Dish Model 942 - L2.27 Software Update

Well, I just checked my program guide, and I am getting local program guide data for more of the local OTA channels than I was. I am still missing some, but it is better. Right now, I just told the receiver to download the program guide data again, so I am hoping when it is done I will have even more data on my local channels.
Well, it appears that with the most recent software update I'm back to where I was when the 942 was first installed. Getting local programming data on about half of my channels. I understand that Dish doesn't provide programming data on the channels they do not carry themselves which leaves 2 which should have data, but do not (FOX and ABC). It was just like this for a couple of weeks, and then BAM, the programming guide data was missing from everything except for CBS. Hopefully at least the programming guide data will stick around for these channels. I'm still not very happy with the 942, though, being still unable to get programming guide data for ABC and FOX.
Does anyone know when the 942 will have the option when recording episodes to record all new episodes only instead of the current option which records any new episodes from the current year?
Scott Greczkowski said:
When I say just, I mean within the last half hour.

Sacramento Ca, I have software 227

I like the USB idea for an external hard drive.

.. and I have one OTA channel that does not fill in. :cool:
My 942 has total signal loss each morning when I start my reciever. I turn it off each night but the problem still persists. I have to do a check signal test to get it to work again.

Does anyone have any advice?
It may get better tommorow, the OTA guide data is always scrwed up for 24 hour after a software update.
I won't hold my breath. The one channel showed up immediately, but as I said, that takes me back to where I was before the 2.26 update and it never got any better then. I'll call Tech Support back, but I'm sure that'll be a waste of time too. :(
Darkman said:
It's available "wide-spread" to all 942s out there... (L227)
( according to DISH's software page: )
This time it looks right - all version and all numbers covering:

Wed Jul 13 19:41:55 2005
Upgrading FW:
'AAA1'- 'AMG1' 'L050'- 'L226','NONE'
'AAA1'- 'AMG1' 'L050'- 'L226','1110'
'AAA1'- 'AMG1' 'L050'- 'L227'
New FW:'L227'
List of BootStraps and BuildConfigs:
'1[01]1[A0]' 'MA[BD-FHJ][A-DJ]'
IRD Model: DP942
List of Serial Numbers:
[2] 1-4000000000
Found out about L2.27 yesterday when the missus called to chew my arse about the 942 "acting up" during her afternoon lineup. The 942 couldn't see any sats so I walked her through a check switch and then had her reboot the box three times just for good measure. The missus simply wants to turn on the TV and have it work without having to check switches, reboot, reset or reinitialize anything. Needless to say, I haven't experienced such a tongue lashing since the early days of my VOOM receiver software updates. Ok, who is the genius at E* that decided to push L2.27 during the day? Isn't this why most of our receivers are set to update at 3am? Dumkopfs!!!

Regarding L2.27, I am once again receiving PG data for all my digital locals...however, this may only be temporary due to my rebooted the box. I can now see some VOOM transponders, but it takes forever to lock on any satellite. I just hope the TV2 output problem (squished) has been fixed with this update.
swade said:

Sacramento Ca, I have software 227

I like the USB idea for an external hard drive.

.. and I have one OTA channel that does not fill in. :cool:

I had the download also......but it is still one OTA channel short channel's there but blank...13.02 has the programs on it, but that is SD And the way my wife uses up the hard drive on the 942 an lockable external hard drive would be very nice (especially the way prices for hard drives are)
Mine is acting weird. Lost signal, so did a check switch it locked up, so I rebooted, it was shoing 0-5, then 3-5, then 4-5 then 2-5, then 0-5. so i ran another and it did the same. I went to point dish screen and it said no 110 119 was 97% and 121 was 87%. Uh... I dont have a dish at 121. I rebooted did startup CW and it went to last known channel. went to point Dish same thing, 121/119 only no 110? anyone else have this issue? It works okay but real slow during channel changes?
Tobar said:
I had the download also......but it is still one OTA channel short channel's there but blank...13.02 has the programs on it, but that is SD And the way my wife uses up the hard drive on the 942 an lockable external hard drive would be very nice (especially the way prices for hard drives are)

How about 6.1? I'd love to see PBS HD in the EPG.
New problem for me..

I can access my recordings list, but when I try to play/restart tells me there is a problem with the DVR system and gives error code: 07. Tech support (advanced) never heard of 07, only 007 so she submitted to the "engineers". So it looks like I lost all my recordings. Now tells me I have all 25 hours left of HD...bummmer

additional receiver fee

522 with flakey tuner two

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