Speaking only to picture quality, and as cebbigh stated, DISH doesn't even come close to that of HD DVD.
That's not to say that DISH HD is bad. It's just no where near the quality of HD DVD. For instance, for years I enjoyed DVD (SD), and I couldn't imagine how the picture quality could improve. Then I got DISH HD. I was blown away. Suddenly all those DVD's seemed to look like crap to me. A similar experience occurred when I got HD DVD. Now DISH HD doesn't "look like crap", but it is a far cry from HD DVD.
That said, if HD DVD doesn't offer the movies you want to see, then what good is the picture quality?
Speaking to the two media as a whole, however, it's not a fair comparison. HD DVD has many interactive features and general "cool stuff" that's not available with DBS-provided HD (archived or otherwise). I rarely watched "extra features" on DVD's, but with HD DVD the features are so interactive and intuitive I find that I watch them more.
None of the aforementioned arguments address the longevity of the media. No one really knows how long HD DVD will be available. For me, the price was right. If HD DVD only survives for 1 year, I feel I'll have gotten my money's worth.
very well said.
HD DVD was worth it for me to add on via the 360. Clarity is incredible. Check out Netflix for a HD DVD source. 300 came tonight