if this suit gets settled what HD Channels are coming back thanks?
During my chat with a Dish CSR tonight I asked about these HD channels and that the rumor was that nothing would change until the remaining channel contracts expire between Dish Network and Disney. The Dish CSR agreed and indicated that they haven't been given any information as to when to expect these channels to return Dish programming but did indicate that there is approx 3 mos remaining channel contracts and they expected something to happen at that time.
looks like this CSR might be right and i been saying it a lot lately, so expect theses channels to come back when they make a new deal for the other Disney channels when the contract expires.
There's still the matter of the lawsuits to complicate matters that probably won't go away even with contracts up for renewal. If E* is truly concerned about not paying twice for the same content, they won't cave and neither will Disney if they want double payments. If the contracts are just for the SD versions, they could be renewed and subs would still not have HD for those channels.
That was one of the reasons that E* sued Disney. E* wanted the same terms (i.e. free HD) as the other providers were getting from Disney. E* had a most favored nation clause in their contract that Disney and a judge said didn't apply but the appeals court said it probably does.What I don't understand is; how do the other providers (DirecTV, Comcast, etc) handle this? Are they all paying double? Is Disney going to the same with the others when their contracts are up for renewal? This can't be just Disney messing with Dish.....
I understnad that DISH was their gunea pig in this arena.
So when the other providers contracts are up, they are going to do the same with them?
Too bad Dish can't just pay for HD and downconvert for SD customers.
I believe Disney wants to be paid for all subs at the SD rate and then again for all subs with HD. It should be possible to provide a sub with either the SD or HD feed, but not both, to avoid double paying. However, if Disney makes a condition for HD that subs also have to have the SD feed, then they get paid double for HD subs. That is the issue as I understand it.
Tell me if I got this right. So Disney wants Dish to pay separate for the SD and HD fee yet the other providers like DirecTV, FiOS and cable only have to pay for one feed for SD and HD.
Tell me if I got this right. So Disney wants Dish to pay separate for the SD and HD fee yet the other providers like DirecTV, FiOS and cable only have to pay for one feed for SD and HD.