Dish Is now showing TBS HD!

Well I wouldn't tell old James the DISH moderator at DBstalk that the satguys had anything to do in making DISH launch more hd channels early. He seems to think that no one or no one forum, has any power over the sat providers to influence them to launch anything. He is, as usual, kissing DISH's Ass all over the place Cutting down anyone who has anything negative to say against DISH about anything.
Well I wouldn't tell old James the DISH moderator at DBstalk that the satguys had anything to do in making DISH launch more hd channels early. He seems to think that no one or no one forum, has any power over the sat providers to influence them to launch anything. He is, as usual, kissing DISH's Ass all over the place Cutting down anyone who has anything negative to say against DISH about anything.

Does he not understand that the people influencing DISH to add channels is their customers? And the message boards are made up of said customers. And when you group a bunch of people with the common wants/goals, their voice is heard a little more.

You can't deny that SatGuys has had some influence on Dish. Dish may not sit here and read our threads, but we do provide our members with the most efficient avenues known to get the message across. We also encourage the population here to call, send emails, etc.....This isn't something you'll get from people not being connected and talking about these common issues.
SCi-Fi HD has little or no HD content for now, so don't feel bad we don't have it !

Species: The Awakening, Bionic Woman, Flash Gordon, Stargate: Atlantis and counting. Highly likely Battlestar Galactica as well. I'm sure 80% of this forum would replace A&E HD on their Dish/Cable lineup with Sci-Fi HD in a heartbeat.
I know it doesn't exist, but what the heck is wrong with Turner that they have TBS in HD and not TCM? It's the one Turner channel which would benefit immediately.

I don't need reruns of sitcoms I never liked to begin with in HD. And I realize that's just my personal taste and opinion talking, but even from an objective point of view, TCM-HD makes more sense. Virtually everything they show is in widescreen, and they OWN the master prints in most cases. I realize they have to make new HD masters, but they should have started doing that a couple years ago.

M Sparks: I couldn't agree with you more. TCM would be one of my favorite channels in HD of every channel Dish gives us in HD, if not THE favorite. Who knows, maybe TCM is certainly has been discussed, one would think. It seems the sports fans are pleased much faster than the movie fans. I just hope that Dish gets MGM HD which is scheduled to be added to Direct before the end of the year. For their first month, they are showing Exodus, Ben Hur, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, the Pink Panther films, and a whole lot more. Trouble is it is a channel with commercials, so I hear.
Can't speak to the DirectTV lineup but Dish totally shines compared to Cox in Phoenix. Cox channels blow and their quality isnt as good as Dish.

Thanks Dish for TBS HD. I also vote for Outdoor Channel HD and RFDTV HD.:hatsoff:
I can assure you that Dish reads most every post here. Dish Network is one of the biggest user of bandwidth here at SatelliteGuys.

I also heard from a few sources that the reason TBS HD was turned on tonight was because of the picture that Bob posted last night of TBS HD. I will get more into it when I get home tommorow night, but the explanation I got from seperate sources and temporary channel assignment make sense to me.
Thanks from a non baseball fan. If a "picture is worth a thousand words", HD picture speaks volumes to the horror those players must have felt having to perform in a demanding enough situation with a complete intangible like the environment. Good fun, and good to see Ernie in the studio. Thanks E*
Dish National HD channel count (for those who are keeping score:

1) Food Network HD (24-7 Unique Schedule to Sd counterpart)
2) HGTV (24/7 - Ditto to above)
3) A&E (Some HD - the rest STRETCH-O-VISION)
4) History Channel HD (Ditto - Stretch-O-Vision)
5) TNT (Some HD - The rest Scaled stretch-o-vision)
6) TBS (Some HD - The rest Scaled stretch-o-vision)
7) ESPN (Lots of HD events, 4x3 SD with borders that prevent burn-in)
8) ESPN 2 (Same as ESPN)
9) NFL Network (many HD events, 4x3 SD with black bars)
10) Discovery Channel (Some HD with "zoomed" SD programs thin black lines on the sides)
11) TLC (Same as Discovery)
12) Animal Planet (Same as Discovery only not as many HD programs)
13) National Geographic Channel (Lots of HD with 4x3 SD black bars)
14) Science Channel (Same as Discovery)
15) Versus/Golf Channel (Some HD events, otherwise mostly 4x3 with black bars)
16) Big 10 Network + 4 Alternates (HD Events 4x3 with black bars)

24/7 HD Content Channels

17) HD Theater
18) HD Net
19) HD Net Movies
20) Universal HD
21) MHD (combo of MTV/VH1 and CMT)

Voom Channels "no one" wants. All Commercial Free and all 24/7 HD (I am not "no one")
22) Rave (music/concerts)
23) Equator (Like the Travel channel and the old OLN)
24) Gallery (Museum/Fine Arts)
25) Treasure (Collectibles/Travel)
26) Animania (some of the worst cartoons you ever saw!)
27) World Cinema (Movies from around the world)
28) Rush (Extreme Sports)
29) World Sport (Sports from around the world and replayed 78,092,832 times)
30) Ultra (Everything you never wanted to know about fashion)
31) Kung Fu (Martial arts movies some great some very camp)
32) Film Fest (More movies from all over)
33) Monster (Horror/monster/sci-fi movies)
34) HD News Channel
35) Game Play (What G4 was before Tech TV/ZDTV)
36) Family (Some good movies for the kids + endless reruns of Flipper and Thunderbirds)

Premium Channels (east versions only) Movies shown original aspect ratio (OAR) including additional letterboxing or pillarboxing when necessary. (Edit: Some movies also cropped (sides clipped off) or slightly zoomed on HBO and Cinemax).
37) HBO
38) Cinemax
39) Starz
40) Showtime

Regional Sports Networks (Part Time Channels) - Counting these only because DirecTV counts theirs
41) Comcast Sports Net
42) Altitude
43) Fox Sports Net Prime Ticket
44) Fox Sports Rocky Mountain
45) Fox Sports Arizona
46) Fox Sports Southwest
47) Fox Sports West
48) Fox Sports Midwest
49) Fox Sports South
50) Sun Sports
51) Fox Sports Florida
52) Comcast Sports Mid Atlantic
53) Fox Sports Ohio (Cleveland/Columbus)
54) Fox Sports Ohio (Cincinnati)
55) Fox Sports Northwest
56) Fox Sports Pittsburgh
57) Comcast Sports Net Chicago
58) Fox Sports Detroit
59) Sports Time Ohio
60) Fox Sports North
61) SportSouth
62) Sports Net New York

Counting these only because DirecTV counts their one channel
63-70) Pay Per View HD (8 channels)

71-86) NHL Center Ice HD channels (Event only part time channels)

+ the 4 Big Ten Network Alternates not counted yet.

90 unique HD channels on Dish Network right now.


  • 4x3vs16x9.JPG
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Dish National HD channel count (for those who are keeping score:

1) Food Network HD (24-7 Unique Schedule to Sd counterpart)
2) HGTV (24/7 - Ditto to above)
3) A&E (Some HD - the rest STRETCH-O-VISION)
4) History Channel HD (Ditto - Stretch-O-Vision)
5) TNT (Some HD - The rest Scaled stretch-o-vision)
6) TBS (Some HD - The rest Scaled stretch-o-vision)
7) ESPN (Lots of HD events, 4x3 SD with borders that prevent burn-in)
8) ESPN 2 (Same as ESPN)
9) NFL Network (many HD events, 4x3 SD with black bars)
10) Discovery Channel (Some HD with "zoomed" SD programs thin black lines on the sides)
11) TLC (Same as Discovery)
12) Animal Planet (Same as Discovery only not as many HD programs)
13) National Geographic Channel (Lots of HD with 4x3 SD black bars)
14) Science Channel (Same as Discovery)
15) Versus/Golf Channel (Some HD events, otherwise mostly 4x3 with black bars)
16) Big 10 Network + 4 Alternates (HD Events 4x3 with black bars)

24/7 HD Content Channels

17) HD Theater
18) HD Net
19) HD Net Movies
20) Universal HD
21) MHD (combo of MTV/VH1 and CMT)

Voom Channels "no one" wants. All Commercial Free and all 24/7 HD (I am not "no one")
22) Rave (music/concerts)
23) Equator (Like the Travel channel and the old OLN)
24) Gallery (Museum/Fine Arts)
25) Treasure (Collectibles/Travel)
26) Animania (some of the worst cartoons you ever saw!)
27) World Cinema (Movies from around the world)
28) Rush (Extreme Sports)
29) World Sport (Sports from around the world and replayed 78,092,832 times)
30) Ultra (Everything you never wanted to know about fashion)
31) Kung Fu (Martial arts movies some great some very camp)
32) Film Fest (More movies from all over)
33) Monster (Horror/monster/sci-fi movies)
34) HD News Channel
35) Game Play (What G4 was before Tech TV/ZDTV)
36) Family (Some good movies for the kids + endless reruns of Flipper and Thunderbirds)

Premium Channels (east versions only) Movies shown original aspect ratio (OAR) including additional letterboxing or pillarboxing when necessary
37) HBO
38) Cinemax
39) Starz
40) Showtime

Regional Sports Networks (Part Time Channels) - Counting these only because DirecTV counts theirs
41) Comcast Sports Net
42) Altitude
43) Fox Sports Net Prime Ticket
44) Fox Sports Rocky Mountain
45) Fox Sports Arizona
46) Fox Sports Southwest
47) Fox Sports West
48) Fox Sports Midwest
49) Fox Sports South
50) Sun Sports
51) Fox Sports Florida
52) Comcast Sports Mid Atlantic
53) Fox Sports Ohio (Cleveland/Columbus)
54) Fox Sports Ohio (Cincinnati)
55) Fox Sports Northwest
56) Fox Sports Pittsburgh
57) Comcast Sports Net Chicago
58) Fox Sports Detroit
59) Sports Time Ohio
60) Fox Sports North
61) SportSouth
62) Sports Net New York

Counting these only because DirecTV counts their one channel
63-70) Pay Per View HD (8 channels)

71-86) NHL Center Ice HD channels (Event only part time channels)

+ the 4 Big Ten Network Alternates not counted yet.

90 unique HD channels on Dish Network right now.

Oh Tony ...You are in big trouble for this:eek: Direct TV lovers will going to scream this is pure BS and that you are spining this HD nonsense war.At least they will call you troll.;):):)
Last edited:
Species: The Awakening, Bionic Woman, Flash Gordon, Stargate: Atlantis and counting. Highly likely Battlestar Galactica as well. I'm sure 80% of this forum would replace A&E HD on their Dish/Cable lineup with Sci-Fi HD in a heartbeat.

Roger that but,,,,

I still want CNN-HD, especially for the specials they will be running this Fall.
Dish National HD channel count (for those who are keeping score:

1) Food Network HD (24-7 Unique Schedule to Sd counterpart)
2) HGTV (24/7 - Ditto to above)
3) A&E (Some HD - the rest STRETCH-O-VISION)
4) History Channel HD (Ditto - Stretch-O-Vision)
5) TNT (Some HD - The rest Scaled stretch-o-vision)
6) TBS (Some HD - The rest Scaled stretch-o-vision)
7) ESPN (Lots of HD events, 4x3 SD with borders that prevent burn-in)
8) ESPN 2 (Same as ESPN)
9) NFL Network (many HD events, 4x3 SD with black bars)
10) Discovery Channel (Some HD with "zoomed" SD programs thin black lines on the sides)
11) TLC (Same as Discovery)
12) Animal Planet (Same as Discovery only not as many HD programs)
13) National Geographic Channel (Lots of HD with 4x3 SD black bars)
14) Science Channel (Same as Discovery)
15) Versus/Golf Channel (Some HD events, otherwise mostly 4x3 with black bars)
16) Big 10 Network + 4 Alternates (HD Events 4x3 with black bars)

24/7 HD Content Channels

17) HD Theater
18) HD Net
19) HD Net Movies
20) Universal HD
21) MHD (combo of MTV/VH1 and CMT)

Voom Channels "no one" wants. All Commercial Free and all 24/7 HD (I am not "no one")
22) Rave (music/concerts)
23) Equator (Like the Travel channel and the old OLN)
24) Gallery (Museum/Fine Arts)
25) Treasure (Collectibles/Travel)
26) Animania (some of the worst cartoons you ever saw!)
27) World Cinema (Movies from around the world)
28) Rush (Extreme Sports)
29) World Sport (Sports from around the world and replayed 78,092,832 times)
30) Ultra (Everything you never wanted to know about fashion)
31) Kung Fu (Martial arts movies some great some very camp)
32) Film Fest (More movies from all over)
33) Monster (Horror/monster/sci-fi movies)
34) HD News Channel
35) Game Play (What G4 was before Tech TV/ZDTV)
36) Family (Some good movies for the kids + endless reruns of Flipper and Thunderbirds)

Premium Channels (east versions only) Movies shown original aspect ratio (OAR) including additional letterboxing or pillarboxing when necessary
37) HBO
38) Cinemax
39) Starz
40) Showtime

Regional Sports Networks (Part Time Channels) - Counting these only because DirecTV counts theirs
41) Comcast Sports Net
42) Altitude
43) Fox Sports Net Prime Ticket
44) Fox Sports Rocky Mountain
45) Fox Sports Arizona
46) Fox Sports Southwest
47) Fox Sports West
48) Fox Sports Midwest
49) Fox Sports South
50) Sun Sports
51) Fox Sports Florida
52) Comcast Sports Mid Atlantic
53) Fox Sports Ohio (Cleveland/Columbus)
54) Fox Sports Ohio (Cincinnati)
55) Fox Sports Northwest
56) Fox Sports Pittsburgh
57) Comcast Sports Net Chicago
58) Fox Sports Detroit
59) Sports Time Ohio
60) Fox Sports North
61) SportSouth
62) Sports Net New York

Counting these only because DirecTV counts their one channel
63-70) Pay Per View HD (8 channels)

71-86) NHL Center Ice HD channels (Event only part time channels)

+ the 4 Big Ten Network Alternates not counted yet.

90 unique HD channels on Dish Network right now.

Great post man, I was wondering when someone was going to take the time to put this list together..How about posting this in the "Direct TV is now the HD leader" forum???
Ha. I said my gut said Wednesday for TBS HD. I was told to get another gut. Since it happened Friday, guess I only need a gastric bypass, instead of a whole new gut. :rolleyes:
Oh Tony ...You are in big trouble for this:eek: Direct TV lovers will going to scream this is pure BS and that you are spining this HD nonsense war.At least they will call you troll.;):):)

Well, he posted it in the Dish Network forum so he can't be called a troll. This competition is good for all of us, E* is feeling some pressure from D* and that can only mean good news to all of us.

Installers took old LNB

Nbc Hd?

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