I know on this web site there are some Dish installers. I have a few questions. My roof has a pitch of like 9/12 or 10/12. Steep. I have climbed up the roof but it's a B. I have a lot of tree's so a new dish needs to be at the top of my roof. I am going to upgrade to the Hopper as soon as the snow melts. I wish I could do it now but Wisconsin winters are ruff. Questions are do installers carry needed ladders say a 20ft extension? Would they try to install a Dish? I need the new style Dish for the Hopper. I don't get HD locals I use OTA and Have VIP722K's. Seems like techs are unmotivated to install one. Spots on the roof that will work are reachable from the side. What I am confused about is. I see Sat Dishes on all kinds of tall buildings and steep roof's. But it has been a struggle to get some body to even try. I had a tech out once sent by dish for low signal. I asked the tech at that time to put a new dish up and I would pay for it. He said he did not have enough time. Or the correct ladders.My neighbor left dish after 2 years. He has a newer Dish I could snatch and set it up myself. But why should I? I can and I am willing, but why won't people who do this for a living get it done? Thanks just a little vent. I have talked with Mary from D.I.R.T. and I am set to up grade when it's a little warmer. Just want a guy who will start and finish the job.