Dish HD vs Disney (DISH sort of won...)

Lying implies knowledge of a certain type.

CSR's have no idea what they are talking about, so no matter what they tell you it isn't necessarily a lie, more likely ignorance trying to look informed.
Maybe good

They've lied to me numerous times on the phone about it. I finally canceled and went with DirecTV. The Disney thing was just the last straw. When I canceled they said they would charge me $15 to send their box back - even though I've been paying for it for 6 years. When I asked to speak to his supervisor he put me on hold and hung up on me. I'm just tired of the fees every time I switch programming.

The $15 is a pain we know that. Now that you are w/ D* it is my understanding (might be wrong) but many have had contracts extended when they change their programming.
The $15 is a pain we know that. Now that you are w/ D* it is my understanding (might be wrong) but many have had contracts extended when they change their programming.
Not sure about that, but they definitely did when replacing bad equipment.
If you have kids you watch them. My 5 year old watches Disney and Nick more than any other channels and the HD versions are far better than the SD ones. I would not watch them if I were single and childless - but when you have kids they are on quite a bit.
Disney hd is now on per dish car. Dish hd will be on once the contract dispute is over. If Disney revenues goes down the an agreement will be signed, same is true if dish has a high turn rate.
Wow I never post but read every day and have for a long time. Most people on here are very friendly and well informed but people like KAB that are just rude and I'll-informed make these threads not worth reading anymore. Too bad there are people like him in these forums.
Wow I never post but read every day and have for a long time. Most people on here are very friendly and well informed but people like KAB that are just rude and I'll-informed make these threads not worth reading anymore. Too bad there are people like him in these forums.

everyone is entitled to their opinion, even you! :up
Wow I never post but read every day and have for a long time. Most people on here are very friendly and well informed but people like KAB that are just rude and I'll-informed make these threads not worth reading anymore. Too bad there are people like him in these forums.

You might want to tell me what post offended this thread? Or others... Yes I do call a spade a spade.
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Do kids know the diff between HD and SD?

They do when there is no such thing as SD (thanks Dish America!). That means there is no such thing as those three channels I am continuing to pay for, but are not there. I used to watch Disney on Saturday mornings with my son, My wife and I both enjoyed ABC Family (shocking!) and ESPN News was my preferred sports news format (continously moving to get in all the scores and data you cna handle).

So yes, this does affect my family and I'm sure a great many deal others who aren't posting here because not everyone posts to the web their troubles.

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