DISH IRD changeout.??


Original poster
Apr 29, 2006
Is anyone aware of some new activity by DishNetwork to swap out older receivers with a newer model.?? I have a couple of friends who got calls from supposed Dish representatives, telling them that they needed to upgrade their IRD, and that it would be on the way to them within a week. They were also instructed to return the old box within one month, or be charged $100. on one of their subsequent bills. It seemed legit, since the rep already knew their old IRD box number.

Anyone hear of this.??
More Info Needed

Is anyone aware of some new activity by DishNetwork to swap out older receivers with a newer model
Perhaps you can tell us what models are/were being swapped out, and what models are proposed, so we can look into it. It could be an MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 swap, or a swap to a receiver with a secure card.
I would hope they are replacing them with 8PSK compatable receivers. :)

However if they are doing this then why are they giving out 3900 receviers for their Pre Paid service which does not support 8PSK.
This pre-paid thing is a bit of a Gimic. Makes you also wonder about the audit approach.
I have heard that there are a few hotels and motels in Canada which are enjoying this Gimic. They keep pre paid cards for a few months, and if Dish were to shut them off they just get another receiver and continue giving their guests American Satellite TV.
OK, here;s pretty much how the conversation went..

Dish net =Are you having problem with your receivers?
My friend =No i have not problem with them. Why?
Dish net= Because those receivers are defective.. They lose signal some times
Dish net= We want to replace them so you will not have that problem in the future.
Dish net= We will send you the "R007811...2 Receiver
Dish net = You will send us the "1589...7 Receiver
Dish net= If you don't send us the old receivers we will charge you 100 dollars
Dish ney= You will recive the new receivers next week
He is a new sub, less than 2 months, with a pair of 311's probs but they insisted they needed to be changed out.
Also, no mention of what model they were sending...That's it, boys...
When I first signed up with AT&T, I had 5 311s installed. All of them will lose the signal, I've tried everything (replace lnbs, switches, cables, connectors, you name it) and same thing kept happening. I began replacing all the receivers so I only have one 311 left. None of the others receivers loses the signal but the 311 still does from time to time. If you ask me if there is a batch of 311 receivers that are defective, I would say "HELL YEAH".
I'd look at the caller id and see where the call came from and then call Dish Network to verify this information and contact / to find out if this is in fact true. That seems VERY odd to me. No need to receiver swapout unless they have advanced technology that calls in activity stored on the receiver that detects that the receiver is having issues. Are those receivers plugged into phonelines?
Either way folks need to get on new receivers so that way we can get on to better things. Folks that are still old box's can hold up progress some.. :)
I'd look at the caller id and see where the call came from and then call Dish Network to verify this information and contact / to find out if this is in fact true. That seems VERY odd to me. No need to receiver swapout unless they have advanced technology that calls in activity stored on the receiver that detects that the receiver is having issues. Are those receivers plugged into phonelines?

It really makes you wonder how any work ever gets done with everyone and their mothers, grandmothers, third-generation distant cousins and such e-mailing the CEO addresses like they're going out of style. There is a point where it's crying wolf. Not sure where that point was, but as many times as I've seen that address in the last two weeks, I'm reasonably sure this is past it.
If Dish would respond back as they should through the normal means (1 800 333 3474) and so forth then there would be no need to try to go through by "special" means to get answers by "special people" high up.

They should bring someone on this site to answer questions in a special forum. They used to have someone real high up at Dish Network that was on the retailer charlie chats answer questions on the retailer forums.
If Dish would respond back as they should through the normal means (1 800 333 3474) and so forth then there would be no need to try to go through by "special" means to get answers by "special people" high up.

or even at base level -- the last three times i have called them about something - i have had to call back at least two more times to actually get it done ...

If the first person had just done what they said they were going to do - I would have had no need to call back and waste two or three more CSR's time ...

I guess they are trying to justify their jobs by showing how many calls they have to take each month rather than just doing what it is they say they are going to do.

On two of the three occasions .. on the fourth attempt to get something (very simple) actioned .. i have resorted to the ceo address ... there was no reason whatsoever why my calls could not have been answered and dealt with by the very first CSR i called .. and the problem been cleared up within 5 mins - instead it takes 3 calls to CSR - an hour of my time - 30 mins of CSR time and an email to ceo to get anything at all done by anyone from dish.
Sometimes they hang up on me while putting me on hold or transferring me. I believe it is was done on purpose most of the time. I am very upset when I call in next time. You have to be stern to get anything accomplished or they will not take you seriously. I have been having to threaten to cancel service several times lately and even have to be transferred to the cancellation department to get anything done. They have the Asian call centers in full force and that makes it even more difficult.

It would be cheaper to do it all by email instead of by phone. They do have an online help center now too right (live chat like ebay has)? Someone else reported that they did. If they dont then they should definitely add this. Directv should too.
If Dish would respond back as they should through the normal means (1 800 333 3474) and so forth then there would be no need to try to go through by "special" means to get answers by "special people" high up.

They should bring someone on this site to answer questions in a special forum. They used to have someone real high up at Dish Network that was on the retailer charlie chats answer questions on the retailer forums.

;P What questions do you have? What questions would you ask?

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