Dish messing with Voom, All are now HD-Lite 1280x1080i: Discuss this issue HERE!

vurbano said:
Sean Mota, you almost quit Voom once because of PQ issues. 1280x 1080i is far worse than the resolution we ever got with Voom. When are you quitting???

Hard to argue that best personal resolution will be to quit and not pay for sub quality HD. However, I'd like to wait and see where things will end up.
Sean Mota said:
Hard to argue that best personal resolution will be to quit and not pay for sub quality HD. However, I'd like to wait and see where things will end up.

That is the stance I am taking. Give it some time to see if they fix things, otherwise I will be dropping VOOM
Stacy A said:
I cancelled my VOOM package yesterday. I told the CSR why, although she didn't seem to care at all.
If the CSR "didn't care", as you say, your cancelling that package didn't "help" the cause. Your cancellation will simply be seen as normal churn and NOT related to the down-rez'ing issue.
sclaws said:
Slight rant ON
I don't post terribly often but issues like this get me going (I sent my thoughts to Dish..add comments as necessary on the board..). I just want to acknowledge a known annoyance with "that other DBS site". In their parallel discussion thread about this issue, it seems more folk over there are just arguing that this downrezzing is not a big deal and those of use concerned are blowing it out of proportion. I have no clue why they are willing to accept essentially being cheated out of the product they're paying for without a fight, but that seems to be the case for many posters over there. I'm not interested posting info around their arguments.
Scott, thanks again for getting this site running...its a relief to be able to attack issues like this with people who really care about making a difference.
Slight rant OFF

This is something ALL sites should be working on together. The other sites stance on this does not surprise me in the least.

This should not be a site -vs- site issue, we just want what we are paying for. Ass they keep trying to kiss corporate ass we keep fighting for you the consumer.

I belive we should all be on the same page for this one. We need to make our voice heard NOW while things can still be changed, if we just sit on our hands we will definately loose the battle.

Just here at SatelliteGuys alone we are 30,000 strong. Lets work together on this common goal.
hall said:
If the CSR "didn't care", as you say, your cancelling that package didn't "help" the cause. Your cancellation will simply be seen as normal churn and NOT related to the down-rez'ing issue.

Then that would be their mistake then wouldn't it?
here's a new one to me and I haven't seen it posted yet:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your e-mail. I apologize that it took so long to
respond. We've received an unexpected amount of e-mails this month on this issue. Our normal response time is 24-48 hours.

I have forwarded that information to our engineering team and our uplink
center so that they can monitor these channels to find out what is
causing that issue. I do sincerely apologize about this inconvenience.


Technical E-mail Support
Dish Network
One thing I do have to ask is why has there not been many DirecTv customers complain about their HD picture quality? Because they set it at the lower resolution to begin with. This is why Dish Network decided to do this now instead of later on when more potential subscribers would be lost. Has DirecTv changed theirs? Nope. Has anyone complained about the DirecTv HD locals? Have not seen any complaints yet.

I am not saying that Dish Network done the right thing by lowering the resolution of the stations. If they was going to go with 1280 x 1080i then they should have set it to that to begin with to prevent all of the current complaints. When you start your service at a certain quality the customers expect to get the same or better quality in the future, not worse quality.
Stargazer said:
One thing I do have to ask is why has there not been many DirecTv customers complain about their HD picture quality?

We have complained but D*'s feeling is that customers want more content and would be willing to take less PQ in order to get it. Isn't that exactly what happened with the SD PQ, started out great but they kept dialing it back in order to fit more channels in. Back then folks b*tched and moaned about it, did it do any good, nope. I wish you luck with your fight since it might help D* from scr*wing up the MPEG4/KA HD channels like they have with the MPEG2/KU ones.
I think you guys aren't really helping if you just keep annoying dish.

come on folks 1 email is enough! and no more is really needed since we have a response from dish posted on the internet. They wrote a pretty fair and nice response and they asked for our patience and said they will be meeting about it. In my mind the ball is still in their court and we should give them the time they're asking for.
BFG said:
I think you guys aren't really helping if you just keep annoying dish.
come on folks 1 email is enough! and no more is really needed since we have a response from dish posted on the internet. They wrote a pretty fair and nice response and they asked for our patience and said they will be meeting about it. In my mind the ball is still in their court and we should give them the time they're asking for.

I feel the same way, I was just posting an email response I got back today from the email I submitted on Saturday and the fact that I had not see that response posted. I am getting responses from CEO, Rainbow media and others today from my 3 emails I sent over the weekend.

Well, I feel the same way about people that have already voiced their complaint. Complaints from those who have yet to register their concern should continue.
BFG said:
I think you guys aren't really helping if you just keep annoying dish.
come on folks 1 email is enough! and no more is really needed since we have a response from dish posted on the internet. They wrote a pretty fair and nice response and they asked for our patience and said they will be meeting about it. In my mind the ball is still in their court and we should give them the time they're asking for.
I agree. We want them to be professional. So let's treat them that way. Give them a chance to work the issues through their processes.
Hd Pq

Gary Murrell said:
As of right now Dish just flipped the switch and all voom are at 1280x1080i, gone is my beautiful Equator and MonstersHD

Do all HD providers give out information on the "resolution' that they will be providing? If so how do I find out about what Comcast is using because I am not impressed with their HD quality. Does going down to 1280 just decrease the width of what is on the screen or does it decrease the resolution as well (pardon the ignorance)? Thanks!
I have been a lurker here for a couple years now and moved to dish when Voom circled the drain.. Thank you all for the valuable information that I have found here over the years!

When I read about the issues with the down rez'ing and started seeing other issues, I sent a long email to all of the dish network addresses I could find. I also cc'd Charles Dolan on the emails as I thought it may help. He had responed to me when all of the issues were creeping up with Voom prior to their demise.

Interestingly enough, I got several responses. Most of which were the generic cut and paste ones until today, so I thought I would post since it looks like the noise we are making is not being heard by deaf ears and may actually make a difference.

Here is what I sent them:

A few days ago, I noticed a significant drop in picture quality on my HD
stations. Especially the Voom channels which were the very reason I switched
to Dish From DirecTV.
Additionally I have noticed more artifacts over the last couple weeks with
HD stations.

I still have my DirecTv hooked up and what used to be no comparison (dish
was much better) in picture quality when comparing the same stations between
differnt services is now not so. When I noticed the artifacts, I checked my
signal which was great. I then went to my 811 upstairs and saw the same
issues. I then switched the same channel on my Direc TV Sony Sat 200 and the
picture was fine. Next thing I noticed was some Voom content that I recorded
on my 942 was 1280 by 1080 and not 1920 by 1080. I then realized why my PQ
was noticeably worse over the last week or so.

Now I can tell you that I spent close to 10K on my native 1920x1080 LCD
display for a reason and it was largely due to Voom content. When they
closed their service and Dish brought it on, I signed up and even signed a
contract based on QOS (Qulity of service) which in my opinion is really

A great display makes a bad picture look worse-------> Garbage on....
Garbage out------------>

I hope this is not the brain child of some accountant trying to squeeze the
bandwidth out of the picture because if they think quantity is better than
quality, than I am sure that there are many of us who will cancel our
service. I know my self and my brother are not happy with the QOS over the
last week and or over the last month or 2. Customer service said it is the
aligning of the moon or something like that (that is what my brother and I
were told a few weeks ago when we both noticed the artifacts at different
addresses without ever knowing the problems each other was having) and the
problem gets worse. Now not only artifacts, but down rezd picture..

I am ready to cancel as is my brother..

I found this email address because I searched around online to see if others
noticed the same thing and low and behold it was the topic on two separate
online communities...

I hope this is a short term problem as I will not continue to pay for the
service if quality is not a concern of dish network. I know I am not alone
in this and I am also sure than anybody who buys an HD TV does so for the
benefit of the quality. If there is no quality than why spend the extra

Charles Dolan was a visionary and I wish that Voom was still operating as a
competitor because it would be a no brainer where I would be. Voom was
great! Quality was great as was the quantity...

Dish seemed promising but now I am not sure.

Here is their most recent response:

Dear Mr. Leif:

Thank you for expressing your concerns and interest in DISH Network.
Customer input is an important tool in our efforts to continuously
improve the quality of the DISH Network service.

We have heard from you as well as many others off the talk forums the
past few days as to everyone's recent dissatisfaction with the VOOM/HD
channels. DISH is most certainly aware of your concerns and have
meetings scheduled over the next few days to discuss this topic. This
will not happen overnight. We ask for your patience while we attack this
issue. We hope you and your brother hang in there.

At DISH Network we appreciate the time customers take to email their
audio/video quality concerns. Thank you for your patience and for being
a valued customer.

EchoStar Satellite LLC
Quality Assurance Department
I believe that they limit the resolution for a tradeoff in the amount of HD channels they can carry. So if they increase the resolution, they have to cut back on the number of channels they will have room for. If this would be true, then we could expect the resolution to go up when they increase the amount of HD TP's. TV stations do the same thing, some offer 4 digital channels, none which are true HD quality, Fox cuts it to two of a higher quality. ABC has an awesome HD output in primetime, but they scale back during the day. PBS has several channels during the day, but at night they kick them all off, but one, and they run that one at the highest quality. All the other PBS channels refer you to their true HD presentation on the other channel.

You will all have to admit that the HD channles don't always have true HD content. PBS is one of them, but when they do have HD, they shoot it to the max, and it is usually at night.

I will be happy if Dish fixes the crappy playback on the 625 receiver I have. Joe

I received the same e-mail reply (one of them) this morning. I hope we get results and not merely idle chatter. Anyway, after lurking for the past couple years I'm glad this issue prompted you to register and make your first post.:idea:

President Of Dish Spoke The Truth

What is the cheapest alternative to get Voom

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