up so well!
The small amount of rust is where the Buttonhook post slides into the holder in the dish. Geez, after 25+ yrs outside...I would be solid rust!!! I am thinking of putting a light coat of Polyurathane on that spot after I remove the rust and touch it up...There are some discolored spots on the dish but no rust or corosion! Amazing after 25+ yrs ..Your toughts?
EDIT: mesh dishes usually get wiped out by the winds here! I have seen a nice Paraclipse around the neighborhood though!